Murasakibara and Kuroko

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So here I am walking in the house looking for where those ghosts might be. It's really hard trying to look for something that you can barely see. I don't know what's going on around here. If he guys can see Haizaki and Njijmura, then why do they have to get then back?

"(Name)-san, what are you doing here?" Kuroko asked as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Uh, I was just trying to find everyone. And, well, I just got lost." I explained.

"I see. Then you can come with me, I was just on my way to Akashi's office to pick up something." Kuroko smiled, "Then perhaps I can take you to Murasakibara-kun, if we can find him." I nodded my head as the two of us walked quietly through the hallway.

I still think I should tell him about Haizaki and Njijmura, maybe he can tell me more about them.

"Hey, Tetsuya. Do you see ghosts around here sometimes?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Kuroko asked.

"Well, remember when you asked me if I know Shūzo Nijimura? Well, I think I know who he is." I said.

"You do? How?" He looked back at me.

"I believe I saw his spirit. And another one named Haizaki. It was only a few minutes ago I saw them before you found me." I told him, "what are they doing here anyway?"

"I can't get into too much detail, but they were once with us. That's all I am allowed to tell you." Kuroko said. Allowed to tell me? Sounds like someone doesn't want me to know much of everything that's going on.

"But why are they here? Shouldn't they be elsewhere but here?" I asked.

"Yes, but they should be out tomorrow. It just takes them time." Kuroko said. What does all of this even mean? What is this no-world that they keep saying? Is it this mansion?

But if I ask him about the no-world, then he will ask how did I know and assume that I know too much. So I'll just keep my mouth shut. Surely they'll explain everything to me at the end and how Kagami has to do with all this.

We arrived at a door as Kuroko opened it. On t he other side was a room decorated in purple accessories. We walked in as Kuroko called for Murasakibara.

"Come in, Kuro-chin." Murasakibara yawns as he lays on his bed, looking tired. The say just got started and now he's already tired?

"Murasakibara-kun. You were right about the other day, (Name)-san saw him as well. What should we do?" Kuroko asked. Wait, now they're going to do something to me?

"I don't know. Aka-chin didn't give me any instructions. He said that him and everyone will be back shortly." Murasakibara said as he got up from his bed, still clothed, "so guess it does matter if she saw Zaki-chin or Niji-chin. Wouldn't make a difference."

What are they talking about? Does that mean that it's okay to know what I already know?!

"In that case, that means we can taste her." Murasakibara said as he pulled my hand towards him and had my back to him, and I'm facing Kuroko.

"Wait a minute, Murasakibara-kun. Are you even sure that we can? The day we've been waiting for is almost coming." Kuroko said, "surely we must wait until then."

"Ha? Kise-chin and Mine-chin bit her, so why can't we?" Asked Murasakibara as he found Kise and Aomine's bite mark on my neck, "it's not fair. That least we can do is the same." Faster then I thought Murasakibara bit me, not on my neck, but the inside of my arm.

His fangs sunk into my skin as the blood flowing through my veins flew into his mouth. His bite was stronger than both Kise and Aomine. It was almost like my arm was getting weak already.

Then, just when I was about to open my mouth to tell him to stop, I felt another pair of fangs sink into my other arm on the outside. I looked and saw that Kuroko had joined in woth Murasakibara.

"Atsushi, Tetsuya.....please stop......I don't know if.......I can take it." I said weakly.

"It's okay, (Name)-chin. We know when to stop with you." Murasakibara assured me, "besides, I bet that you'll been bitten by worse. You haven't felt Aka-chin's yet. It's a mean one."

"That's right. Alot of girls never could stand his bite. Then by the next minute, they would pass out or die." Kuroko agreed, "with blood like yours, you could probably survive."

"So you guys are vampires, I got that. So are Njijmura and Haizaki right? What is going on tomorrow? What does all of this have to do with Kagami, my ex?" I asked the two, why won't you guys tell me?"

"Please, calm down. You're asking too much questions for one minute, (Name)-san. They will be answered tomorrow." Kuroko told me, " you'll pass put sooner with all of the stress you're putting on yourself." No, it's the stress that you guys are putting on me!

The room got dizzy, at least I think it did. The vampires bites that are sucking the blood began to feel numb as my legs started to.


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