Missing Pieces

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After all of us ate desserts, Kuroko and Murasakibara collected the dishes to wash them as Aomine and I walked into the hallway, on our way to Aomine's bedroom. I feel a little sleepy cause of the blueberry dessert. I kinda wanted to ask Aomine about who's Momoi, but I don't want to leap into that already. And Takao too. Cause the book doesn't say anything about those two.

"Well, that was enjoyable, huh, (Name)." Aomine sighed as he put his hands in his pocket. "Yeah. So who's hosting tomorrow?" I asked. Aomine shrugged his shoulders as if he doesn't give a damn. "Well, let's see.....either Kuroko or Murasakibara. Have to ask Akashi." Aomine yawned. As we went, we walked pass the box with the pictures and stopped. Aomine peeked through the door of the same room they were cleaning out of and saw Midorima there.

"What is it, Daiki?" I asked. "Wait out here." He said as he walked into the room. That room is like a storage. I wonder if they are really going to throw everything away in there.  After when he was completely out of the hallway, I kneel over the box where the photo of the men sitting together from before. Who is Momoi? Who is Takao? Then when I look back at the box, there was two more pictures that poked out and caught my eye. One photo was one with Aomine and a pink haired girl on the side of him. Is this Momoi? The girl that seems to have a certain connection with Daiki.


Based on the texture I feel from touching the picture, this is old

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Based on the texture I feel from touching the picture, this is old. When I looked at the woman wearing the dark blue dress and looked back at me. That's that same dress I'm wearing! Did Aomine want me to wear this on purpose? That women, might be Satsuki Momoi. She sure is beautiful. "I wonder what's Aomine's story." I sighed. Maybe that's his friend, girlfriend, wife.....could be anybody.

Then I picked up another picture from behind that one I had. This one had Midorima in it and another dude. Short, straight, black hair and slate blue eyes that looked like a fun guy. Both of them were wearing tuxedos but just different style and color. Midorima just looked grumpy as usual. But, he's not a bad though, he's just Tsundere. And this picture is kinda old too. I wonder if it's really old or just decorations to make it look like it.


The guy on the right looks like he could be Takao

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The guy on the right looks like he could be Takao. We're him and Midorima long time friends or something? Is that why Midorima didn't want to talk about him? I wonder where he is now? The both of them really look like they make a pretty good team.

"I'll take that." Akashi held his hand out for the pictures. At first I got startled when Akashi came up behind me. I didn't know that he was there. How long was he standing there? I give him the pictures at the palm of his hand. "Who were they?" I asked. "Satsuki Momoi. And Kazunari Takao. Very close friends of Daiki and Shintaro." Akashi answered, "I honestly cannot believe that they would want to throw these away."

Akashi places the pictures in his back pocket. "Anyway, I want to talk to you. It's about Taiga Kagami." Akashi said. Kagami again? Why do they always want to talk about him? Is he becoming a problem? "I honestly believe that it will be safe if you stayed with us." Akashi spoke, "lately, Kagami has been calling you non-stop. It's worrying me." Oh dear. "D-Don't worry, Aka----." "Seijuro." He corrected me. "Seijuro. I'm pretty sure that it'll die down soon." I assumed, "Kagami can't be that patient."

"However, if he isn't that patient then he will take drastic measures such as trying to find you himself." Akashi said, "if he finds out our location, then we will have to take them as well." Does he mean by killing Kagami? Usually when people find out where someone lives it's not that much of a big deal. Maybe they're hiding something that can't be exposed to the outside? "I see. But, you won't kill him, right?" I asked, "I could just give myself up so that way it wouldn't be so much trouble."

"That will not be necessary. We couldn't bare having you not with us." Akashi sighed, "you will be staying with us, and that's final." Final? Sheesh, he sounds like a spoiled brat. "For how long?" I asked. "Forever." Akashi answered bluntly. I tilted my head at his answer. Forever? Now, that is a strange question. "Forever?" I repeated him, "I'm not sure if that's possible." "It's possible." Akashi said, "and correct. So that will happen." "But how? We are human after all?" I asked, "not to upset you or anything."

"Well, until Taiga proves to us that he will never disrespect you again." Akashi explains, "we don't want anything bad happening to you." It's good to know that these guys actually care about me. I honesty want to stay with them and not Kagami. But then again, I don't want to cause them too much trouble. "Oh. Well, that's very thoughtful of you all, really." I thanked, "I'm pretty sure that Kagami would settle down in a couple of days." "Hmm. We'll see about that." Akashi grinned.

Akashi's grin is so sexy. I-I mean, not sexy, no it is! Argh! I'm getting too much thoughts into this! A awkward silence took place between us as I stood there looking at Akashi, nervously. Now what? Are we done talking about Kagami now? "So, who is hosting the dinner tomorrow?" I asked. "Atsushi." Akashi answered bluntly. "What?! Why me, Aka-chin?" Murasakibara whined as soon as he heard his name.

He came out of the kitchen and walked over to us. "Because I said so, Atsushi. After you it will be Tetsuya." Akashi told him. "Can I host snacks?" The giant asked him. Snacks? Why snacks? "No. Dinner is better. Why would you host snacks?" Akashi asked. "Because, dinner is too troublesome." Atsushi explained, "and too long. Can't we at least talk it out?" "We'll, see about that. In the meantime, where's Daiki?" Akashi asked me.

"Here, Akashi." Aomine raised his hand after he got out of the room with Midorima, "so, who's hosting dinner tomorrow?" "Either Atsushi or Tetsuya. Seijuro was just talking to Atsushi about it." I informed. Now I feel like a different person saying everyone's given name like this. Aomine raised an eyebrow as he smirked at Akashi. "Seijuro, huh? Wow, Akashi you and that "absoluteness" of yours." Aomine grinned.

"There is no such word as absoluteness, Aomine." Midorima stated, "your vocabulary is worse than Murasakibara's." "What? Does that mean I'm smarter than Mine-chin?" Murasakibara asked. "Please! Don't just say something like that, Murasakibara!" Aomine walked over to me as he wrapped his arm around me.

Midorima's eyes beamed at Akashi's pocket inside is suit and obviously became very concerned. "What is that you have, Akashi?" He asked. Akashi looked at the pocket and pulled out the same picture I found on the box. The picture of him and Takao-san. "These pictures were in the "to burn" box. At first I wasn't sure if you really wanted to throw these away." Akashi said. Midorima fixed his glasses with his figures and Aomine shrugged his shoulders.

"What? Those pictures? Yeah, I don't want it anymore." Aomine yawned, "I don't need to see the past anymore." "Same here. Since Takao's not with us, there no reason to see his face anymore." Midorima said. So Takao is dead? Poor Takao. And poor Midorima. I wonder if the same happened to Momoi. Midorima tried his best to not look or set a sight at the picture as hard as he could. His eyes were looking at Akashi the whole time and would not look at the picture of him and his best friend.

"I see. But, I want you to keep these for now." Akashi handed both of them their pictures. "Why, Akashi? I don't need this!" Midorima exclaimed, "Takao is...." "I know, Shintaro. Take my command and keep it. Cause once you feed it to the flames, they are not going to spit it back out." Akashi quoted as he turns around to Murasakibara and walked into the hallway. "Come, Atsushi. We need to find Tetsuya and Ryota." Akashi told Murasakibara. "Then we'll talk about the snacks?" Murasakibara asked. "Yes." The other answered.

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