Chapter 8:

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"Hello girls,X-mas after 2 weeks from now,Any ideas ?"Said the principal.

"No...."The girls said looking bored.

"I really hate that school it's the worst ! Can't you see everything is just shit in it !"Paige said.

"Even me ?!"Anne asked.

"Anne Are you crazy ?!Of course not,you are my bestfriend ! I love you"Paige said.

"Just your bestfriend ?!...Ummmm...okay"Anne said.

"Did I say something wrong ?!"Paige asked.

"No nothing at all just wondering"Anne said.

"Anne,you are acting as if Paige is your girlfriend or something"Andy whispered.

"And is it wrong that I love her ?!"Anne answered loudly that everyone heard her and Paige turned red.

"Anne,what is wrong with you ?!!"Shinda asked.

"Am I crazy now ?!,There is nothing everyone just don't involve in my life,And now Paige !,Wanna walk with me ?!"Anne asked.

"Oh....Sure...."Paige said unable to talk,Anne took her by the hand and left.

"I guess Anne turned crazy !"Nina Said.

"Well.....There is something wrong with her I'm sure !"Omilia Said.

Rina thought about what Paige told her about Anne's love or crush ,She begun to feel something wrong,She begun to notice that that crush was actually Paige....

"Excuse me girls I need to go study"Rina left trying to find Paige and Anne.

Anne was walking with Paige angrily when Paige held her hands asking her to stop,Anne didn't stop,Paige suddenly held her hands mixing her fingers with Anne's...Anne stopped looking at their hands...

"Anne I'm your bestfriend and I just need you to calm down"Paige said.

"I'm's just the one I love can't feel me Paige,And that's killing me..."Anne said.

"But I'm here with you,Always and forever...."Paige said smiling to Anne.

3 days passed.....Paige begun to feel that there was something weird with Anne towards her.She feels that Anne is acting abnormal with her,The way she looks to her,The way she talks to her,The way she holds her hand,Or hugs her....

Everything just shows what Anne feels,And the worst that Paige begun to feel something towards Anne,Begun to try to stop it,But Anne is just too nice and lovingly with her,Everytime Paige tries to think About Mark,Marious or Louis(one of her other boyfriends) But she never found someone loving her as Anne just did...

A week passed....

"sorry guys I was too awful with you I apologize..."Anne said feeling sorry for her silly way with her friends.

"It's okay just what's important is seeing you happy and that's just enough"Rina said.

"No it's not okay! You are always too angry and always sad and always a drama queen and it's enough!"Andy said.

"ANDY !!"Paige and Omilia said.

"It's okay It's okay,Let her say what's in her heart And she's right,I'm a drama queen,Sorry for bothering you guys"Anne said heading to leave.Paige went after her just hugging her and getting closer to her...

"Anne,Don't care about what Andy said."Paige said.

"It's okay she is right,I'm a drama queen"Anne said.

"But I don't feel so,Don't you care about my opinion ?"Paige said getting more closer to Anne.

"Of course I do Paige..."Anne said.But Paige got nervous and just left Anne's hands...

"So did you tell who you loved that you love him?"Paige asked.

"Paige....What you need to know that...It's not him.."Anne said.

"Not him ?!"Asked Paige getting more nervous.

"Paige actually I am...."Anne said.

"You are ?!"Paige asked getting more and more nervous.

"I'm.....A LESBIAN"Anne said looking to the ground.....

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