Portraits and Names

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After I was finished with breakfast, I threw on the clothes that the guys picked out for me. Then I peeked my head just out the door, looking at the empty hallway. I went into the hallway and I turned left, where Kuroko ran all of a sudden. I tip-toed quietly calling the creaky wooden floor covered by a carpet. The hallway lead me to a couple of stairs to the living room.

No one was there. The living had red velvet couches and chairs that perfectly matches the atmosphere the the house brings. I looked around a bit, to check out the room. The room's walls were covered by dimmed, old, dusty self portraits. I walked over to one, the dust was so thick I couldn't see any thing. They must be very old. Old as the person who it's supposed to be.

Then I found a duster that was on the desk next to me. I wanted to dust the picture a bit and didn't want to get my hands dirty.  I grabbed the feather duster and dusted off the pictures to see the faces. The first portrait I saw was when I dusted off the  dust from the top and saw the the person in the portrait had black hair. Black hair? I dusted off the dust some more to reveal the face and shoulders.

Wait! That's him! I was finished with the portrait and realise who that was. It was the same guy that was in the picture with everyone else that was sitting next to Akashi. Not only that, but that was the guy that sorta knocked me out the other day. Maybe the other portraits look like everyone else! I continued with the other painting from the left and dusted it off. The other one was the guy with the ash haired. I haven't encountered him yet, but I'm getting a feeling that I'm on to something.

So, I dusted off all of the pictures on the walls to found out if my theory was true. If everyone else has a portrait of themselves as well. I couldn't help myself for dusting awfully fast, but I just had to know what is going on. These guys are more than normal people. But I don't know if they're vampires either. I just have to collect all the information I can so I can piece them together.

When I was done, I was right. Everyone was a portrait. The black haired man, Akashi, Kise, Midorima, Kuroko, Aomine, Murasakibara and the ash haired. It all makes sense. So I'm guessing that those two guys, the black and ash used to live here with them. But if so, what happened to them? Why aren't they here with everyone else? I saw the one from the other day, but that was the first and possibly the last that I've seen him.

My attention was switched over to the golden plates that were drilled into the bottom of the portrait. Same thing with everything else. I looked at the bottom as it said,

Shuzo Nijimura

Nijimura? I'm guessing that's his name. That's the name that Atsushi said that he saw at dinner last night. Was he a ghost? I looked at everyone's names at the bottom.

Seijuro Akashi

Ryota Kise

Shintaro Midorima

Tetsuya Kuroko

Daiki Aomine

Atsushi Murasakibara

Shogo Haizaki. The ash-haired.

I know all of their names now, but what's their story is what I'm mostly interested in. That's right, that book in Akashi's room. The only two people that I haven't looked at is Kise and Aomine. Maybe it will say something about Nijimura and Shogo. And Momoi too.

Before I wanted to go to Akashi's place, Kuroko's voice started to grow louder and louder throughout the house. I heard running footsteps coming my way from the upstairs. I hid myself under the desk in front of Nijimura's portrait. I peaked a little bit and saw Kuroko, but in a bad condition. His face looked like he was all panicked with blood pouring out of his mouth while his dried up fingers tried to cover it.
"AKASHI-KUN!" He called. I heard a door opening slowly and out comes Akashi with a bag of red liquid in his hand. "Here, Tetsuya. You must be patient for you are the host for tonight's dinner." Akashi told him as he hand him the blood, "what will our guest think about this?"

"Sorry, Akashi-kun. But, I couldn't wait, she's so beautiful and her scent got to me." Kuroko explained as he drank, "when will we make her into....you know?"

"Soon, I can't say when." Akashi said, "as soon as the leaders get there, then we can. However, we must do something with her friends and Kagami." Kuroko nodded his he finished his drink and rejuvenated quickly. His fingers were not longer looking old and his face was clean and youthful again.

"Ah, thank you, Akashi-kun." Kuroko thanked, "what do you want me to do?"

"Go to the garden and pick out your flowers. When the time two hours before dinner, alert them immediately." Akashi ordered, "I need to look into the information I've collected from (Name)'s phone."
Information from my phone? There's nothing but contacts that might be talking about but that's it. I don't know if pictures and videos can tell information. Most of the pictures that I have are with me and Kagami. I wish I deleted those, but I feel like it'll kill me it I do.

"It was harder than I thought. I must admit, phones and technology these days are getting even more impressive than back then. However to us, the more they call them smarter, the more dumber we call them." Akashi said, "it sickens me just by figuring out the meaning of the thing. For now, we can do nothing with Kagami. He will become a problem, unlike her other friends who won't do anything. All I need is one more call from him."

Akashi held up my phone from his pocket. My phone! I left it on the bed and now Akashi has it, dang it!

"Is she out and about now?" Kuroko asked.

"Yes. Although, we should not be worried. As long as we keep her with the information she has, were safe. It'll won't make a difference if she finds out sooner and later." Akashi answered with a smirk, "now, let's go."

If I find out sooner or later? I have to find out what they meant by that. Obviously, there's a secret that they are keeping from me. Maybe it has to do with where Aomine, Kise and Midorima are?

Akashi went back into his office while Kuroko goes into another hallway, which I'm guessing to the garden. The phone might be a concern, they sound like their going to do something to Kagami. But now, I need to go to the garden. That's sounds like there's more than just flowers.

I rose from under the desk and went up the stairs, following Kuroko at a safe distance. He leads me to the kitchen, where there was a door to the outside onto the backyard.

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