Bellamy's POV:
"How are you feeling?" I ask nervously, noticing Clarkes eyes flutter slightly as we walk amidst the trees.
Her composure instantly changes and she straightens herself up, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, fine" she replies defiantly and i furrow my eyebrows but say no more.
She definitely is still Clarke thats for sure, stubborn and determined to maintain a strong exterior image.
I'm not entirely sure where to take her and by this point i am running out of things to say, she is still making me nervous.
It suddenly comes to me, one night there had been a terrible storm and a group and i had been forced into a set of small caves for shelter while out hunting.
"Hey Clarke, how would you feel about seeing some caves?" I ask, already picking up my pace and walking in what i assume is the right direction.
"Caves? Are there any close by...i have never really been a fan of closed spaces" she starts to mumble but she has sped up too and i know she wants to see them.
"Well we dont even have to go in, i didnt get much of a good look at them myself last time either" i am suddenly smiling and my heart has begun to race. I want to show her something new, something she has never seen before, to find a place she will forever be able to link back to she wont ever forget.
I think we are getting close when a sound echoes through the trees like footsteps snapping twigs.
Clarke's hand flies to my arm, not as if she seeks my protection, more like she is offering her own and my breath catches in my throat as we pull to a stop.
My hand moves towards the dagger in my belt and Clarke's eyes follow my every movement. I search around the area and when i see what is coming i whisper under my breath "god dammit" and practically at the same time Clarke says
" that Finn?"
For god sakes! Trust him to come here, to but in and make it all about him, i have a right mind to punch him right here right now but when i turn to Clarke, i relax. The look in her eyes is sad, not like the sadness i saw mixed with rage in her eyes the night she found Finn and Raven together, but a sad awareness yet sense of confusion and my heart tugs in my chest.
As Finn comes closer, a sour look on his stupid face, he speaks "Clarke, why are you coming into the woods with this idiot? He-"
"Watch it" i snap, moving up to him, grabbing his shirt in my fist so forcefully he stumbles slightly.
"Stop it both of you" Clarke interrupts. The infamous line she has said to the two of us countless times yet she wouldnt know. I smirk and let him go, Finn flashes an annoyed glare at me before turning back to Clarke.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes why wouldnt i be?" Clarke replies, and unless i am imagining it i can sense annoyance in her tone.
Finn seems to brush this comment off and steps foward, shoving past me. He spins Clarke around, putting his hand on her back and begins to lead her away, forming a conversation.
I follow bitterly, walking behind. All i can see is Finn's hand on Clarke's back...leading her...forcing her like he used to when they dated, pulling her around. He always pulls her away from me...why did i let myself believe that would change?
I want to punch him...or a tree again and i begin to trace the freshly forming bruises on my knuckles, with the other hand, the pain has already passed.
Finn continues to lead Clarke through the woods, farther and farther away from the caves i had wanted her to see. I will always be forgettable to her...she doesnt even know me, second chance my ass! All the accident has done is given Finn an escape from what he did and now he just knows to be more careful if...when, he wants to hurt her again.
I consider forcing myself between them, punching Finn between the eyes and telling her everything but i cant tell would break her all over again and i cant be the one to hurt her like that...she wouldnt remember it as Finn who hurt her...but that selfish...or thoughtful?
I dont know anymore. I dont know what to do, all i know is i must keep Finn away from her and so far i am not doing such a great job.
"Hey Finn, where you taking us?" I shout, jogging to catch up.
"Do you mind?" He says at my interruption and Clarke flashes a strong look at Finn, who sighs "Bellamy why dont you go back to camp, give orders no one will listen to and make decisions that no one agrees with?" Finn spits.
My blood begins to boil but i focus all my energy on Clarke who is looking agonisingly confused yet frustrated all at once. I clear my throat and shrug innocently "nah, Clarke always was the better leader, perhaps we should head back so more of her friends like Wells, Jasper and Monty can fill her in on the past days on the ground!" I say matter of factly and Clarke smiles at the floor slightly.
"Leader getting the impression you didnt exactly fancy the idea of me being a leader?" Clarke says, placing the pieces together.
"What can i say, we never really saw eye to first" i added the last bit because i didnt want her to think we hated each other...still.
"Maybe we should go back, this is all quite tireing. Lead the way tour guide" she says with a soft sigh and i know deep down she is more than just tired, she is in pain.
Despite the morose look on Finn's face and his subtle protests i begin to lead them both home, Finn doesnt leave her side although his hand falls away from her back at some point during the journey back.
We near camp and can see smoke rising into the sky, more than the usual amount that comes from our fire. I speed up and so does Clarke, stepping up to my side.
The sounds of distant screams fill the air.
"What was that?" Clarke says nervously but before i can answer i break out into a run, knowing Clarke is following right behind me. I guess what is causing the smoke and the screams but i hope i am wrong.
Another scream shoots through the air, louder as we come closer. The heat is strong and the atmosphere is loud. I run even faster.
AN: whaaattt such close updates? Have you stepped into a parralel universe? No, i just felt bad for slcking on the updates :) anywayyy Such a crappy 'cliff hanger' haha sorry, but god damn that Finn, killing the moment. Will bellamy be able to keep him away or will he lose heart?
I ♡ you all xxx

Losing Your Memory
FanfictionAfter a tragic event, Clarke is left clinging to the pieces of her memory she has left. Finn is set on keeping the truth about her accident from her and will go to any length to get her back, but how will Clarke's new beginning change her view of Be...