Chapter 20

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Carson's POV

I don't know what the heck Mark was thinking by getting drunk. He can usually control himself. He wouldn't have done this on purpose. I don't know what got into him.

When Sabrina and I get to my place, I go to my spare bedroom in my house and get it ready for Sabrina while she changes into some pyjamas. She comes out and sit on the bed.

"Thanks for letting me stay here Carson," she says with a weak smile.

"Don't mention it," I say. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask. She thinks for a moment.

"I do but I don't," she finally answers.

"How about you tell me what happened after?" I suggest. She nods her head in a agreement.

"When Mark left, Jacob... he- he threw his promise ring away. He yelled at me, and he grabbed my wrists, and I told him he was hurting me, but it was like he didn't even care. I wish he would've listened to me," she tells me quietly. My fists clench when she tells me that he was hurting her and how weak she sounded because of it.


Jenna's POV

"Calm down," I say to Carson.

"How could he hurt you again! Again! He's hurt you so many times, I can't even count! Why do you keep running back to him Jenna? It doesn't make sense," he says, starting to calm down after letting his steam blow.

"I don't know why. He's just... I don't know," I say honestly, feeling at a loss of words. Why do I keep running back to him after he leaves me so many times? Why do I forgive him so easy after he's hurt me so bad? Why do I keep saying I love him after he's hurt me and said he loves so many other girls? What have I been doing to myself for the past 8 years by saying I love him?


Jacob's POV

I don't even know what to say. Why would she do this? Kissing is one thing, but giving someone full control over your body is just a whole different thing. I can't believe she did this. She couldn't have. Jenna would never do something like this. There has to be more to the story then this.

I drive to Mark's house and knock on his door. He answers right away.

"Hey dude," he says.

"No, I'm not here to have a friendly chat Mark. What happened with you and Jenna last night? I want every single detail," I demand. He chuckles.

"No thanks. I don't need to say anything. Jenna and I just had some fun, that's all," he says. I barge into his house and push him against the wall and punch him with all my strength straight in the jaw.

"Ow! What's the hell dude!"

"Tell me everything, and don't even think about leaving a single detail out!" I shout at him.

"I got drunk and my friend dared me to do it with someone so I chose Jenna," he clarifies.

"She was practically balling when I came home," I state.

"She obviously didn't want me to do it. Then some crappy boyfriend of hers came home and yelled at her and didn't let her explain. Not saying names," he says. I let go of his shoulders. Why do I keep hurting her?

I burst out the door and drive back home going over the speed limit. When I get home, I search all over the house.

"Jenna!" I yell. Just screw this, I'm going over to Carson's. He's the first person Jenna would go to.

I run over to his house because it's just on the other side of the block (cause the day I get to whip! I know I'm weird). I knock on the door and hear footsteps come towards it. Jenna appears at the door and her face goes blank when she's me. Without even getting a chance to observe her, she slams the door and I do my best to push it back open, but she has much better upper strength due to being a gymnast.

I'm about to simply give up until I remember that there is a back door. I quickly run around the house and open it. Jenna stands in the kitchen and she backs up as I slowly walk closer to her. I then see her eyes are red and bloodshot and she's in pyjamas with her hair in a messy bun. She looks so tired and all I want to do is let her fall asleep wrapped in my embrace. 

"Go Jacob! You hurt me this time, but don't expect me to come running back this time!" She shouts at me.

"Jenna, I'm so sor-"

"I don't care Jacob! I don't want to hear it! I'm done with your crap in my life! I'm done with you in my life, I'm done with us! You can't keep hurting me and expect me to run back to you because you're 'sorry' because that's not how I work anymore! I'm not your chew toy that you stop playing with then when you need it you play with it again! I'm not an object, I'm a human being, Jacob!"

"I just... I'm so sorry Jenna. You don't even know. I didn't let you explain, I was hurt, I was mad, and people that found out told me different then the real reason," I say.

"Haven't you learned from our past Jacob? Nobody tells the truth except for the people that actually care about you! When have I told you a lie Jacob? When?! Aria was a nice girl at first, then she told you lies, Jacob. Miranda? Lies. All lies. I can't believe that you wouldn't let me explain anything to you out of my point of view! And sure you were hurt, but that doesn't mean it's okay to go around and hurt people! Life doesn't work like that Jacob! The world doesn't revolve around you and if you like what happened or not, you have to deal with everything properly just like everyone else! You're not anymore special than anyone in this world!"


"Don't say anything. Just leave. I'm done giving you my time, I'm done using my tears for you, I'm done forgiving you, I'm done loving you, I'm done dedicating myself to you, I'm just done with everything."

I look at her with tears in my eyes. She doesn't look at me with any expression. I just leave. I have to get her back. No, I need to get her back. I'm going to do whatever it takes to gain her trust back.

Guess who's back? Back again! Kay is back! Tell your friends!
I'm over the drama that happened and stuff, so thank you guys for caring. I thought it would take longer, but apparently not. I'll be updating later today on my other story, so stay tune for that!

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