Chapter 5

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(Skip until Jacob leaves)

Jacob's POV

I know Jenna is having a meet and greet with Kasey at the park tomorrow, so I think it's the perfect time to go see her. She won't have anytime to even think and she'll have to talk to me and hear me out. This has to work. I need to get some sort of relationship with her that isn't hatred.

I sit in the airport with my luggage beside me. I wait about an hour before my flight is called, though it seems like no time because of my thousands of thoughts. My flight is soon called and I get up and find my seat on the plane. Jenna, here I come.

Jenna's POV

I fall asleep at about 10. Kasey and I fell asleep in a pretty awkward position. She was laying on the couch on her stomach, but her part of her back was against the arm rest. My feet were dangling down from the higher part of the couch, and my back was on part of her stomach, if that makes sense. So basically I was upside down.

I wake up, still in the same position, but Kasey is already wide awake.

"How did we get in this position?" She asks.

"I have no idea." I roll off of her stomach and onto the floor, banging my elbow on the table in front of the couch in the process.

"Ouch!" I yell. Kasey slightly laughs.

"You okay?" She says as she helps me up.

"Yeah," I groan, looking at the bruise that is already starting to form on my elbow.

"This isn't the worse thing that's happened to you," Kasey points out. I think about my past and realize how truly right she really is.

"That's true," I say. We walk into the kitchen and look in the cupboards for what we can make for breakfast this morning.

"Okay, so I bought bacon the other day, so you can make that, and I'll make the toast," Kasey says.

"Do you want me to burn the house down? Remember what happened when I tried to make eggs yesterday?" I say.

Long story short, I tried making eggs, and I kinda almost burnt the house down. We had to open all of the doors and windows and I actually made a bit of fire. Yes, I'm aware I'm awful cool. Yes, I'm also aware this will probably screw me over for life. Do I care? Yes, I do. Do I care enough to learn how to cook? No.

"You're right. How about I make the bacon and you make the toast," she says with a laugh. I agree.

I grab 4 pieces of bread out and 2 plates. I set two pieces of bread on each plate and open the freezer.

"Jenna, why are you putting the bread in the freezer?" Kasey asks me. It takes me a minute to realize what I'm doing.

"I have no idea," I say, closing the freezer shut and putting the toast in the toaster.

"One simple task and you decided to put the bread in the freezer," I hear Kasey mumble under her breath as I pass by her. I can't help but let out a chuckle.

When I hear pop!, I take out the toast and butter it. By the time I finish the toast, Kasey is already done the bacon.

"You're really fast," I comment.
"No, you're just really slow." I shrug.

We go to the couch and turn on the tv.
After we finish breakfast, I go into the shower and get changed into a black crop top, white lacy cover up, black shorts, and my white vans. I put my hair in a messy bun and my necklace that says love on it, and my usual makeup, which is just light mascara.

(Skip to the meet and greet)

All of the tables are already set up when we arrive at the park and our amazing fans are waiting there. Kasey and I both sit down and get right into signing things and talking to everyone. I like to attempt to get to know everyone because I know from my own personal thoughts that one simple interaction with the right person can mean the absolute world to someone. I want everyone to be able to have a conversation with me rather than just simply signing something and taking a picture even though it means the meet and greets go by longer.

Kasey and I meet a ton of wonderful fans throughout the meet and greet. Someone puts a photo album in front of me and trying to sign it as quickly as I can so I can have more time to talk to the person.

"What would you like me to write?" I ask.

A deep voice says, "Just put I still love you." I look up with my eyebrows scrunched up, confused as to why someone would want me to write something so unusual. Then I see a face I've been dreading to see...

That idea was from
keaniab , so thank you for the idea. Remember guys, I take all of the ideas you give me because it helps my stories a lot. Love you guys!

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