Chapter 11:

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"Anne,OMG I missed you so much !!"Paige said to Anne the next day,beside the bathrooms kissing her,Anne kissed her really hard...She missed her so much.

Anne suddenly took her into her lap asking her...

"Paige,You don't have any idea what I felt without you that week,Are you kidding me ?!,Where were you ??!!"Anne asked.

"Anne,I'm sorry I am really so sorry,It was just my mother and I,We had a fight,she knew everything between me and Mark and Marious,And she is just freaking out,I really didn't know what to do or what even to tell you...I tried to call you but she just took my phone and switched it off"Paige said.

"It's okay,What's important that you are just here with me now..."Anne said pushing Paige to the wall,squeezing her hair,looking to her eyes, and kisses her...

The school bell rang,They suddenly returned back to their classes,And between the classes,

Rina just appeared she asked Paige what was wrong,Paige told her what was going on and how she was freaked out,Rina wished her luck but she went looking for Anne when Genna appeared...

"Hey hey I see you are back Paige"Genna said.

"And how did you know that I wasn't here ?!"Paige asked.

"Well,In the school there is nothing secretive especially about lesbians"Genna said winking.

Paige was about to fight her when Anne appeared

"GOD !!,are you outta of your mind ?!"Anne shouted to Genna.

"Well,Came to defend your lesbo partener ??!!,FUCK YOU BOTH"Genna said.

Anne was about to hit her when Paige stopped her telling her it's not worth it,Nina appeared she saw Paige and Anne holding each other's hands in a very weird way and even looking to each other in a very loving way she was surprised...

"Do you both need 2 lemon jucies ?!"Nina asked.

"Ahahahha,why ?!"Paige asked.

"I see,you both are about to get married"Niina said.

"Ahahahah,I wish I would marry someone like my Paige LOL"Anne said laughing when Rina appeared.

"She is joking Nina don't over react please....."Rina said winking to Anne and smiling.

Anne asked for a miniute alone with Rina.

"So you still wanna be with me ?!"Paige asked.

"Are you kidding ?!,Of course I will,not because you are now like that I would leave you....I would just stay with you until they vey end.until you return back to your old you,No matter what you are I just love you the way you are."Rina said smiling.

Anne just hugged her hardly thanking her for being with her the most when she needed a true best friend.

At the break,

"Did you girls see Omilia ?!"Shinda asked.

"No,why ?!,I also didn't see Paige it's weird."Anne said.

"I'll go look for them"Nina said leaving with Shinda.

"Finally alone I need to talk with you..."Rina said interrupted by Andy.

"Is everything fine ?!,where are the rest ?!"Andy asked.

"Yes,it is just looking for Paige..."Anne said.

"Yeah about Paige I wanted to tell you..."Rina said interrupted again by Andy.

"Today I had the worst exam ever !!,I just don't know how I would even pass it,Pray for me girls please pray pray !!,I really love the IGCSE but it's too way hard !"Andy said.

"Oh God with you Andy,So what did you want to say Rina ?!"Anne asked smiling to her.

"No nothing I was just thinking about something...never mind it"Rina said.

Omilia and the rest of the girls returned back except for Paige....Anne started to feel there was something wrong with Paige....And she thinks that Rina was hiding something.

At the end of the day...Anne was waiting for Paige infront of her Class but for her shitty luck she didn't find her,She found Rina who was waiting for Anne infront of her class...

"Rina do you know where is Paige ?!,we were supposed to meet infront of her class SHIT!"Anne asked.

"I thought she told you about Mark....OPPS !! I should've not said that !!"Rina said.

"Mark ?!,what's wrong with that basterd ?!!,say come on!!"Anne said.

"Actually,Anne....They....."Rina wasn't able to talk.

"They what RINA ?!"Anne asked horribely worried.

"They made up again....I'm sorry."Rina said leaving Anne who was standing like a statue,Trying to realize what Rina have just said....

"BITCH !!!!!!!"Anne screamed running looking for Paige...She found her with Shinda....

"You fucking bitch,how dare you,HOW DARE YOU !!!"Anne asked Paige hitting her with her bag that Paige bleed....

"Are you crazy ??!!!,How dare me what??,shit have you gone out of your freaking mind ??!!"Paige asked Anne who was freaking out,holding her nose which was already bleeding...

Shinda tried to calm Anne down,Without understanding what was even going on,She tried to take Paige to her bus so she can just rest but Anne stopped her raising her voice in the middle of the school....

"BITCH,you do that to me ??!!,You blackmail me ?!,You tell me stories of love and send me letters and at the end you are just a cheater ?!,How dare you do that to me,Answer me !!,How dare you ?!"Anne asked.

"Cheater,Love stories ??!!,What are you even talking about what is wrong with you Anne??!!"Shinda asked Anne angirly,People surrounded them.

Paige left immediately.....

And Shinda just made Anne realize how she has put Paige in a bad situation....

Anne just stood alone at school,crying and went to her bus....

She told Miss Marry about what she did,Miss Marry turned angry at her telling her that she must apologize at once,And what she did was totally wrong,she didn't even try to hear her she just went and hit her that she bleed,Miss Marry knew that Anne's relation with Paige wasn't normal at all,She tried to calm Anne down,Showing her that what happened was totally wrong and she tried to cheer her up because the christmas party was the next day....

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