Bellamy's POV:
The entire group of delinquents lower themselves closer to the ground, knees bent and they all fall silent, instantly as the gun goes off.
I look up and see everyone has their eyes turned to Finn. He has a gun in his hand. The shooters who were just on guard watch, bring themselves back up to full height and point all their guns in Finn's direction.
My head is spinning. "Is everyone alright? Is anyone hurt?" I quickly look at Clarke beside me, she is staring at Finn wide eyed and i step closer, placing a hand on her back as the camp murmur in response to my question. Everyone is okay. No one is hurt...yet.
"Bellamy...Bellamy...Bellamy..." Finn sighs, standing in front of everyone who have taken several steps back. I practically growl, standing up to my full height to look at him over the few crouching people separating him from me. Clarke grabs my arm and stands up too.
"Bellamy don't move" she whispers in a shaky voice, her grip strong.
"What do you want Finn?" I shout, so i am heard over the whispering of the crowd who are continuing to move back, away from Finn.
I signal to some people nearby to move behind me, they nod quickly and obey, passing the message on to others around them until Finn is face to face with a wall of shooters, Clarke and me.
"Bellamy is it not clear already! I want you dead!" He cries plainly and slowly, his finger over the trigger.
"Why?" I ask, this cant all just be about Clarke and her memory.
Finn scoffs at this, the gun moving as he moves his wrist impatiently, this causes the crowd to jump back even further, gasps coming from several of them. "I dont believe you know how i got imprisoned on the ark!" Finn glanced over at Raven who was glaring at him with all her might. Finn didnt seem to care.
"Well you see, i'd had a - lets call it a 'disagreement' - with a so called friend and, well, i had beaten him half way to death when the guards came strolling through that very corridor and found me. Do you know why, the guards were there at that time? They werent meant to be, according to the system rota - which i had checked prior to that moment! It was because of you, Bellamy Blake - "
"How was that my fault?" I shout at him, thoroughly confused as to how this involves me.
"Oh it was all your fault because poor little Bellamy Blake just had to cause a scene that day after they locked up his poor little sister and took away your uniform! You caused a right bit of chaos didnt you! The councel had to call in guards from all sectors! You ruined me and when we got to the ground oh you didnt stop! You had to take charge, you just had to-"
"Finn stop! That was not my fault that you nearly killed someone and got caught! You only have yourself to blame-"
"Bellamy don't" Clarke shrieks warningly, using both hands to hold my arm now and i can feel her shaking.
Finn stretches his neck back slowly, his hand positioned on the gun which is pointed at me. "Oh i tried to be nice Bellamy but when i heard that because of you, i got shoved in a prison cell for almost a year, i had to get my revenge. Poor little Clarke here just happened to be the perfect way to-"
"Finn shut up or we will shoot!" Jasper yells, raising his gun along with the others.
"Finn dont do this!" Octavia cries, pushing her way to my side, her voice filled with fear. Finn laughs.
Something pulls my body to the right and i am falling. When i hit the ground i feel Clarke's hands fall away from my arm. She is lieing still beside me.
"Clarke! Clarke are you hurt?" I cry, i cant hear anything over the ringing in my ears, only half aware of the chaos around us. Clarke moves and i reach to help her up only to feel a sudden stab of pain in my chest, close to my left shoulder.
I fall back down. Clarke isn't hurt. She wasn't shot, I was!
Clarke's POV:
"Bellamy! Shit! Somebody help!" I try to scream over the chaos. There are people hurding the crowd away, i hear a few gun shots and people screaming dramatically.
Octavia runs over and skids to a halt at Bellamy's side.
"We have to get him to the dropship...I, I can't carry him!" I stammer, holding my hands over Bellamy's wound as he struggles to stay conscious.
"Right!" Octavia stands up and a moment later she returns with Atom who instantly helps me to pick Bellamy up. Most of the 100 are now off to the opposite end of the camp and i ignore the commotion around Finn, hurrying towards the dropship.
Atom lays Bellamy down on the medical table and says quickly "i have to go back out, god knows whats happening" and with that he rushes back outside.
"Octavia take his shirt off" i say whilst i go accross the dropship to gather the right equipment. "Okay help me turn him over, i need to see if there is an exit wound" i say to Octavia when i return.
Bellamy groans as we push him onto his side.
"Clarke what is it?" Octavia asks, when i stay silent, her words riddled with anxiety.
There is not exit wound.
"Clarke! What is it? He's not conscious!" Octavia cries, putting him on his back again. "Clarke what do i do?"
"Take this cloth, sterilize it and hold it around the wound. I need to take the bullet out!"
I move quickly as Octavia soaks the cloth in alcohol and I soak my hands. I move two fingers into the bullet hole in Bellamy's chest, blood poors out everywhere.
Octavia watches in anticipation, holding the cloth around the wound. "Umm Clarke" she says shakily after a moment.
I am still trying to reach the bullet, it seems wedged. "What?" I reply, not looking at her as my fingers touch metal.
"Clarke he's not breathing!"
AN: Omg what ahhhh??!! Will they revive Bell??! What would they do to Finn if he dies, what do u guys think? Leave a comment :)
So i didnt post yesterday because it was my birthday sorry :) i ♡ you allll xxx

Losing Your Memory
FanfictionAfter a tragic event, Clarke is left clinging to the pieces of her memory she has left. Finn is set on keeping the truth about her accident from her and will go to any length to get her back, but how will Clarke's new beginning change her view of Be...