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"PASTA! PASTA! PASTA!" My Italy ringtone went off. I tried to open my eyes, but a face was in the pillow. I raised my head up as I try to look for Aomine and Kise. They were nowhere near me now. How could they just leave that fast? I know they were sleeping with me. I felt there bodies pressed against me all night.

But, where's my phone? I got out of the bed to find my phone so I followed the sound on the Italy ringtone. "PASTA! PASTA! PASTA!" I followed the ring tone to the dresser in the third one down. Why would it be there? If these guys knew more about phones, they would put it on silent.

"Hello?" I started the call.

"(Name)? Is that you? Where have you been?" Soma panicked, "you've been gone for four days! That's ninety-six hours!"

That's Soma. Always be there to panick when something's not right. She always pays attention to what's happening so that way she would notice when something's gone.

"I know. I know, Soma. I'm fine, thank you." I told her. Now's my third day with the guys after a day of being in the woods that Kagami (that jerk) cast me to.

"Where are you?! Kagami has been worried about you ever since you disappeared! Kou called you yesterday and was able to talk to you. Where are you?!" Soma asked, "we haven't seen you. Are you okay?"

"I don't know honestly. This place doesn't have an address." I told her, "besides I'm okay, I just don't want to see nor hear Kagami right now." You can tell that she's nodding at the end of the line. All of your friends must understand that you do not wish to see Kagami after that day. You wanted to forget about him.

"What happened between you and Kagami? I know the two of you must've have fought, then next thing I know we haven't seen you at all." Soma pointed out, "did you ran away?"

"No! He just kicked me out! Cast me into the woods and never wanted me to return!" I fussed, "he wanted me to run into the woods! And I was lost in that jungle FOR A WHOLE DAY?!"

"The woods?! A whole day?! You poor thing! Are you still in the woods?" She asked.

"No. I'm at a family's house right now. And I don't know How to get anywhere." I kinda lied.;

"Don't worry. Can you at least come over once in a while and not disappear from all of us?" Soma guessed.

"Uh, I can't know exactly where I am or how to get to you." You said, "after all, I feel like we're in the middle of nowhere."

*Knock* *Knock* "(Name)-cchi! Are you awake? Aomine-cchi and I brought breakfast!" Kise chirped.

"Oh no. Call you later, Soma." You rushed.

"W-Wait, who was---"*boop* You hung up on her before she could answer your question. You put the phone back in the drawer and rushed under the covers to make it look like you just woke up, so they wouldn't be suspicious.

"(Name)-cchi, good morning!" Kise sang as he opened the doors and came up to the bed with you, "we brought your breakfast to start off the day!"

"Kise, stop acting like a housewife and help me with this cart." Aomine told him, "your voice is like the loudest thing that I've heard all morning."

"Aw, why are you so mean, Aomine-cchi? I don't understand." The blonde pouted, "anyway, so who were you talking on the phone with (Name)-cchi?"

"Uh, it was just a friend of mine." I told them, "don't worry, I didn't tell her our location." I can't anyway. These guys better be lucky that they live out here, I could get lost easily in all of that mess.

"Oh good! Was it that Kaga-jerk!" Kise riled up.

"No, it wasn't him, Kise." I told him, "out was one of my good friends, Soma."

"Kise! Help, now? Hello?" Aomine tried get the blonde's attention.

"Oh, right. Sorry about that Aomine-cchi." Kise apologized as he help Aomine with the cart through the doorway. As soon the the cart made it into the room. Kise carried me bridal style back to the bed and brought my breakfast.

"Today, breakfast was made by Midorima-cchi. That means you're really in for a treat!" Kise cheered, "I honestly thought that Midorima-cchi cooking breakfast was rare."

"Oh, please. The only two people that I'm surprised that will cook anything would be Kuroko and Akashi." Aomine yawned, "at least that's how I see it."

"True, Aomine-cchi. Maybe we should ask Akashi-cchi if he would cook sometime?" Kise guessed.

"You just hurt my feelings. I consider making boiled eggs cooking, right?" Kuroko popped in scaring the both of them.

"Ah! Kuroko-cchi? What are you doing here?!" Kise asked.

"I was sent here to tell, (Name)-san something. On be half of Midorima-kun and Akashi-kun." Kuroko walked over to me, "(Name)-san, Midorima-kun said that what you have for breakfast is nothing special. Its just two pieces of toast topped with blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. On the side you have sausage, bacon and eggs. Please enjoy." Kuroko bowed as he smiled. If its nothing special, then he wouldn't have made it seam like it was.

I mean, I'm already getting used to this whole thing even though it's my third day.

"Also, for Akashi-kun, I will be hosting dinner for tonight. Murasakibara-kun will be hosting snacks." Kuroko announced.

"Eh? Really? Where is he?" Aomine asked.

"He's sleeping late as usual. He should get up in probably an hour." Kuroko said, "so I suggest you and Kise-kun go with Midorima-kun to the backyard and continue yesterday. I'll take care of (Name)-san."
Finish tomorrow? What does that supposed to mean? Is this what they are doing daily? What so important about the backyard? Time for some investigating. Later.

The two men came up to me and kissed me on the cheek as they waved goodbye.

"I'll see ya later, sexy." Aomine smirked, "your clothes are on the side of the bed."

"Yeah. Bye, (Name)-cchi." Kise waved as he caught up with Aomine and closed the door behind them. I took a bite of my fruit on toast as I looked at Kuroko. I'm still kinda concerned about Aomine and his lady friend. As well as Midorima and his friend too. Maybe he could tell me something.

"Say, Tetsuya." I grabbed his attention, "can you tell me about Aomine and Momoi-san?" Kuroko didn't need a second to give me an answer. He picked out the same pictures that he has in his back pocket from yesterday.

"I found these in the trash again, so I managed to get them before I was noticed." Kuroko gave the pictures to me.

"With Aomine-kun and Momoi-san, they were in love with each other very much. They met at a bakery not far from here. As was a baker and he was just a guy that has a house and lives his life." Kuroko began telling the story, "they hit it off right away. I was a friend of both of them so I know how much they would spend time with each other."

"Their families were enemies, so they had a secret wedding." Kuroko continues, "of course I was there. Him and I have been friends since forever."

"Was it a lovely wedding?" I asked. Tetsuya nodded his head, "yes, it was. But, the marriage didn't last long. Only for a couple of months." His voice dropped down. That can't be good. "What happened?" I asked anxiously.

"His family found out and kidnapped her and killed her. Then, he ended up being homeless. In the streets." Kuroko looked down at the picture, "and never saw her again." My heart dropped very deeply. I had no idea Daiki had it that hard. He must have loved Momoi-san very much. It was depressing to here such a story.

"Midorima-kun and Takao-kun is a mystery to me. All I know is that they were business partners." Kuroko guessed, "but hopefully we could-------could---could-----" Kuroko paused in the middle of his sentence as his stomach started to make a weird battleground.

"Oh my, are you hungry? Here, you can have something from me." I offered. Kuroko covered his mouth and nose with his hand. He looked kinda sick. "No thank you. I just need some air." He rushed out of the room faster than a race car. I wonder what was wrong? I hope that he's alright.

After I was done with my breakfast, I got up and changed into some clothes that were on the side of the bed. I need to follow Kuroko, if I can that is.

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