Happy Birthday

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My friends yelled out. For my birthday, my friends and I decided to go out in this concert at a local bar. We had the time of our lives like there was no tomorrow! There were dancing, laughing, and some souvenirs for memories like pictures! "Hey, where's your boyfriend, Kagami?" One of my friends Kou asked. "Oh, I don't know. He said he should be here?" I wonder. My boyfriend Kagami, Taiga has been really busy lately and throughout the whole week! I told him my birthday a week ago but, he never pays attention. I heard the DJ hollering at the crowd while playing a song.

"Oh, I remember this one!" Hika shrieked "remember!" The song he played was one of the songs we would sing at school. 1000% Love, from Uta No Prince Sama. Hika, Kou, Raka, Soma, Hana and I would always sing and dance to this song when we watch it. "Come on, (Name)!" Raka called. She grabbed my arm to the dance floor with the crowd. "How did the dance start with?" Soma asked. "I think it was this." Kou tried to copy the moves but couldn't remember. We would start to laugh as she tried to act all silly. "Kou, you are funny!" I laughed.

As me and the girls would start dancing at the song, I accidentally bump into a person. Man, that was embarrassing. "I'm so sorry" I apologized as I turned around to the man. "Oh, no. It's my fault, I should've at least warned you." The man smiled. When I saw his face, I was stunned and a little bit embarrassed. He had red hair with a red eye, the other was yellow and did seem a little taller than me. "Excuse me." The man caught my attention while I was hypnotized by his presence. "I'm sorry, I was distracted." I apologized again. Sometimes about staring out into space with a strange just makes me apologetic.

"I was distracted by your beauty. So cute" The man said "what's your name?" Wait, is he hitting on me? But he just met me. He must be one of those love at first sight types. "(Last name), (First Name)" I stuttered as I blushed. "Akashi, Seijuro. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself "I had no idea such a beautiful, young woman like you would be at a place like this." I blushed even more as he flattered me. Yep, he's definitely hitting on me. "I-I'm just celebrating with my friends." I explained "it's my birthday." Akashi widened his eyes in surprise.

"Well then, happy birthday." He congratulated me "anyway, I have to go but, let's meet again soon." He kissed me on my cheek as he left. Hana rushed over to me after the song was over. "(Name), what did I just saw?" She questioned me. I'm guessing that she was me and Akashi together and thought that I was cheating. That's the last thing I need.

"I don't know, what did you see?" I gulped hoping she didn't get the wrong idea. "Who was that? Did you tell him you have a boyfriend?" She freaked. Hana is like the security guard of the friendship. She makes sure that her friends are okay, safe and doing anything NOT bad. "His name is Akashi Seijuro, and I just happened to bump into him while I was dancing." I explained. Hana calmed herself down and showed a sign of relief. "Thank goodness!" She sighed "I don't know what I would tell Kagami if, you know?" I nodded my head as Raka approaches us.

"Time to eat guys, I'm starving!" She informs us. We followed her to a table where the others were waiting for us and took our seats. "Alright, let's see, there are so many good choices!" Raka cheered. As I opened the menu, I felt like someone was watching me, carefully. I held the menu to my face so no one can see who I'm looking at, which was stupid of me. I looked around, cautiously with my heart pounding. Then when I looked straight ahead, across the room, sitting at the bar, there was Akashi staring at me looking pleased for some reason. I shot my head back to the menu trying to ignore him.

Something's strange about him, but I don't know what. Before I knew it, the waiter was standing right in front of me taking Hika's order. "Hey, beautiful!" The waiter called. I looked at my friends, who were looking back at me. "Oh. Who? Me?" I pointed at myself. "Of course, beautiful. What would you like for a drink?" The waiter asked. I heard my friends giggled softly at the side of me, making me a little nervous. I mean, the waiter had dark skin with dark blue hair and eyes the made my spine chill. "I'm sorry, I'll take a bottle of hoppy, please." I told the waiter.

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