Chapter 15:

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Day off finally....

Anne was just too depressed and didn't talk to anyone....She just sat alone..Didn't want to eat,didn't want to study and didn't even want to get out from her room

Her mobil phone made an alert it was her what's app,Genna....

"Anne,I was wondering why are you sad and what was wrong with you, actually you made me worried plus I saw you many times crying at school and that even made me wonder more what was wrong...You can tell me you know...."Genna.

"Thank you Genna for your care but I really don't wish to talk about it....."Anne.

"Maybe if you talked about it you would be better...Try me...."Genna.

"It's just something about me that just made my whole life change...."Anne.

"Is it about your lesbian thing ?!"Genna asked.

"Genna...."Anne was typing when Genna interrupted her....

"Anne it's okay.....I'm bisexual and that's really freaking me out too....I just can't show it neither talk about it...You know but with you I just can do everything...."Genna.

"What everything you want to do ?!"Anne.

"Paige isn't really what you want she just brings you down and it's not fair for you....I see you deserve someone better than her...Besides did you make out ?!"Genna.

"Yes we did....I liked it and Paige is actually my girlfriend and I love her so much and I will always do.....But if you want me to teach you how to kiss I can...."Anne said forgetting everything about Paige and her life she just wanted to kiss Genna wondering why she thought about it but she just wanted to do it out of revenge....

"Yes I want it,I actually I want you to lick me all over and make me forget everything......Tomorrow at school okay ?!!"Genna.

"Okay see you tomorrow"Anne.

Next day at school...No one of Anne's friends came except Genna and she was too way looking hot...

"Here you are...."Genna said to Anne about to kiss her....But Anne turned away...

"Genna, I love Paige...Maybe I used to love you too much before but you didn't...You still don't love me you just want me because there is no one except me you know as a lesbian who would help you do what you wanted to do...Yesterday I was just too sad that's why I accepted but I can't be a cheater Genna...."Anne said trying to let go off of Genna's hands and was about to leave when Genna pushed her to the bathroom door and locked it kissing her...Anne didn't stop her....She still had some feelings for Genna....Genna was about to take of her clothes but Anne suddenly opened the door and left...

While she was opening the door Mrs/Britt stood infront of the door finding her in the same bathroom with Genna

"GOD !"Anne said unable to move and suddenly Mrs/Britt kept on shouting...

"I need an explanation at once !!!!"Mrs/Britt shouted and Genna just rushed to her class,Miss/Marry appeared out of no where,she calmed down Mrs/Britt giving her some excuses to take Anne until she accepted it....

"Anne !,I need to understand what was going on and DON'T CRY !,Didn't you tell me that you stopped talking to that girl called Genna ?!!"Miss Mary asked too angry.

"I just don't know what happened !!,I don't know how did I even allow it !!"Anne said weeping.

"Okay just calm down and tell me what was it that happened !"Mary said.

"SHE KISSED ME !!!"Anne screamed...."I just don't know how I didn't stop her !!,How did I cheat on Paige !!,I'm a cheater a CHEATER !!!"Anne said screaming and just too way furious from herself.

Marry held her and calmed her down until she slept....And when Anne got back home she realized how she was just too weak to stop Genna although she changed her mind about kissing her but Genna just surprised her and Anne liked it because she used to love Genna....

She kept thinking about what to tell Paige and how to tell her what happened....She just had the worst day of her life...

She sent Paige a message asking her to come tomorrow badly because she wanted to talk with her about something...She also asked Andy to come...She wasn't already talking with Rina and she knew that if Rina knew what happened she might do many problems with Genna...

She also sent Genna telling her "Genna I will never do it again...You are my will be between us only but please don't force me to do anything from what happened today again....."

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