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I woke up and found myself on a bed of silky covers, pillows and open windows that gave me fresh air. I looked around the room and something didn't feel right about this place. Surely, this wasn't my place, not with such splendid decor and clean housekeeping. I tried to get off the bed to walk but my legs were too tired from last night that they bearly moved at all. The only thing I could do was crawl like I'm a seven months old.

I remain on the bed, sitting up, trying to remember what happened and how did I get here. Well let's see...I remember my friends..... it was my birthday......there were a bunch of guys flirting with me.....Well that didn't help. Then, all of a sudden the vision of Kagami yelling at me came to my mind. "GO! GO! GET OUT!" I heard Kagami's voice. Kagami....I remember he cast me out into the woods and told me to never come back.....It was like a nightmare.

Tears started to roll down my face as I remember the terrible look he gave me back then. "Kagami- kagami. I- I am sorry." I sniffed "Ka-Kagami?" I caught my breath, grabbed a tissue from a nearby box and blew my nose. Kagami and I were inseparable and know each other very well.

He knows that I would do anything so back-stabbing that would hurt him. And to think that he would abandoned me like that on my birthday! Well it's over now, If he wants me out of his life, so be it. I don't need him, anyway. I put the tissue down as I heard a creek at the door. The door opened slowly and then appeared the purple-haired male from last night who took me in. He peeped his head through the crevice of the door and saw that I was awake.

"Good Morning, cutie." He greeted warmly "how are you feeling?" "Good Morning, I feel fine." I answered back as he came in and headed to the opposite of the bed. "Mine-chin should be here with the breakfast soon and Aka-chin to check on you." He informed. He hopped on the opposite side of the bed with me under the covers. I grew more and more nervous as he scooted closer to me. He reached his hand out and felt the wariness of my cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "It's too cold in this house. I need a warm buddy to comfort me." He explained as he wrapped his long arms around my waist, placing his head on my chest. "Ah, by the way, what's your name?" He asked. "(Last Name), (First Name)." I said. "Murasakibara, Atsushi at your service." The man purred as the weight of his body was heavy that he made me lie down on the silky pillow.

"Eh, you're so warm. I could hold you all day, cutie." Murasakibara sighed as his company made me blush. The man was quite a charmer just like the other guys a met at the bar. "Alright, that's enough Murasakibara." A voice told him. As male walked in, I immediately recognized his face from the bar. It was Aoimne, the waiter from the bar. Judging by the way he saw me, he must've recognized me too. "Aomine?" I gasped. "Sexy!" He gasped right back.

"It's (Name)-chin, Mine-chin." Murasakibara corrected. Aomine came into the room with a silver tray in his hand, must be my breakfast, I am starving! "I didn't know you came, how did you find me?" He asked "this house is surrounded by the woods!" "She found us, Aomine-icchi." Another voice came forward. This time it was Kise, the other waiter from the bar.

"We meet again, beautiful (Name)-icchi." Kise said as he walked in. "I was kicked out by my boyfriend, and I get lost so I found this house but I didn't know you guys live here." I explained. I wasn't sure if I should say 'kicked out' but what else could I say? I guess I should've said abandoned, but I used it too many times. And besides, he'll come back, right?"

"What a disgrace!" Aomine exclaimed "who would leave a beautiful, sexy, young woman to the woods where she could have been killed." Aomine sets my food on the nearby stand and removes the top, exposing a beautiful breakfast with french toast, eggs and bacon. Just looking at it made me hungry as ever! "We would never treat you like that, would we?" Kise asked as he cut my French toast for me into bite sized squares. "Of course not, not to this beautiful cutie." Murasakibara purred as he helped me sat up on the bed.

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