Chapter 21:

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Another day....At class,Anne sitting,not really listening to the lesson...She was looking from the window of the class,just to see a glance of Paige...

Paige showed up...she looked up to Anne's class,She kept smiling and making heart shapes with her hands,Anne felt that she needed to go down to Paige at once,so she excused the teacher to go to the nurse*it was a lie to go to Paige,she went to the nurse and took a medicine although she wasn't sick,so that she could go down to Paige*

Anne,down the playground looking at Paige and smiling,Paige smiled back,Anne ran to Paige and Paige hugged her.

"Oh,hey.."Anne said.

"Hey,Anne"Paige said smiling.

"So...?"Anne said laughing.

"How did you go down ?"Paige asked laughing.

"Nothing,just a little lie saying to go to the nurse because I was sick just to see you,I've missed you so much"Anne said hugging Paige again.

"You can't imagine how I missed you don't"Paige said whispering to Anne giving her a letter and ran back to her departement.

Anne took the letter and rushed back to the class before someone would notice that she wasn't at the nurse as she said,She openes the letter....

"My dear,Anne....I don't really know how to start my letter this time...I dunno what to tell you after what I made,after hurting you,but what you must know that I never meant to hurt you nor make you cry ever,I swear ! you dunno how I had a war between my soul and my mind about not losing you,you are the only one that gave me hope,the one that made me feel I wanted to live,The only one that was clean....everyone just wanted me for sex or whatever but you didn't want me for these reasons loved me,just wanted to be with me anyway so you said let's just be bestfriends as not to loose me....I dunno what to say really Anne,I failed of letting you go my love,I can't just hide the fact that I want to kiss you,I can't just do this,Whenever I watch a romance movie,I could imagine us,Anne....Will you accept me once more my love ?..."Anne reads Paige's letter crying out of happiness,She waited for the break time so that she could tell Paige how much she loved her.

Omilia's hands were injured so she was sent to her home,They were all worried about her so they all called her during the break time to be sure she was fine,Rina and Andy went looking for Henna and Shinda,Nina was absent,

Anne and Paige were waiting for them all alone,Anne held Paige's hands from the back,then hugged her from the back,

Paige turned to Anne and smiled...kissing Anne's head...

"My answer is that you are the reason i'm alive Paige..."Anne said smiling holding Paige's hands..

Paige kissed Anne...Anne then laughs...

"what ?"Paige asked laughing.

"you know what ?"Anne asked hugging Paige.

"What ?"Paige asked kissing Anne and holding her.

"I'm going to recieve a detention because of how madly I think of you Paige....don't ever dare to leave me again.."Anne said stopped by Paige.

"Let's not think about anything except you and me now Anne...."Paige said to Anne kissing her....Anne then headed back to class,She was late so she was kicked ou,doing nothing except thinking about Paige and how she is madly inlove with her,

"Oh,why were you kicked out,why were you late,where were you and Paige,we've been looking for you everywhere...."

"Hahahahah Henna calm down,so many questions and I've got no answer,all what I can say that I'm happy !!!!"Anne said hugging Henna and screaming out of happiness...

"Do you know that Omilia is sick ??"Henna asked surprised about Anne's mood.

"I guess I do,so ?"Anne asked wondering what was wrong about that.

"She's our friend...don't you even feel sorry for her ?,you didn't even call her...anyway I was just wondering..."Henna said leaving....

Anne called Omilia,her birthday was the other day,Anne always loved to surprise her friends,but she wasn't going to meet Omilia to gift her on her birthday,as Omilia wasn't coming school for 10 days.

At the bus,returning home...

"Mary,I'm super happy"Anne said to Miss Mary.

"Of course it's something that belongs to Paige,isn't it?"Mary asked wickedly about to laugh.

"Yessssssss,I love her"Anne said screaming that everyone in the bus noticed.

"Shhhhhh,people would understand it."Genna said coming forward,

Anne told her everything,Genna was intrested in Anne's conversation,she always admired Anne's and Paige's relation,Genna was Pisces as Paige,So she always adviced Anne how to treat Paige...She helped Anne a lot,

That day to Anne was just like heaven....She wasn't in the mood of doing anything except thinking about her love to Paige....

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