Research Pt. 1

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These two book might get me some new and juicy information about our leader. I honestly can't help myself, not when there's secrets to explore. I took both books to the bed and read them as I sat in the silky bed. The first book that caught my eye was:


When I opened up to the first page, it was seriously dusty old thing. It's like was made in the old century. The first page was blank do I opened up the other page. It turns out that there was like a table of contents with everyone's first name. Hey, I wonder if I could find Akashi in here. What was it that he wanted me to call him, Seijuro? Yea, that's it let's see. I searched through the page for his name and before I knew it, there it was.

Seijuro Akashi, December 20, 1738.

1738? What is that supposed to mean? Could it be his birthday? No, if it was then he would most likely be dead. I turn to the page where is says much about in the first part. At the top, it had an old picture of him, but he looks different. Well it had to be his eyes, their both the same color, then his eyes today. I wonder what happened to them? Meanwhile, I read the first three sentences that made the room very cold.

In the book:

Seijuro Akashi, the last heir of a wealthy family and master of manipulating others. From the people's perspective, they think of him as the last curse of the world or he demand s power just like his father. The Akashi family is known for many of the crimes that they did. You can tell that they did it by the bite mark they leave behind on their victims. If the bite mark is not s sign of blood, little blood found in the body and the blood is a little lighter than usual that means it was an Akashi.

The members of the Akashi family share many similar traits like other vampire families. For the Akashi's they most commonly shared the leadership, their way of ladies or gentlemen, and a demanding nature. If you think that you can top this, think again.

Well, this is very scary. I wonder if Akashi kept this book for some reason, maybe this book is just fiction, right? And if he was born in the 1730's then there is no way that he could be that old. I mean, he looks so young. But the book does say that he could be a vampire, or a wizard. But come on, those spooky characters don't exist! Seriously, I'm too old to believe in such stupid tales, 

I ponder in my head on who I should look up now. Midorima? No, it's too early to search for him and he hasn't been strange at all. He just gives me a death stare, so I assume that he hates me. Kise? No, he's too sweet and acting normal. Murasakibara? Nah, nothing at all. Aomine? Hm. No. Ah, I got it! I'll look up Kuroko! He's been acting strange like that bubble bath scene.

I turned to the pages in the far back of the dusty book and spotted his picture. Is he the same way? No, everyone has a different story, so let's see about this Kuroko. I couldn't see the words again, since this darn dust is in the way. I found a cleaning cloth on the nightstand and wipe the dust off with a couple of swipes. There we go, now let's read Kuroko's story.

In the book:

Tetsuya Kuroko January 31, 1740

Tetsuya Kuroko is a member of the Kuroko family, know as the shadow family. This family was to believe a vampire family as well. But only Tetsuya's cousin and niece were the only ones who were captured and rid of. The Kurokos are known for their swiftly attacks and fast speed. They appear to be doing their hunting somewhere away from the crowd, when you're alone or with a couple of friends. In either case, none of you would make it out alive.

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