Aomine & Kise

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Aomine and I walked to his bedroom where I would be staying the night and Midorima walked to his room which was next door as well. "Was Momoi-san, a friend of yours?" I asked. "Don't worry about it, it's nothing you need to know about, (Name)." The dark-skinned man yawned, "besides, she was more than a friend." More than a friend? So like a girlfriend? Or wife? Whatever the case might be, Daiki doesn't want me knowing about it. "But, there are a lot of people we were closely associated with. So might see new people in a bunch of pictures." Aomine stated.

A bunch of people? We these guys very popular or something? "But there is someone that is special to each of you?" I guessed, "Midorima looked like Takao-san meant a lot to him, although he didn't look at the picture." "Yeah. To be honest, he is a Tsundere. Even Takao could see it." Aomine said, "and that's the same with everyone else. Murasakibara has one. Kuroko has one. Kise. Even Akashi." Akashi has a special person? Is it his mother that he talked about yesterday?

When we got to his room where it was decorated with dark blue silk on the bed, curtains and paint on the walls. Aomine went into the closet and pulled out a long blue shirt that kinda looked like a dress. He threw it on me and a pair of slippers. A nightgown? "You know, Akashi talked about me staying here longer. So it might be a lot more fun." A tried to spark up a conversation as I took the clothes off while Aomine's back was turned. He didn't say anything. We was standing away from me looking into the picture.

"I mean, you guys seem very nice. I like it here, you know?" Nothing. Just let the silence get the best of me. As soon as I got the nightgown on I walked over to him to see if he was okay. "Daiki? What's wrong?" I asked. Then just like that he turned around and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me with his hands on,my waist. What is he doing?! It was like he was saving the kiss until we were alone. I didn't want to stop the kiss, mostly because his lips still tasted like blueberry from dessert.

"I can't take it anymore." He mumbled as he departed his lips from mine, "I just want you all to myself." He aimed at my neck and sucked on a spot as he held me tighter. "" I moaned. What is this? We can't do that, not here and now. And besides, this is my second day here! He can't just skip to the pleasure now! I was able to free one arm and was about to push him away, but he grabbed it as he turned me around til my back was against his chest.

"Daiki, what are you doing?!" I exclaimed. I turned my head to look at him and he didn't look like himself. His dark blue eyes lighten up a little bit and were glowing just like Kise's from yesterday, except that Aomine's dark blue. He had like a hungry look on his face and didn't seem like the Aomine I knew. "You look so beautiful in that gown." Daiki smirked, "I just want to have you right now." And he kept on sucking the same spot on my neck, creating a dark mark.

"Daiki, are you okay?" I asked, "this isn't like you!" Then I felt his teeth rubbing on my neck as he pulled his fingers through my hair. "I know that. But you haven't seen what I'm really like." Daiki smirked as he set his teeth on my neck. He bites softly on my neck as I try try to get out of his tight grasp. This is not good. Does that mean that they are vampire?! So. That book is real! I have to read more and does that mean that Momoi and Takao must be......

"You're really stupid, Aomine-cchi!" Kise bursts in the room as he throws a book at the man. It hits him as he falls backwards and I've been real from his grasp. "This is why Akashi-cchi doesn't trust you with our guests!" The blonde rushes I fell forward but luckily Kise was there to catch me. "Are you okay, (Name)-cchi?" Kise asked me. I nodded my head as I stood on my feet. That was weird. For a second I thought that Aomine was going to bite me. "Was, Daiki about to..." I paused as I saw Aomine landing on the floor. "Oh, no. Sometimes, he acts a little bit not myself." Kise explains.

"You really shouldn't be talking Kise. You're the one who choked her!" Aomine blamed. "You're the one who tried to seduce her!" Kise threw the blame on him. Aomine stood back up as he rubbed his face where the book hit him. "Ow, sorry about that (Name), I just saw you in that gown and uh....remind me of Sastuki." Aomine childishly smiled. "It's okay. I understand." I smiled back. So Momoi was like a girlfriend or wife to Aomine?

"Anyway, it there a reason why you're here, Kise." Aomine yawned. "Oh yeah, Akashi-cchi wanted me to sleep with the both of you!" Kise cheered, so this is how it'll work." Kise ran and climbed on the bed and went under the covers on the left side. Now that I'm think about it, he was wearing white pajamas that didn't match with Aomine's room or his own. "I'll sleep here, (Name)-cchi sleeps in the middle and you sleep on the right side, Aomine-cchi!" Kise smiled brightly.

"What?! Hold on a sec!" Aomine stomped to the bed and tried to pull Kise out of it. "Why is this happening?! I never asked for you to sleep with us?!" Aomine said. "Akashi-cchi wanted me to be here for the night." Kise explained, "I can't be in my room." Kise was holding on to the mattress so he wouldn't be pulled off by the strength of Daiki. He can't be in his own room? Things are getting weird and thinks night two. "Why not, Ryota?" I asked. "Because, um....Kuroko-cchi's using my room." Kise looked at Aomine as he nodded his head. "Oh, I see." Aomine let go of Kise's ankles and let him on the bed.

"Wait, why is Kuroko using Kise's room?" I asked. "Well, um.. um.." Kise tried to come up with the reason whatever it is but Aomine said it for him. "Tetsu's cleaning Kise's room!" Aomine blurted. I tilted my head at the two. Cleaning? That's unusual. Kise's room isn't that messy what I was there. "At night Kise would have uh roaches! Crawling on the floor. "Roaches?! I squealed. I hate roaches. They just pop out of no where when you don't need them. "Don't worry, Kuroko-cchi will be spraying some stuff, so no worries." Kise smiled.

"Well, surely you can't sleep on the bed." Aomine folded his arms, "(Name) and I will be sleeping there." "And where do you think I can sleep?" Kise asked.

"The floor. You better be lucky it's carpet."

"No! Aomine-cchi, you're so mean!"

"I'm tired, Kise. Now move you butt on the floor. I give you some pillows and a blanket."

"I bet you're carpet stinks like cigarettes. I know you don't smoke, but it just smells like it!"

"Shut up and get down off the bed, now!"

"No! I don't wanna."



"Stop it! Now, let's all just share the bed okay? We're all tired now." I told the both do they won't argue no more. Both of them looked at me and smiled like they were children. "Yes, ma'am!" They smiled. Kise remained where he was and Aomine threw myself on the other side. While I crawled in between and in the middle.

I stretched my arms out as I got under the covers and snuggled up. I can feel both of the males cuddling on me on each side. Kise's clothed by pajamas chest touched one side and Aomine's bare chest touched the other.....wait, Bare! I looked and saw that he wasn't wearing a top but a bottom. I sighed in relief from the fact that he wasn't naked.

"Good night, sexy." Aomine smirked as he kissed my lips. Wow, a good night kiss. (O/////O) "Good Night, (Name)-cchi!" Kise yawned as he made my head turn over to him and kissed me on the lips as well. Goodness, Two! (O\\\\\\O) "Good night, Aomine and Kise." I smiled as I closed my eyes and went to sleep. And now, I am sleeping in a bed with two men. That sounds so weird. I wonder what else does this house and these guys have in store for me.

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