Chapter 25

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*7 months later*

Jacob's POV

Apparently Mae and I are invited to Carson's wedding with someone named Claire. I guess we're going, tomorrow, apparently. I start to pack and help Mae pack too.

*skip to when they get to his house cause I'm just magical like that*

The taxi pulls up to his house. My jaw drops. Holy crap, this is a nice house. Like really nice (in media). Mae and I walk to the door, with her complaining. I would have just snapped at her to stop if she didn't have a baby in her stomach, but she does, so nothing I can do about that. I guess I could have prevented it, but it happened.

An unfamiliar girl answers the door, though I assume that this is Claire, the girl Carson will be marrying soon.

"Hi! I'm Claire, you must be Jacob and Mae," she says. I smile warmly.

"Yes, we are. It's nice to meet you, Claire," I respond.

"Stop with the stupid small talk and just let us in!" Mae says rudely. Claire looks at her stunned, but quickly forces a smile.

"I've gotta go quickly help Carson with something, but go into the living room over there and someone will help you guys find your rooms," she says. I thank her and walk to the living room with Mae by my side when suddenly I see familiar blonde hair. My eyes widen as I recognize the familiar golden locks.


Jenna's POV

I just got back from the skateboarding with Kevin. It was actually really fun. I have to say I like him. I'm not gonna jump into a relationship. I mean, we've known each other for around 7 months, so I guess, but I don't know. I don't want things to escalate too quickly.

I sit downstairs on the couch, eating chips while watching a horror movie. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I look behind me and see the one and only Jacob Sartorius.

This is a really sucky update. I'm sorry for it, I just didn't really know what to write.

Thank you for reading! Love you my unirainbows!


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