Goodbye and Hello

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My eyes shot open as I keep hearing my name being called out. My body feels so lighter now, but why is it so sore? I started to breathe very heavily at every move I made. My teeth felt like they were yanked over and over non stop.


"Kagami?" I whisper to myself. I try to make myself stand and run over to his voice. As long as nobody is around me, I might as well take the advantage while I still have it. My body is a little weak and my head hurts because of my teeth hurting.


"Kagami. Kagami." My voice wasn't that loud. It was about equal to me breathing after running a mile. Panting uncontrollably, moving very slow, but at least I knew where I was going. I heard his voice, it sounded like he's outside. I must get to him before the guys do.

I went through the kitchen door after slowly running through half of the house and went to the backyard.

" Where?" This new feeling in my body, it's not that I'm out of breath. Or tired. Am I  just thristy?" I fall to my knees as I see the fountain nearby. Slowly crawling towards it, my hands form into a cup and I scoop put some water so I would drink from it.

That didn't work. My throat still was parched. Like the water just wasn't enough.

"It's starting to sync in. Your new abilities." Nijimura said as he stood there right behind me. His presence didn't had me sleepy like usual. His presence is now so, real. Like he's an actual person.

"New abilites?" I repeated to myself.

"Yes. It will be a matter of time before you will become one of us. And so will Kagami." Nijimura's drooped as soon as I hear Kagami's voice again.


"Kaga...mi." I stood back up and tried to run over to the voice, "Ka....gami." It was getting louder and louder. And so was the beating of my heart. And so was my thirst.

"You won't make it. If you really care about him, then you would know to stay away and let us take care of him." Nijimura warned.

"No. I must see Kagami and-" I turned around to see Nijimura, but he was gone. Probably went to find Kagami himself. He'll probably find him before I do because of my current condition.

Then I heard a pair of feet, running towards me as I looked up. It was Kagami running towards me, looking very worried about me. "(Name)!" He cried. "T-Taiga?" I stuttered. I was about to faint until Kagami came in time to catch me. I opened my mouth and felt a lot of pain in my teeth. Like their changing or something. "(Name), what happened? What did they do to you?" Kagami asked.

A good scent came to my nose when Kagami pulled me closer to his neck, rubbing my head with his hand. That scent. Smells like.....No! I can't give in. I have to be strong. I might be hurt and at a bad condition, but I can't. I....will...not...loose.

The erge was strong as I tried to be stronger. I had no strength, nor was I in the position to fight back. And eventually, I gave in.

"Taiga, you smell....nice." I whispered. Maybe of I just have a little to prove that Nijimura was right. Just a little. And I have to control myself.

"(Name), are you okay?" Kagami asked me. I wasn't paying any attention because I was too mesmerized by his scent and opened my mouth even wider. "(Name), I'm so sor....." Kagami's sentence got interrupted by a pierced pain on his neck. When he looked, he saw me biting down hard, sucking the blood stored in his neck.

"(N-name)? W-why?" Kagami gasped. I released his neck which had no blood left. And now, time for more blood in the rest of his body. "S-sorry, T-Taiga." I apologized, "but your blood tastes nice. Can I please have the rest of it?" I fell to the ground and grabbed Kagami by the ankle, caused him to fall to my level. I wanted to stop. But I kept going. Becuase, it tasted so good. I had no self-control. I bit his upper leg, trying to suck all the blood I can.

" Stop it! .....(Name)! What are you....." Kagami began to slowly close his eyes, having my glowing, blood thirsty eyes the last image he saw. His eyes closed as I stopped and pried my teeth out. Did I kill him? No, please. No. Taiga?

His eyes moved. And they opened. Both of them looked my way as they glowed with a hungry look. I tilted my head at him as I reached my hand for his hair. To feel his hair and pet him to get him awake. Then he grabbed my wrist and bit it. That hurt.

"O-Ow, Taiga! I guess I deserve that." I yelped. I could feel my blood decrease as his fangs suck. Then he switched from my wrist to my neck. It didn't hurt as much as the first time when Akashi did it.

He stopped and looked up at me and saw at what he's doing. His eyes widened and jumped away from me, landing on his bottom.

"(Name)! S-Sorry, I didn't know it was you." Kagami apologized, "No, I knew it was, just that, uh, I couldn't help myself, for some reason."

"I'm just glad to see that you're still alive, Taiga." I sighed in relief. The both of us stood up and took a look at each other's fangs.

"So, I guess the both of us are vampires?" Kagami shrugs his shoulders.

"No, we all are." Akashi announced as the guys went out from the bushes along with resurrected Nijimura and Haizaki.

"Welcome to the family, (Name) and Kagami." Nijimura welcomed as he bowed. I looked at Kagami, who is very confused at what's going on.

"Whatever, I still won't forgive you guys for taking her away, I will-" Kagami said before I cut him off.

"Hey, we will live under the same roof you know?" I pointed out.

"And besides, we won't forgive you for cheating on (Name)." Aomine yawned, "you were just the human we can get in contact at short notice."

"Hey, hey, can we come inside now? It's cold out here." Haizaki complained.

"Very well, I'll explain everything to Kagami in the mean time. Well, let's go everyone, it's getting dark." Nijimura suggested. We all were walking towards the house as I was right behind them.

Suddenly, I felt as if someone was standing behind me and whispered with a mischievous tone, "it's not over yet, idiot."

I turned around, with no one to see. It didn't sound like anyone that I know. Not even one of the fellows.

"(Name)-cchi, are you okay?" Kise asked me. I turned back to him as I nodded. Something just didn't sit well with me with that voice.

"I thought I heard something." I whispered loudly to Kise as he placed an arm around me, walking to the mansion with everybody else. I was just so relived that all of this confusion is over. But I get to live with a house of lovers and my ex.

This voice is still in my head though. And then, from the distance, I can still hear it...............

"It is definitely far from over, idiot."

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