Chapter 17:

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"OH MY........"Nina stood staring....

Anne and Paige suddenly stopped kissing and they stood staring to Nina wondering what she would do or say.....They were all silent but Anne started to talk...

"Nina it's not what you think I swear...."Anne approached to Nina.

"Get away from me !!!,You are a sick person !!,I knew what you really are now !!"Nina said shouting in the bathroom.

Suddenly Paige begun to cry swearing to Nina that it was nothing and that she was just sad and Anne was trying to comfort her down...But Nina just turned mad at what she saw....She left,Anne kept running after her but she returned to Paige who was actually freaking out...

"Well,I don't care what she saw Paige !!,I love you and thanks God she just knew it !"Anne said.

"Just knew it ?!!!!!,do you know what she is just going to do now ??!!!,She would just go tell everyone about us so simply !!"Paige said.

"Even if she did !!,I still don't care !I love you Paige !,My life is with you ! and it's all what I care about ! I don't even care what people think about us !,We are inlove ! not doing a crime....Plus Nina will get over it I know her !!,She doesn't have except us and all the school dislike her !,Calm down please."Anne said to Paige who was freaking out.

"Anne,I can't hide that I love you !,But can't love you then lose you the next day !!,If anyone knew what we are we are simply going to be kicked out of school !!"Paige said.

"I'll ask Rina and Andy to talk to her,tell her that what she saw was nothing and that we were training for your new boyfriend or anything !!,I'll handle it but just calm down please !...."Anne said.

"Enough Anne...."Paige said crying and left.

After 3 lessons.....Rina and Andy apporoached she told them what happened and they promised to handle it,But Rina was too damn worried about what might happen because of Nina....She just calmed Anne down and Andy talked with Paige and told her that they would handle that shit all over....

Rina and Andy were searching for Nina...They found her standing with Omilia and Omilia knew what happened....

"Omilia please can I talk with Nina alone please ?!"Rina asked.

"I know what happened RINA !,And that's enough I won't be talking with lesbians ! who were supposed to be my bestfriends even if Nina did...I won't ! got it ?!"Omilia said.

"Omilia.....They aren't,Paige was just too way worried of losing her boyfriend when he tried to kiss her and she wasn't able to,Anne was just showing her the right way."Rina said.

"Showing her the right way ??!!!,They are two girls RINA !!,It's clear can't you see it !?,they are lesbians !!"Nina said.

"Don't judge a person without knowing what they feel Nina ! Anyway it's your freedom but she is our friend....And if we knew that you said a word about her we just won't let you alive got it ?!!"Andy asked and took Rina and left.

There were 2 days left for school to end and everything was just doomed.....Anne was too damn worried of what happened and she thought that she would loose Paige forever of what happened...But Paige loved her.....

She kept wondering and wondering of what to do ! But she wasn't comfortable about what was about to happen....

Last day of exams....

"So where are we going to hang out after the exam?!"Shinda said smiling.

They were all looking to the ground and not in the mood of talking....

"Hello !!,I'm talking everyone do you hear me ?!"Shinda asked.

"Shinda I'm not in the fucking mood to hang out with anyone okay ??!!"Omilia said and left looking to Anne in such a cruel way.

"Why is she looking to me in such a way !!!???"Anne said very angry.

"It's nothing maybe she is just overloaded or something..."Andy said.

But Anne went after Omilia and grabbed her arm trying to make her stop asking her what was wrong with her and why was she looking to her in such cruel ways...

"You've been my bestfriend for 8 years..Anne !,Now I don't even know who amI talking to anymore !..."Omilia said.

"And what am I to you now ?!!"Anne asked.

"You are being someone I don't even know...."Omilia said and left...

Paige took Anne and started to talk with her...

"Anne you know that I love you so DAMN MUCH !"Paige said.

"But you know that our realtionship won't last that year....Besides my IGCSEI won't even see you a lot...."Paige said.

"You lied to me !!!!!!!,You told me I would see you more even than we used too !!!"Anne said freaking out.

"I know I did.....I just didn't want you to freak you out as you are now....Anne you are the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me..You know that and I know that you love me so much !....It's just I'm making you lose your friends because of me and beacause of our love that isn't even going to work out......"Paige said and kissed Anne...

Anne stood silent just looked to Paige and fainted.....

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