The House in the Garden

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I followed Kuroko to the beautiful green grass and multicolored flowers that give a fresh aroma to the air. I'm so sure if I could let him know that I'm following. Probably not, I want this to be like a secret mission or something. I love to do a lot of things in secret. It just adds some excitement to my life. And the fact that I might be living with vampires might even add some more excitement.

I looked around the garden as Kuroko was picking out the light blue flowers that were next to the dark blue and purple ones. There were like a rainbows of flowers that were so beautiful and radiant. They had a big garden and a big backyard. The sun was blocked by the clouds, which explains why it was bright but cool outside.

Now, I need to find where Aomine, Kise and Midorima are. Whatever they're doing has to do what Akashi is planning. But how can I find them?! The garden is HUGE! It's bigger than the apartment complex I live at. It will take a miracle to find where they are.

"KUROKO-CCHI!" Kise's voice screamed, "HELP ME! AOMINE-CCHI'S KILLING ME?!"

"COMEBACK HERE, KISE!" Aomine yelled at the blonde.

"BOTH OF YOU SIT DOWN, NANODAYO!" Midorima yelled back.

Kuroko stood up from picking his flowers as he scratches his head and sigh, "why can't they get along for once?" He runs after the high voices as I secretly follow him.

I squat down, blending in with the tall green grass and the purple flowers. The garden went like a rainbow of flowers that was so organized. Okay, I'm not blending in, but at least he doesn't see me. I crawled behind Kuroko, not too close, until there was a pit of dirt that stopped me. Kuroko went on without me following him. There was a little house that was overshadowed by the tall trees.

What is the little house doing here? Wasn't this one like the one that I had in my dream while I was here? Why are they hiding a house? It looks pretty old from where I am. This is getting very scary. But I don't want to turn back. Although, there was a very dark and mourning atmosphere that had my heart stopped.

Kuroko opened the door and left it open behind him. When he was out of sight, I stood up from the tall flowers and tip-toed over the the threshold. I hid behind the wall on the outside and peak my head inside the door. The house was only just a little house compare to the other one. The structure was different to. At the bigger house there were two sets of stairs at the entrance of each side, and the smaller one only has one in the middle.

I slowly walked into the house and looked around at the walls. There were just little portraits of Nijimura and Haizaki. I still don't know what's their background, but I guess they mean a lot to everyone.
"WWWAAAAAAHHH! LOOK OUT!" Kise screamed as I heard banging coming from the stairs and downward. Next thing I know, there was a stone being thrown from the right side of the top,of the stairs and was rolling down the stairs. I jumped to the left side of the room and the stone passed me and out the door. What was that? Were they trying to kill me or what?

I looked back at the stone and saw that is wasn't a stone. It was one of those grave markers, like a grave stone, but just flat on the ground. And there were to of them. I went outside the door to the grave markers that were thrown out from the stairs and landed outside on the ground, flat. I came to them reading the engravings on one of them.

Shuzo Nijimura
July 10 1739 - September 19 1839
A beloved leader that showed us the path away from harm, pain and sorrow. A leader that will always be in our hearts and minds. Made great choices and  sacrifices for our organization and sacrificed his life.

For our organization? Is this what they are or at least were? So, he was like their leader before he died. He lived around the time they all did, so why is everyone else alive? They could have died of old age. There is no way that they could have lived over multiple centuries and still look that young. Only vampires do that. So, they are vampires?! I looked at the other one that was on the right.

Shogo Haizaki
November 2, 1738 - November 2, 1737
A beloved inventor that walked by our side through our troubles and suffering. He might've been an idiot who came from the rough parts of the city but carries a good heart rather than a good mind.

So, I'm guessing that Nijimura was the leader and Haizaki was the one who built stuff for them? Both of them died, which is why they aren't here tight now. No, but then, what happened to Nijimura when I saw him that night? He was the one who knocked me out. Atsushi claimed that he saw him at dinner at that same night

"What was that for, Aomine-cchi?!" Kise whined.

"Shut up, we're hear to get a job done not to cry about what happened in the past!" Aomine said.

I returned back to the little home and crawled on all fours up the stairs to peak my head into the room where they were. At first, it was a hallway when I came up the stairs. Then, I knew which room they were in with certainly they were loud so I just followed the sound of their voices.

There I was, on all fours, listening to their conversation. Kise and Midorima were next to the window across from the door. And Aomine and Kuroko were both sitting in chairs as they were looking over at the big hole that was about to shape of two long rectangles that were in the middle of the room. It was like dirt that was covered by a hard surface.

"Who knew that we buried them deep under. This was harder than expected." Kuroko titled his head, looking down into the hole.

"Well, it was the only thing to keep him safe away from the ones that want his body, so that way they could just sell his body. We had to come back to come back for him." Midorima said, "at least for Nijimura, nanodayo."

"And what about Haizaki-kun?" (Kuroko)

"We had no choice. He had to go bury him otherwise, he would have lead them straight to our main location." Aomine answered, "that bastard. Always risking his life, just to prove a stupid point."

"Well, if it weren't for Haizaki-cchi, that would've been me in his place." Kise lowered his voice as he looks deeply at the second hole, "even if he was a stupid idiot, he had a good heart."

"It's alright, Kise. Our days of mourning has come to an end in two days. We just need to be patient right now." Midorima fixed his glasses, "so, is dinner being prepared, Kuroko?"

"I just got done picking my flowers. So I'm about to return to the house to cook." Kuroko answered, all of you should come with as well. Our guest might need someone to entertain her."

"So she is going to stay with us?! Yay! I'm so happy!" Kise cheered.

"Akashi-kun has her phone and is waiting on one more call from Kagami so he could invite him to get her." Kuroko said.

"What? He's actually going to let him have her back? What is Akashi thinking? We can't..."

"Aomine-kun. You didn't let me finish. Akashi has a plan for Kagami. Something that might help the both of us." Kuroko explained, "we need a drop of new blood in order to bring each of them from the no-world. If we had (Name) and Kagami's blood, then we could have both Nijimura-kun and Haizaki-kun. However, that will mean that they will become one of us."

A drop of blood? No-world? What are they talking about. I know the plan of getting Kagami into a trap, but everything else just threw me off a bit.

"I see. Well, if she's going to be apart of this, than we need to keep her away from certain things." Aomine said, "and Kagami will think that he will run off with (Name) and leave us burning in the dust."

"That will never happen. Not even by a long shot." Midorima said, "we will risk anything it'll take. We've come this far and we won't fall to where we started like Akashi said nanodayo."

I stood up and ran down the stairs as the stairs didn't make a sound, saving myself from being found out. Ran out of the door of the house and through the garden. I think I know too much. If they're are bodies that have buried in that house, then that would explain why there was a mourning atmosphere.

So Nijimura was their leader and Haizaki must be some sort of ally or companion. But I need to know the whole story. First I have to research. Kise and Aomine so badly. Then, I'll try to get my phone whenever I get the chance. Hopefully, I will get the right conclusion.

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