Clarke's POV:
This morning seems gloomier than usual, sleep has not aided my memory at all. I am starting to wonder if i need some more triggers...but the thing is, i cant remember what i need to trigger...ugh whatever.
As i grab some shabby breakfast, eating much less than normal due to loss of appetite, i sweep my eyes accross the camp.
I notice Bellamy hop out of his tent with the energy of about 10 men. He walks right up to a guy i believe is called Murphy and appears to be frowning at him, like a father scolding his son. I smile, despite myself and i figure, who has been trying to jog my memory, more than anyone else? Bellamy! Who has been helping me instead of Finn? Bellamy. I almost want to avoid Finn...i kissed him...out of pity? In the hope my old feelings would resurface?
What if i never liked him...what if he is just pretending? No...bellamy would have told me...right? But what if Bellamy is in on it too...crap i need to just stop over thinking!
"Hey princess you look troubled!" Bellamy says from nowhere, now stood right in front of me. I mentally clock the word princess...Finn said that was his nickname for me so why is Bellamy using it? Maybe it caught on?
"Oh just thinking! A lot going on you know" i shrug, feeling a fluttering sensation in the pit of my stomach all of the sudden...and the urge to get angry at him for some reason...
"Yeah i can't remembered much yet?" Bellamy asks with a forced sense of causality in his voice that attempted and failed, to mask a hint of worry.
"Nothing last night...i was thinking perhaps i need some triggers, like you tried with me the other day...perhaps we could go to where i had the accident!" I ask slowly, something i have had in the back of my mind for a while now...unsure if it is a good idea.
Bellamy appears shocked at this idea, his face contorting comically as he shakes his head in finality. I dont argue.
"I dont think that's a good idea...not yet...but i can show you something else"
So we set off together, mere moments later and i follow silently, lagging slightly behind Bellamy as he leads the way.
"Can i trust Finn?" I ask out of the blue, coming to a stop. Bellamy stops a little way ahead and looks back at me. "Can i trust you?" I ask despite myself, closing my eyes.
Bellamy hesitates before letting out a throaty chuckle "Clarke of course you can trust me...and once your memories are back, everything will just fit into place!" He says.
I sigh, still feeling frustrated and Bellamy laughs again. I hear his footsteps coming closer and then he is so close my breath catches in my throat. For some reason i cover my closed eyes with my hands as if i can hide from him.
Bellamy laughs even more, but not unkindly and it actually makes me want to smile. "What are you doing?" He says mockingly and i giggle despite everything. "You have to face it eventually..." he says more quietly and i feel his hands over mine and he slowly brings my hands down, i feel his skin brush accross my cheek accidentally and my stomach flutters again involuntarily.
"Now open your eyes, that wont make it any less terrifying" he says softly and i do.
I open my eyes and look directly at him to see he is smirking. He steps back slightly as if to keep walking but i suddenly blurt out "I kissed Finn!" As if it were a dirty secret that i needed to come clean Bellamy?
Bellamy stops dead in his tracks and for a moment i think he might yell at me but then he composes himself too quickly for me to be certain. "Well, bet he's chuffed" he states plainly as he continues to walk. "Ah here we are!"
We now stand at the edge of a high cliff on a small area that isnt crowded by trees. "And where might this be?" I ask.
"This is where we agreed to be in charge, the both of us...together. That's kind of where we stopped you know, butting heads" he says, smiling.
"Well actually i dont know but whatever you say!"
Bellamy then takes me to several other places, the place where we found some guns for camp, and other simple things like that. He tells me about the time i called him a selfish know it all and when i told him that we couldnt survive without him. I found most of what he told me bizzar, it seemed like we had a very contradictive, up and down relationship but it only makes me eager to actually remember.
Then he tells me about all the injuries i have fixed, minor and major, including some of his own.
"And how exactly did you get stung sixteen times on your side?" I gasp as he tells me that i had to run off into the woods with Wells and Jasper to find a certain moss which i could make an ointment with.
"Well i may or may not have grabbed a slightly bad choice of branch which ended in a wasp nest, falling right next to my wasn't pretty" he says, still smirking, a facial expression i have come to associate with Bellamy.
Then as we headed back he told me more about certain people in camp "Murphy is helpful if you stay on his good side..." then he laughs, cutting himself off.
"Well lets just say you two never really saw eye to eye on...anything but he wouldnt cross you. I think you actually intimidate him, he wouldnt be the only one!" Bellamy smirks.
"Oh shut up" i laugh, reaching out to hit him in the arm but he only shrugs and we talk and laugh all the way back to camp.
Bellamy holds the gate open for me when we get back and i smile at him "do i not, Intimidate you Mr Blake?" I tease, narrowing my eyes at him.
He smiles his gorgeous smile and shakes his head "Oh please, you couldnt intimidate me with a knife in your hand!" He laughs and i hit him again.
Crap. It's Finn and he looks angry, he storms up to where Bellamy and I stand. He throws a hateful look at Bellamy who shoves one back in return.
"Finn!" I exclaim, feeling guilty again, like i always do when i see him.
"Where have you been? I was worried. Look i need to talk to you come with me" he says hurridly, blocking my every attempt to speak. Before i can object, he is quite forcefully shoving me away from Bellamy. He doesnt let go until we are inside his tent.
"What do you want?" I snap irritatedly, balling my fists at my side, not appreciating the shoving!
"You have to stay away from Bellamy!" He growls and i am taken aback.
"Why?" I nearly shout.
"Clarke i had hoped someone would have told you by now-"
"Told me what exactly?" I cry, feeling more infuriated by the second.
"You know, how you actually lost your memory-" he says but i interrupt.
"I do know! I fell, it was an accident-" i spit.
"Was it?" He urges, stepping uncomfortably close and i falter slightly. "Who told you that? Bellamy?"
"Well...umm yes but-"
"But nothing! He's been lying to you Clarke. I didnt want to tell you like this but...that night wasn't an accident were pushed." He pauses for a moment as i stare at him in bewilderment. Finn sighs, steps even closer and says... "Bellamy pushed you."
AN: Sorry for slacking on the updates! But naughty Finn! Naught naughty boy! Will Clarke believe him? What will Bellamy do when he finds out? Dun dun dunnn
Hope you enjoyed, please rate and comment xx I ♡ you

Losing Your Memory
FanfictionAfter a tragic event, Clarke is left clinging to the pieces of her memory she has left. Finn is set on keeping the truth about her accident from her and will go to any length to get her back, but how will Clarke's new beginning change her view of Be...