Dinner Pt. 2

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"Oooo, Tetsu! This one!" Aomine pointed to a silky dark blue dress, "she looks smoking hot in that!" I blushed at Aomine's comment. "I don't think she wants to wear a boring dress." Kuroko rolled his eyes, "how about this one?" Kuroko pulled at a dark blue dressed with black ribbon around the waist and dark blue ruffles to make it look cute and poofy. It looked much better than that plain dress. "I like that one better." I said.

"You got taste, Tetsu." Aomine grinned, "put it on, sexy." "My name is (Name), Aomi...." "Daiki." He interrupted me. I rolled my eyes as I snatched the dress out of his hands and went behind the foldable to put it on. "Sorry, Murasakibara-kun didn't show you the whole house." Kuroko bowed, "he's always like that." "No, it's fine. I didn't mind at all." I assured them. I really didn't mind when Murasakibara wanted to sleep, I mean, he looked so cute when he did.

As I went into the changing room and took off my previous clothes to where I only had my bra and panties on, Aomine walked I wrapped his arms around my waist. "Daiki! I'm changing!" I told him. "I know. That's why I wanted to hold you." Daiki smirked as his lips sucked on a certain part on my neck. "Daiki! S-s-stop it. I need to change-change." I stuttered as I blushed.

"Too bad. I wanted to cuddle with you." Aomine whined. Cuddle?! He removed his arms and turn to the window on the other side where you could see the graveyard. "It's almost time." He mumbled, "but I hope it can come faster." "Almost time for what?" I asked. "Nothing. I forgot you can't know about it." Aomine smiled. I rolled my eyes as I released the ruffles from under my dress to give it a puffy appearance.

"Sexy. I could take you away from here if I had the chance to." He said in a hungry tone, "you look so delicious. I just can't wait to have you." "Excuse me?" I tilted my head. Aomine says nothing but walks over to me and places his lips on my neck. "Forget everyone else. I'm the one you should be with." He smirked as he nibbled my ear, "they might come back, but I can do whatever I want." I blushed madly as he said those words my ear. "What about Akashi?" I asked, "and everyone else?" "Oh well. I'm stronger than all of them anyway." He bragged.

Aomine removed his lips and opened the door as soon as I was done changing into my dress. Aomine reached for my hand and walked me outside of the changing room and into the hallway. "Let's go." We walked into the hallway together with he by my side. I noticed he couldn't take my eyes off of me. With his dark blue orbs, he stares at me the whole time and couldn't take his eyes off of me even if I wanted him to.

As we walked into the hallway, I noticed that there was a mirror leaning against the wall that looked like it was a hundred years old. Aomine stopped and took a look at the dusty reflection. "On your way to to dinner?" Midorima popped out of the room next door. "Yeah. So, we're throwing away this mirror after all, huh Midorima?" Aomine asked. "Akashi said we have to. This thing his haunted us for forever. Now we have to break it and burn all the pieces." Midorima explained.

Why do they have to to that? It's just a mirror? Or does it carry very unpleasant history or something? "Why that? It looks fine to me." I stated as I stood in front of the mirror. You really couldn't see anything because of the rust on the edges and dust on the glass. "Why can't you sell this thing?" I suggest, "you'll make good money, I bet." "Too bad that she can't know. It'll make things easier." Aomine whispered to Midorima. "You wouldn't dare." The green-haired man growled. "Oh I can." The two argued from there.

Meanwhile, I grabbed a little cloth I found in a box next to the mirror. As I grabbed it to clean the mirror, a picture frame fell from the box. I bent down and picked it up to see if it was okay then suddenly, I saw a cute pictures of everyone. They all looked a little younger thought. One the first row up, Kuroko sat down in the middle of Kise on the left and Aomine on the right. Last row up you could see Murasakibara and Midorima. But in the middle, there was Akashi sitting next to a black-haired person. Wait! That's the person that knocked me out that time! And next to him was a male with grey hair. I didn't see him before.

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