Chapter 3:

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"A trip to "Halley House Lake" Tuesday 9 am everyone,If you wanna join go to the headmaster's office and book your place".An officer said.

"Wow !,Halley House Lake is amazing !,I've always wondered if I could go it but my mum never accepted I wish she does now".Paige Said.

"Good that,I really wish to go but my mum won't accept it I know it...She would just tell me don't waist your time in shit or go take the money from your father and I wouldn't go tell him a word about money,You know my dad...."Anne Said.

"Sweety,It's okay we can just make a hang out or go to a food court or anything that day,We would enjoy it don't worry"Rina Said.

"Yeah,Yeah Ahahahha don't worry,Even if your mother didn't accept it I would pay it for you and to go all together"Andy Said.

"Guys you are really amazing!,I just don't know how to thank you"Anne Said.

"Don't thank us,There is no thanks between us you know"Nina Said.

*They had a small conversation,Paige wasn't in the mood of talking as if there was something in her mind*

"Paige ?"Anne Said.

"Umm..Yeah ?"Paige Said.

"What's wrong ?"Anne Asked.

"Oh Nothing"Paige Said.

*Anne whispered to Omilia and Shinda telling them that Paige wasn't in the mood of talking,so she told them that she would take her and talk to her at the break alone,as it was time for the next lesson"

It was the Maths lesson,The lesson that Anne hated the most,She just told her mate beside her to hide her because she wanted to send an SMS for Paige asking her if she was okay.

"Paige,are you good now ?"Anne.

"Yeah.It's just something I was thinking about"Paige.

"What is it ?"Anne.

"Do you remember Mark ?"Paige.

"Yeah I do,what's wrong with him ?"Anne.

"Tell you later,I've got a lesson now,Kisses"Paige.


Anne kept wondering what was wrong with Mark(He was Paige's boyfriend and he made a very big scar in Paige's life,She loved him so much but he just cheated on her by having another girlfriend and nearly made out with that girl).

Anne wasn't able to wait anymore for the break to come,she counted the miniutes until she could see Paige.

Break time...

Paige waited for Anne infornt of her Class,And as soon as  Anne went out,Paige took her hand and rushed away to a garden at the school.

Paige was crying,and just hugged Anne and kept on crying,Anne hugged her back trying to calm her down.

"Anne,You know how much I loved Mark....,You know what he was to me and how I wanted to be with him,I just can't forget him !,I can't get over him seeing him with a girl everyday it makes me mad!!"Paige Said.

"Paige can you just please calm down ?,He just didn't deserve you !,he doesn't deserve a single tear from your eyes,If he really loved you he wouldn't have left you,Just calm down,Believe me there are a lot of people who love you more than he did...."Anne Said.

"I know but he is just into my mind,I can.....I can't even talk about him......"Paige Said.

"Shhh.....Don't talk just calm down"Anne Said.

Anne just took Paige in her lap,Paige finally was able to talk,she thanked Anne a lot and apologized for that bad mood,Anne just told her that it was the best day ever to just stay with her.

Omilia and Shinda told Anne that Rina's mum didn't accept her to go to the trip,Anne felt sorry for that and she just prayed to go just to spend her time with Paige......

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