Research Pt. 3

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I return into the big house from witnessing what Kise, Midorima and Aomine were doing. They were digging up a couple of graves that were in a tiny house in their backyard. But what is the whole story is the question.

I ran up the stairs and tried to find Akashi's room to find the book he has. I opened the door and ran over to the little bookcase he has where I found the book where their family reviews are. I flipped through the pages of the thing, but there was no sign of the names, Shuzo Nijimura or Shogo Haizaki.

However, I did need to search up Aomine and Kise. Both of them are still what I haven't looked at.  So I went to Aomine first.

Daiki Aomine August 31, 1734

The Aomine Family is not a well-known family. They often hide in the shadows and are hard to find since they disguise themselves among the crowd. Because of the way that they blend and hard to find, they often work with the Kuroko Family on helping each other on finding food, blood and watching each other's back.

It's pretty easy to spot a Aomine bite. For example, the Aomine bites those who simply has their ideal desires like women with big breasts. And instead of the bite being on the neck, they like to bite on the side below one of the breast. One woman named Satsuki Momoi, was one of the Aomine victims. However, police can't be too sure that she was bitten because she disappeared without a trace. According to her mother, she fell in love with Daiki Aomine, who is a vampire from the family and that she probably ran off with him.

Aww, so they fell in love. So then, what Kuroko said about them must to be true. They fell in love but their families didn't approve. So Momoi-san and Daiki tried to get married but Daiki's family interfered and interrupted the wedding and must have killed her. Such a sad love story.

I turned a couple of pages to look at Kise's story. I want to know what is it since that time he almost killed me with his bare hands. Maybe it has to do with something that happened in the past. That happens a lot to other people.

Ryota Kise June 18th 1735

The Kise Family was a large amount of members that spread very rapidly across Japan. Mostly because the majority of them were performers and entertainers. The family was very known to have good looks with their blonde hair and everyone in the village would fall for them. Then, once the spread of vampire victims came around, their identity of being vampires became known and a lot of the members had to be executed.

Around the same time, a new bite was formed on not only men but also women that were in the entertainment business. The victims would have a bit not on the neck like most common vampires, but on the inside of the wrist. A lot of Kise members try not to believe that they are vampires since their loved ones were killed.

SLAM!  I heard the door of the bedroom slam as I was done reading the segment of Kise. I put the book away and went into the closet and shut the door so whoever it was couldn't see me. What was that? More like who was that? I peeked out of the slit of the door and looked around with my eye.

I don't see anything. I don't see anybody moving or anything. The room was just as empty as I thought it was. Then I hear footsteps coming from the opposite side of the closet. Then, I hear the drawers of the dresser opening that was next to the closet. Clothes were being thrown onto the bed.

"Ugh, Akashi still hasn't changed. That's pitiful." A sneer comment was made with an unfamiliar voice. That's new to my ears. That doesn't sound like Akashi. Or the others. And not Nijimura, who showed up last time.

"Never have I known someone who's becoming a hoarder, a very neat one at that." That man yawned.

"Those are stuff that still have value, Shogo. I suggest that you put them down and back where you found them." Akashi said. In a blink of an eye, there he was. Standing up to the intruder of the bedroom. I saw the man's hands go up as he picked the clothes up and folded them back into the dresser. Wait, Shogo? So, that's Haizaki. I should have known.

"Sorry. So is it true? Shuzo told me about the guest that you guys have. I'm just guessing that your just going to save him and leave me at the No-World?" The man guessed.

"No. We will save both of you. She has an ex-boyfriend that is very concerned about her. If we lure him here, that's where it will begin." Akashi explain. What will begin? I don't understand at all! And what is this No-World?

"Oh, okay. I guess that makes-"

"Pasta! Pasta! Pasta!" My phone's going off! Then I realized that Akashi he my phone in his back pocket as he pulls it out and answers. Haizaki grins as he starts to giggled like he's starting to get excited.

"Oi! Akashi! Put it on speaker!" He giggled as Akashi does so.

"(Name)! Where are you? I've been looking for you! Your parents are worried sick!" I hear Kagami's voice. Oh no! Kagami! I want to get the phone from him, but I don't want to blow my cover.

"This is Akashi, (Name) isn't here right now." Akashi says calmly, "if you want to see her again, then listen to my words only."

"Who is this? How did you get (Name)? I'm calling the police after this!" Kagami growled.

"The police are useless at this point. Now, if you're willing to cooperate, do as I say now." Akashi repeated the last part he said earlier. Kagami was silent for a second until he spoke again.

"Wait, I know you. You're that guy who kissed my girlfriend! Where is she?" The tiger asked. Kagami kept on talking about how he going to find everyone and turn them into the police. In the back of my mind, I want to tell Kagami to hang up before he regrets it. He can be a good guy at times, but his anger is to the point where he does very stupid things. That Bakagami.

"Do you want to see her again or what? If so, then silence yourself and write down what I'm about to say. The police are useless. Do you actually think that getting to police involved will help? We left no evidence behind." Akashi interrupted, "and if you do call them, we will kill her."

Kagami was silent. He stopped talking and let Akashi do it. I could even hear Haizaki smirk as he comes out to where I could see him better with his ash colored hair. He took his thumb and lick it. Did he just got done eating? I don't see anything in his hands. Kagami starts taking again. This time with, "alright, what is it?"

"In two days, I want you to come out of your apartment, there will be a taxi waiting for you on the curb. Get in it and say nothing. After the taxi stops by a house hidden in the woods, that's when you get out and walk over towards the door. Then, we'll take care of it from there." Akashi plans, "and don't try any tricks. Us, vampires are good at catching unwanted prey."

"V-vampires?" Kagami gulped, "o-okay, you got me. But this better not be a joke. After all that, I get to have (Name), right?"

"Of course. We are men with our word. And besides, you get to have her as long as you want." Akashi smirked, "goodbye until then." Akashi hangs up the phone and walks out of the room as of nothing happened. Oh, Kagami. What am I going to do? I can't let them get away with this.

The closet door opened and exposed my hiding spot. I looked up to see a pair of feet and legs that were attached to Haizaki.

"Well, you must be (Name)? Right? More beautiful than Shuzo described you." He greeted.

Again. I was stunned and couldn't talked. My eyes got all heavy and my arms got very weak. My mouth of opening, but nothing went out. Hazaki bent his legs and picked me up bridal-style. I thought they were dead? Why does they're bodies feel like there alive? It's strange.

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