Chapter 19:

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During the vacation....

"Dear diary...,"Anne writes."Yesterday was our first hangout together....Paige was just fine...not the Paige I always knew but she was fine...She didn't even stand with me for sometime alone...her mother was with us,she is a nice lady and she treated me nicely,but Paige was always standing still like a statue,Andy ruined some of the hangout but it was still okay,Rina,Shinda and Nina also came,I had fun but it wasnt the fun I was used to...There was something missing even when Paige was beside me...there was something missing as if She wasn't even there...I miss the one who gave me my first kiss not the IG girl..."

Anne's vacation was like hell,she always missed Paige,even when they talked on phone Paige was always silent,not talking,waiting for Anne to start.

They didn't meet again until after 4 months,in this vacation Paige was thinking about returning to Anne as just friends...she was still thinking about how she got hurt when she left Marious And Mark,

She wanted to leave before Anne does,she was always thinking of a way to tell that to Anne,but deep inside her she never wanted this to happen,she really loved Anne so much and never wanted to do such a cruel thing,Especially because Anne was too way great with her,She was the one who healed her hurt and made her feel better when she just wanted to die,

On the other side

Anne was doing nothing but thinking about Paige and how she would prepare for her surprises when they get back to school,she made her many drawings,many videos of their memories and some letters which Paige always loved,

Yes,Anne hanged a lot with the others but still Paige was the one and only one in her heart...She missed her so much...

Rina was thinking of a way to save her best friend from the bitch whom she thought Paige was,she was always feeling that Paige was the reason that Anne became a lesbian,was the reason for Anne's sadness and cries,She tried to make Anne closer to her boyfriends she knew, so that she would like anyone of them and forget about Paige,But that didn't work it out,Anne was thinking about nothing but Paige

The others never really loved Paige a lot,maybe Shinda was the one who loved Paige a little bit

Also Andy was trying to get closer to Paige as to help her in the new IG system as she was the only one she knew there...

One day...Anne on phone with Paige's Mum

"Heya,Aunt how are you ?"Anne.

"Hello,my dear everything is fine,you ?"Mother.

"I just miss Paige so much and she hasn't called for ages...I wonder if she's fine?"Anne.

"She is don't worry, but my dear..."Mother said looking to Paige who was weeping beside her asking to tell Anne what they agreed to say.

"But..?"Anne asked beating too fast.

"Paige loves you,she told me you are a very nice girl and very good with her even helped her when these sluts Marious and Mark got into her life,and didn't leave her as others did,but I guess rumors are being said about you both and about your love...People say you are lesbians and I know that my daugther will never be such a person,if you just please love her let go of her,I know its hard to leave your bestfriend but believe me it's the best so that people will stop calling you by these things...okay dear ?"Mother.

"Paige...told ya so ?"Anne asked weeping.

"I'm a mother and I can't see my daughter hurt and just watch,please if you love her just leave her..."Mother.

"If Paige is beside you...and I know she is..tell her that she was the only one I've ever....had as my bestfriend"Anne said closing the phone and thinking all over the phone call,she was depressed,nothing could describe her sadness and how she felt that was like a knife in her heart,She didn't even understand what happened,or why did her mother say such words,all what she wanted was to die....and never live such a day...

Anne kept depressed and lonely for more than 2 months,All what she wanted was Paige

One day she went to the school,to check her class and her young sister's class

She knew that the IG system started,She wanted to talk to Paige....She thought about that many times but she just wanted to talk to her badly,she called for a girl in the IG to call for Paige without telling that Anne was the one who wanted her

Paige came down from the IG department,wearing the new system's uniform,Anne never imagined Paige like this,she was about to cry,first because she missed Paige so much,Second because Paige will never be with her again in the same departement,third because of what she was thinking to tell Paige

They both stood staring to each other and suddenly Paige hugged Anne,Anne weeped hugging Paige back and telling her that she missed her,

They both sat together saying nothing

Paige started...

"You look pretty.."Paige said.

"Oh ! me ? thank you"Anne said.

"Don't I look pretty too ?"Paige said smiling.

"Much prettier in our uniform, not in that one..."Anne said.

"I never wanted to go to that system but you know my mum was the reason for that..."Paige said.

"You don't have to give excuses for what you do Paige..."Anne said.

"Well,you came to talk to me ?"Paige asked.

"I guess I did...Paige..."Anne was about to start when Paige stopped her telling...

"Anne,you know that I love you....But what's our future ? where is it ??,what will I tell my mother when she knows I love a girl ?! That I'm attracted to a girl,To you Anne !,Anne you know well that you represent my whole life,But that will never happen again,Anne i'm not hurting you,but before we were lovers,we were bestfriends,and we were living normally,I guess that's better for both of us,I know you love me and you know that I never loved someone like I loved you....And that I waisted my time loving people who didn't deserve my love....You do Anne...But that will never happen again..I will never kiss you again Anne...."Paige said and stopped when Anne held her hands looking into her eyes about to cry,They were sitting in the place where they first met at school.

"So that means you are just leaving me Paige ?"Anne said crying.

"Don't call it leaving you,let us call it a new start Anne...."Paige said kissing Anne's hands and rushing back to her departement.

Anne kept crying very hardly and walked back the whole road crying and thinking about what Paige said,And how she was going to accept that so easily,How will she treat her as just a bestfriend ?

She was her lover not just her bestfriend,Anne was just disappointed...

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