Dinner Pt 3.

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"Just on time, (Name)-san. You were asleep so I thought that I could put the dress on you." Kuroko's voice said, "you look beautiful by the way. Should we get to dinner now?" Kuroko? Why am I hearing Kuroko's voice? What happened to....What a minute.

My eyes just shot up and I sat up to find myself on the bed with a light blue dress on. I looked to the left and saw Kuroko on the side of my bed smiling at me. What happened? Where did he go? I know I saw him carrying me to somewhere. The only thing I remember was listening to Akashi talking on the phone with Kagami.

"Wh-What happened? How did I get here?" I asked. Kuroko titled his head in confusion. He does look like he knows about what happened. But, he must have known about Kagami agreeing to meet Akashi and everyone else. Like that conversation he was having with the others about the "no-world."

"What do you mean? You were here the whole time far as I know." Kuroko said, "anyway, we should get to dinner. Everyone is waiting for us." I nodded my head as I got up from the bed and followed him into the dinner table with everyone else. I wanted to ask Kuroko who Shogo Haizaki was and that I now knew Shuzo Nijimura, but how should I even say it?

"Hey, Kuroko. You know, there was a strange man I saw the other day." I said. Kuroko turned his head to look at me, "he had black hair and grey eyes. I didn't know where he came from, he just showed up." I felt crazy saying this to him, but he had got to know something.

"So I see. Did he give out his name?" Kuroko asked.

"No. But I think he's the guy that you asked about earlier. I saw his portrait on the wall." I reported, "so, is he Shuzo Nijimura?"

"Yes. He used to be the head of the house before Akashi-kun." He informed, "I was just asking you since you looked like you might know something. That's all."

"Oh." I sighed. We walked to the dinning room and saw everyone else standing at their chairs, waiting for their guests.

"Ah, (Name)-chin, you came. Please sit so we can eat." Murasakibara smiled as I took a seat at the table with everyone else. Today at dinner was a lot more quieter than before. Everyone seem to be very mindful of everyone else and kept the peace and calamity. It was only Kuroko and Murasakibara who was a little concerned.

"Well, for dinner today we have a silk marconi and cheese with a hint of rosemary. And dessert will be just vanilla ice cream. Everyone, enjoy." Kuroko smiled. Everyone is still quite. They began to eat their dinner.

Everyone exchanged glimpse and looks with each other. But there were no words. What happened? Nothing much did when I was there. And besides, where's Akashi? I see Shintaro, Daiki, Atsushi, Ryota and Tetsuya, but no Seijuro. Now I'm worried. Where could Akashi be?

"Has anyone seen Akashi?" I asked.

"No. Not lately. It's weird, though." Aomine said.

"Akashi-kun is in his office. Hopefully, he's getting paper work done." Kuroko hoped as he threw all of the guys a glance. They nodded their heads slightly as the eat their food. I guess whenever Akashi's not at the table, everyone's just a bit quiet. Well, not a bit, a lot quiet. I hope nothing else is wrong.

"This is too much for me. I can't stand it." Kise whined, "why are we so quiet all of a sudden?! Couldn't we have a discussion around the table?"

"Be mindful, Kise. If people don't want to talk, they don't want to talk. Here's an idea, how about you start and see if anyone wants to add on." Midorima proposed.

"Yeah Kise-chin, what do you want to start?" Murasakibara asked.

"Well, um, how about how good this food is, huh? Doesn't it explode in your mouth?" Kise cheered as he had some macaroni in his mouth, smiling at everyone, "so good and creamy to."

I have to agree with him. The thinnest of the cheese just goes along for well with the texture of the macaroni. And the rosemary just compliments everything to bind it all together. It's just wonderful. I only had to nodded my head in agreement since my mouth was full.

Faster than just thought, Aomine finished his real fast and waited for everyone else at the table. Midorima looked to see that his plate was empty in just a short amount of time. But he didn't say anything. The silence was tearing them apart more than more that is, until I had to say something. I couldn't just sit here and let everyone just eat in this low silent mood.

"So, what's going on everyone? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes, everyone else was talking happily at the table like always. But now, it's totally different now." Kuroko pointed out, "it's like you got into a fight or something."

"This is ridiculous. I'll pass on dessert. You can have mine, Murasakibara." Aomine grumbled as he raised from the table and walked out.

"Walking away from the table already is rude, Aomine. You have to wait for everyone to finish." Midorima said.

"Oh well. I'm getting tired from that garden. And besides, I'm getting tired of seeing his face." Aomine walked off, leaving the quiet room." What was he talking about? The faces that I see are the faces that he sees everyday. I guess he's just in a bad mood.

🕠🕞🕓🕑🕔🕒🕠 Time Skip🕓🕠🕓🕠🕓

I walked to my room, full after the dinner from last night. It was strange how Aomine just walked off like that. I wish that I could see him to check on him, but I don't know his room well. And I don't know where is it. I only know my room.

Maybe I'll check in Akashi's office. Akashi might know where he is. I turned around and wandered over the whole house to find where the office was. This is such a big house, I don't know where anything is still. Again, just my room and the bathroom.

I finally reached the office as I peeked into the little crack of the door opening. I didn't see anyone. I opened the door to see the whole room. There was only a desk, a fireplace that had a nice warm fire and chairs. I doesn't look like Akashi was here. Maybe he just wanted to have a little break. Now, I need to find my phone.

I went over to the desk and careful checked each drawer and compartment there was. In his desk, files and everywhere, still no sign of the phone. I yawned as I grew tried of the searching when it was fifteen minutes. After when I was done searching, I was about to go until I heard a voice.

"Were you looking for this?" It asked as I turned around to find Nijimura again, this time he has my phone.

"N-Nijimura-san. Y-Yes, I was. No, can I please have it back?" I tried to walk over to him and get the phone, but all of a sudden, my body started to feel a little heavy and so were my eyelids. Then next thing that I know, I just fainted right there where I was standing.

Nijimura kneeled down to me as he picked me up from the ground. He walks me out of the office and into the hallway.

"Yeah, as long as I'm just a ghost, you're going to be vulnerable to my presence." He whispers.


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