Tiny Ghost brain

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In a dream:

I know that I'm sleeping. But everything has just went black. Then, I heard voices that were familiar, but I didn't know where they came from, or where they were. I dreamed that I was in the mansion by myself, or at least I think was by myself. I was running everywhere, trying to find everyone, but found no one. I'm scared. I keep hearing their voices but their talking about something that I don't know. They're not getting any louder nor softer.

"With him out the way, we will be able to take back what's lost."

"Now with both of your blood, we can finally begin."

"It's a win-win situation. We get our lost ones and you get to stay here with us."

"Please, (Name)-cchi. We need you to complete your mission."

Finally, the voices stopped when I arrived at a certain door that I've never seen before. But, when I opened it......

Back to reality:

"(Name)-san, are you alright?" Kuroko asked as he was sitting next to me in the bed. I opened up my eyes and saw that he was kinda strange. His eyes were kinda glowing light-blue and seemed a little stressed at the same time. Even so, he was calm on the outside but I can tell by the aura around him.

"I'm okay. How about you, Tetsuya. You seem kinda on edge." I noted, "are you sick? Maybe you should lay down for a bit."

"I'm fine. I just want to let you know that breakfast will be here shortly." He smiled as he walked out of the room quickly. I wanted to stop him for a second to ask him something but he was already out of the room like last time. Is this history repeating itself? No, cause now here comes Murasakibara with breakfast unlike last time.

"Morning, (Name)-chin. Something wrong?" He asked as he placed the plate on the table and sat next to me on the bed.

"I'm fine. It's Tetsuya you should ask. He's been acting strange lately." I pointed out, "have you noticed?" Murasakibara doesn't seemed that concerned by it. It's like it happens all the time and everyone just has to get used to it.

"Everyone's on edge lately. Sometimes on some days they feel like that. Don't worry, it doesn't last long, so you'll be fine." Murasakibara smiled as he cuts up my food for me like I'm a child. So everyone is poke this now? Well, they have been doing some crazy stuff lately like that time with the grave markers. Maybe that little book that I read is telling the truth. They are vampires.

"Now, I have to be going. Kuro-chin and I are out to run some errands." Murasakibara stood up and left. Like always I have to eat my food before I go investigate. Last time, I got lost into the living and found the portraits of everyone. And also led me to that house with the grave markers. I have to go back and see that Nijimura guy again. Either him or Haizaki. And I have to see how does Kagami have to do with it.

I finished my plate and grabbed my clothes to get dressed and peeked my head out the door. No one was there, and now I don't even know where to go anymore, well, I might as well wonder around until I find anything. First, I have to go to Akashi's office. I need to communicate to either Haizaki or Nijimura. There has to be a reason for all of this.

I still need to find out, I still don't understand the whole thing. I know I don't know what I'm risking here, and possibly my life, but I need to know if I'm still going to have it once I find out.

I opened the door all the way until the door stopped half way for some reason. I stepped out and looked into the hallway until I heard a familiar voice with a ghostly presence.

"Now, now. Someone seems a little adventurous today. Like everyday. I wonder what today will lead her." A voice snickers. I turn around and saw Haizaki from last night. I didn't even know that the door would even hut a ghost. What is he doing here?

"Stay away. Don't come any closer." I told him. If I get any closer to him, than I'll get knocked out for sure. I don't need him to ruin my little investigation.

"Oh? Telling a spirit what to do, huh? I'm afraid you have no idea what you're even doing, missy. i would get back into that room of yours if I were you." Haizaki warned with that devilish look on his face that made you back shiver. I'm not afraid of him right? Of course not! Far as I know, I'm alive and he's dead. He cannot touch me or lay a single finger on me. Jokes on him, it can't talk like he's going to do something. I wish he would.

Instead of being tough like how I thought I was doing, I turned my back to him and ran away faster than he could sat another word. I ran and stopped to find somewhere else to run to. I don't see him, but i could hear his voice, that evil little snicker, "running, are ya? Well, that's not going to help you either. I can be anywhere I want." I went to find where Akashi's office is and like always, I get lost. Because of the fact that I'm running away from a ghost, the pressure and the rush are making me forget everything.

"Come on, stop running (Name). Let's talk, I can make it worth your while." There goes Haizaki's voice again. 

"How do you know my name?" I asked him, wherever he is.

"I know everything about you. I know your name, your number, and even the reason on why you are here." Haizaki appears right behind me, standing so close, causing me to jump," I ask the fellas around here about you and that's where get my answers. But I must admit, I did not expect my blood to come from such a rare beauty." Haizaki had his thumb and quickly licked it with pleasure with his eyes on me. So creepy.

"Whatever. I bet that's all you know with your tiny ghost brain." I folded my arms. 

"Say, this Kagami of yours, is it true that he didn't spend time with you on your birthday? Then he cheated on you with some other girl  on your birthday?" Haizaki asked, "that and, is it true that he left you in the middle of the woods that was also on your birthday? Or it might be just my tiny ghost brain playing tricks on me." Why that little.........

"Haizaki, don't play with the little kitty like that. The more cuter she gets, the more impatient I get." Nijimura comes in, looks at the ash-colored male, "we have to go, now. There's more things we need to do before tomorrow starts." Haizaki nods his head as the two walk off into the darkness. 

"Hey, wait! I'm not done with you!" I called. I walked to where they did, but they were gone before I knew it. Apparently, he was done with me. Oh well, whatever tomorrow brings, I doubt that this will be the last time I will see them. 

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