I almost fall backwards, blood rushing to my face, heating me ears and cheeks.
Who are you?
No, no this cannot be happening! Abby mentioned something about contacting her if she showed serious signs of memory loss...and some medical stuff i couldnt follow...but this must be a joke. A joke. Yes thats it.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny Clarke!" I say shakily, trying to maintain a sense of stability but her face remains twisted in a sour state of confusion and my heart drops, i hear it beating and throbbing in my ears as i wait in anticipation for her to start laughing and say "i got you good" or "you should see your face". She doesnt.
"Wh...what's going on? Where are we?" She says, looking around more desperately, a new sense of distress in her voice. By this point Jasper had come over and gave me a quizzical look.
What is going on? I cant breathe or focus and i feel sweat building up on my hands. I look away from the girl with blond hair and leave.
As soon as i am stood in the fresh air of the night I fall foward, hands on knees, breathing heavily.
"Did i hear that right?" Jaspers asks from behind me, following me outside.
"She doesnt't remember" i say, standing up but not looking at him. "She doesnt remember me..." i add, more quietly. She doesnt remember me.
"Come on Bellamy" Jasper says a little unsteady "lets go ask what she remembers, she must be terrified" he states sensibly and i nod, a sense of numbness spreading through me as i accept the possible situation.
As i turn to go back inside i spot Finn a little distance away, he is watching us but looks away as my eyes meet his gaze.
I flip the curtain back, ignoring him and making my way inside ahead of Jasper.
"Clarke! Careful!" I say forcefully, running to catch her as she is mid attempting to get up off the table, her body lurching foward into my grasp as i reach her just in time.
She looks up at me, innocence in her eyes as she gives me a look i have never seen on her face...
I gently sit her back down as she wince's, holding her stomach. I am ready to explain more on what happened, when she speaks first.
"We're on the ground arent we...i...i fell. How long have we been here? Its all blurry...my mum-"
"Your mum is still on the Ark yes and we have been on the ground almost 11 days. What else do you remember?" I prod nervously but i feel my nerves relax as her face becomes less twisted with worry. She seems more comfortable with the confirmation of the situation.
"Nothing really...just i recognise you both slightly..im so sorry but who are you?" She says and there it is again...i clench my fists and grit my teeth. Jasper speaks first.
"I'm Jasper...we only met the second day on the ground" he says and when he sees my clenched jaw he stutters "and this is Bellamy, you met him first day on the ground, everyone is worried sick about you especially Finn-" Jasper instantly cuts himself short realising he probably shouldnt have said that.
I quickly clear my throat as Clarke swings a confused look in my direction. "You should probably rest" i say distractedly before turning on my heel and leaving once again.
Finn eyes me from the fire at the centre of camp as i moodily walk as far away from him as possible, my shoulders hunched and hands clenched as i sit down in the shadows.
Maybe this isnt so bad...we can start again. Our first meeting hadnt been all that 'friendly' and i remember accusing her of being a 'privileged'. But as i look up at Finn accross camp i realise...he gets a fresh start too.
No. I am not letting him manipulate her! I refuse to lead her into thinking anything that is a lie.
He will not touch her...or i will kill him. Oh god this just cannot be happening. I run my fingers over my knuckles and stare down in dismay at their bruised state.
When i look up Finn is gone. My posture instantly changes from that of a hunchback to a poised predator looking for prey. I see Raven by the fire talking worriedly to Octavia, Monty and Jasper...
And then i spot him. Skulking up to the drop ship. My entire body tenses as he flicks back the curtain and goes inside.
AN: Sorry this is a bit uneventful and there is little progression but sneaky ending though, whats Finn doing? And will Bellamy stop him? Please keep reading, comments and rates are appreciated thanks i love youuu xx

Losing Your Memory
أدب الهواةAfter a tragic event, Clarke is left clinging to the pieces of her memory she has left. Finn is set on keeping the truth about her accident from her and will go to any length to get her back, but how will Clarke's new beginning change her view of Be...