I slowly edge down the rocky slope to her side. The blood is still pouring down her face, drops falling into the river and gushing down stream.
A rock beneath my right foot slips out of place and i stumble down, just managing to bring myself to a halt as i approach clarke.
I slowly bend down to reach her, breathing heavily, my pulse racing as the river roars just centimeters away.
I reach for Clarke's waist and pull her towards me, using one hand to steady her head.
Finally her body, which seems so small, is in my arms and i clutch her to much chest. I feel the blood beginning to seep through my shirt.
Oh god! This is bad!
I feel like crying out for help... like anyone would hear me.
I turn to look up the slope... it looks practically vertical from here!
I pull Clarke closer to my chest and start sliding to the side, peering over her to watch my footing. The slope must get easier to climb over here.
I keep going, the river crashing against the rocks behind me and a very unsteady pile of rocks in front of me.
The small ledge i am stood on suddenly becomes ever smaller and mine and Clarke's bodies are pressed agaisnt the cliff.
I keep going, trying not to breath in the fear i might lose my balance and fall.
"Clarke we are nearly there, hold on!" I plead as i see the slope begin to rise much less dramatically.
Finally i can climb up and i am glad to be on steady ground. My entire body is shaking and my clothes are dusty and torn all over, blood soaking my shirt through and i can feel it sticking to my chest.
I begin to run, going careful so Clarke isnt messed around. Come on Bellamy! I say to myself, trying not to let my shaking nerves numb my legs and stop my movement.
I reach camp fairly quickly and storm in through the gates. I rush to the dropship, people gasping and gathering around as they spot Clarke.
I see Finn and Raven rise from their place by the fire, their hands falling away from eachother. I dont have time for them right now!
I gently lay Clarke down onto the table. Oh god! I look at all the medical appliances! Clarke's the doctor not me!
Raven comes in!
"What happened?" She cries.
"Raven can you get the Ark on the radio!" I half ask, half order, ignoring her question.
"The radio stopped working after we contacted them two days ago-"
"Raven!" I cry, holding a towel over Clarke's bleeding head. Raven nods and runs to the radio.
She begins fiddling with dials and i hear static.
I glance over Clarke's body, nothing looks broken but she has a large gash in her stomach.
I grab another cloth and place it over her stomach, trying to apply pressure.
The dropship curtain swings and Jasper comes in.
"Jasper good, hold this over her stomach and keep pressure on it!" I say and Jasper asks no questions, he takes over from me so i can focus on Clarke's head.
I peel the cloth away for a moment to see blood gush out of a large wound. I gently move her hair and see a lot of bruising around the area.
"Raven!" I say, there is a moment of worrying silence.
"Got it!"
I run over to her bed as i see her hand twitch. The first sign of consiousnous she has shown in 3 hours.
Raven tried to get me to go to bed but i refused, this is partly her fault anyway, i refused to let her tell me what to do.
I can feel my hair sticking up and i can feel the weight of the bags under ny eyes, being pulled down by exhaustion.
We had managed to get Abby on the radio and with her instructions and Jasper's help, i managed to patch up all of Clarkes wounds.
I have been nervously checking her bandages every hour, to check for any signs of infection but it was just me over worrying.
"Clarke, hey it's me" i say, resting my hand on her arm as her eyes flicker open.
She lets out a small whimper but quickly begins to push herself up..this doesnt surprise me.
"Woah woah, slow down!" I say, holding her shoulders to help her into a sitting position.
"What happened?" She asked, looking more baffled than in pain.
"Uh...you fell down a rocky slope, hit your head pretty bad."
"Oh..." is all she says and i remove my arms slowly from her back, when i am sure she is stable i walk in front of her, anxiously checking her face. She still has dried blood in her hair and some on her face but she is still beautiful to me.
"You alright?" I ask when her face twists like she might be sick and then she shakes her head.
"I'm sorry but...who are you?"
AN: Ahhhh im a terrible person i know! Please dont murder me! Hopefully this never happens, hope you enjoyed and keep reading :) love you xxx

Losing Your Memory
FanfictionAfter a tragic event, Clarke is left clinging to the pieces of her memory she has left. Finn is set on keeping the truth about her accident from her and will go to any length to get her back, but how will Clarke's new beginning change her view of Be...