Chapter 23

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*skip the trip*

Jenna's POV

Man, Arizona is beautiful! Way more beautiful than I expected it to be. All three of us walk into the new house we will be living in. It's actually pre- wait. THERES A HOT TUB!!! YAY!!!!!!!

I go upstairs and settle into the guest bedroom. It has white walls, an average looking bed with your everyday bedroom furniture. All in all, it's a pretty nice room that I'm grateful to have.

Since everything was already packed in the house, we decided to go on a walk to the beach. I quickly put on bikini with a white cover up and some black jean shorts. I put my hair into a ponytail and put on my sandals. Once everyone was done getting ready, we headed out to the beach.

When we get to the beach, I see a really attractive guy looking off into the water from the wooden bridge (in media). Breh. He must be a model of some kind, people cannot be that good looking on a regular day like this.

"Hey guys," I say to Carson and Claire. "I'm gonna go talk to someone random," I say, glancing at the boy.

"Okay, go ahead. Have fun," Claire says in a friendly tone. I smile and she smiles back.

I make my way over to the bridge and sit next to the unknown boy. He continues to stare off into the water and I decide to try and make conversation.

"How's the view?" I ask casually. He doesn't react to anything I said.

"I'd say it's pretty nice," he finally says after a few moments. "I'm Kevin. You?"

"Jenna," I tell him.

"So, why are you here? You don't seem like an outside kinda person. You seem as more of the person to stay in all day with her boyfriend rather than going outside," Kevin says. I chuckle.

"Nah, not really. I don't have a boyfriend, first off. Secondly, I'm from a place where it's not too sunny, so getting some heat while being so pale is refreshing. Maybe I'll tan a bit while I'm here," I say.

"I'm surprised," he replies.

"Yeah, I didn't really think I was that pale either, but I guess since mom was pretty pa-"

"No, I mean how do you by have a boyfriend? You're gorgeous, and your already very likeable," he says. I smile at his compliment.

"Thanks, do you have a girlfriend?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"You're pretty good looking and I can already tell your a people person," I say. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Oh god no, I'm not a people person. I'm just talking to you cause you seem nice," he says. I laugh and he joins in.

"So, have you had a girlfriend?" I ask trying to make a conversation.

"Uh, yeah. She moved to Seattle, so we decided that a long distance relationship wouldn't work, but that was in like senior year, and I'm 23 now" he says.

"Oh, well I'm sure you'll find a girl just for you soon," I say.

"Hopefully. So have you had a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, we broke up a few weeks ago. His name was Jacob. We met when we were like, what, I think 13? And we broke up and got back together a couple times, it was worse than how Taylor Swift's love life sounds in songs," I say as the memories start flooding into my mind, and I can't help myself from talking about it.

"Actually, Jacob and I's relationship was pretty dramatic. I ended up in the hospital a few times, not directly from him. Just because of a bad past that I had. I use to hurt myself a lot and I got hurt quite frequently by others.
When I was eighteen, some things happened and we broke it off again. I thought we were truly done because two years later, we hadn't talked and I was about to get married to someone else. Then I broke it off with that guy, and long story short, I got back together with Jacob because of the stupid person I am and I ended up moving out here with a friend to get away from him because he hurt me and I simply didn't want to deal with him any longer," I say, taking in a huge breath towards the end. Kevin looks at me with wide eyes, probably stunned of the way I just rambled.

"Sorry, that was way out of the question when you asked if I've ever had a boyfriend," I say awkwardly.

"No, no it's fine. Now that you told me that, I'll tell you about me and my girlfriend, deal?" He says. I nod.


"So I met Rachel when I was about 8, and we've had a pretty decent relationship since then. Nothing too serious. We started to get closer when we were around 13, and then we became official, like you know, as I'm dating official. She started to get stalked by this guy that would threaten her in sixth grade, and I protected her a lot from getting hurt 'cause I really cared about her. I mean sure, we didn't work out, but it helped her a lot that I was there through everything. She moved to Seattle because she got the chance to get a degree in the fine arts for songwriting at a University and at the same time she was posting YouTube covers and stuff. I'm just really proud of Rachel. She came from so much crap and turned out to be amazing and pursue her dreams," he tells me. I smile.

"Sounds like you two were really a perfect fit," I say.

"I thought so at the time. She has a a boyfriend now, so it's all working out fine. Life has its plans," he says. I smile at his positivity.

"Hey, so do you maybe want to go to StarBucks later? It'd be nice to get to know you better," I say.

"Sure, can I have your number?" He asks. We exchange numbers, with me having to go off and on my phone cause I keep thinking that I know my number but then realize I don't.

"Okay, bye Jenna," he says as I walk to Claire and Carson.

"Bye Kevin," I say with a little wave. For the first time, I feel like I actually might be able to move on from Jacob.

Freaking update guys!!!!!! You should be very proud of me, it's over 1000 words.

New man in Jenna's life!! Dun dun dun...

Anyways, comment your thoughts. Oh ya, I have big news.
TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!!! I'm soooo excited, and it's gonna be basically all games tomorrow and then I beautifully free summer.

Anyways, goodnight, good morning, or good afternoon my unirainbows! Love you guys so much! Don't know what I would do without you!

Btw, I have a compromise. If you guys can get my friend BURNARDO story about Shawn Mendes to 100 reads by the end of this week, my friend MoonOverOurHeads story Cyber Secret to 130 reads by the end of this week, and my friend dancewatts04 story Time Machine to 350 reads by the end of this week, I will be doing a huge following spree, and I'll be voting for your guys' stories and I will dm you guys. Comment when you are done reading all of the chapters, and maybe even vote for some along the way. Thanks uniranbows! Love you guys!

-the unicorn ruler Kay

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