Chapter 13:

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That Day,Thursday.......... 3 weeks left for the last year exams,Usually most of the girls don't come,They don't take many lessons...

Just Paige And Anne came to school that day And Omilia  but she didn't stay with them....

"Who is it ?!"Anne said putting her hands on Paige's eyes.

"That's my darling...."Paige said taking Anne's hands and kissing them,She grabbed her and sat her on her knees.

"We are all alone today do you know what am I thinking....Ahahahha"Anne said Smiling playing in Paige's hair.

"Yeah,The same thing I was thinking about..."Paige said about to kiss Anne when they heard the sound of Omilia.

"Hey,girls how are you,missed you so much,Did you see Shinda I need her to take my maths book from her"Omilia Said.

"Oh,I guess she was passing by the Gym..."Paige answered.

"Oh Ok,Thank you girls,are we gonna stay together at the break today or are you girls busy ?"Omilia asked.

"Actually I needed to talk with Paige in something running into my head for a long time,But If you needed us we would be there"Anne said smiling.

"No no,It's okay maybe we can stay together when the girls are back..."Omilia answered.

Omilia left....

"I heard that our classes would be joined today,no many girls came..."Paige said.

"That would be awesome !!,I just grabbed something which I wanted you to see..."Anne said.

"What is it ?"Paige asked.

"You will know when we are together"Anne said winking.

Paige grabbed her and kissed her then they returned back to the classes....

When they were back,The English teacher was absent so the classes were joined and they had a free lesson.

Anne went to Paige's class and they sat at the back,She showed her a video of two girls having sex and at the end of the video she wrote,"Imagine Us"....

Paige was watching the video and smiling,just holding Anne's hands.....Squeezing it,Then she held Anne's legs when once a sudden Genna Appeared seeing that sight....

"What are you both doing ?!"Genna asked.

"Oh nothing....."Paige said quickly taking off from Anne....

"Why did you pop up suddenly ?!"Anne asked.

"There was no one except you to stay with but now I see you have company and you don't need me"Genna Answered.

"Yeah,I guess...Not anymore Genna"Anne said smiling holding Paige's hands...

Genna was too angry,She left immediatly and the girls just kept looking to each other....

Break time approached...

Anne took Paige to a girls bathroom,Which no one usually goes to.

"I would make you my queen,My princess,I won't look for the prince,I would search for the snow white,And here.... I found you my snow white...."Anne said.

"If I'm your snow white,Then excuse me my cindrella,But having you just made me feel ALIVE,It made me feel that my mind wasn't thinking about anything except my Beautiful Cindrella,That cindrella was you.....Would you....."Paige said.

"What would I ?"Anne asked smiling.

"MARRY ME ANNE......... PLEASE!!"Paige said.

Anne was surprised....She thought about what to say,She wanted to say YES !,But in the same time what would happen if they really got married.....She didn't think about anything she just said "Yes"

And all a sudden....They started to make out in the girls bathroom,Taking off their clothes slowly and making out...

While they were in the bathroom...They heard a knock on the door.

They dressed up quickly and left from the back door....

The girls who wwere knocking were Omilia with Shinda....They noticed that Anne and Paige were in the same bathroom but didn't know what was going on they saw them leaving from the back door...

"Did you see what I saw ??!!"Shinda said surprised.

"I wish I didn't......!!"Omilia Answered...

"What does that mean ?!!"Shinda Asked.

"I just don't know...But Anne had been my childhood friend for like 8 years and I know she's not a lesbian !,She can't be I mean that CAN NOT BE....I'm Freaking Out !!!Omilia said.

"Maybe they were just saying something that they didn't want anyone to listen to,I guess it's better if we just talked about it with Rina...She is the closest to Anne you know that....Plus Paige is a boy crazy,She can't be a lesbian....Just calm down...We would talk to them tomorrow...."Shinda said.

"We would see...."Omilia said.....

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