Strange Song

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I walked into Akashi's office and saw the boss at his desk, with his smile greeting me. Before him, there were a couple of biscuits and a hot cup of tea. "Ah (Name), come over here, take a seat." He said, "I have a little breakfast from you." Chills grew down my spine as I took every step into the office. I sat down in the chair that was on the opposite side of the desk. I got a little worried because I thought he wanted to talk about what happen with Kise.

"Is something wrong, Seijuro?" I asked, anxiously. Akashi's lips curved as he opened his heterogeneous eyes at me. "Do not fret, I will only ask you a few questions." He assured me, "I only need you to answer, nothing else. Go on, have a biscuit and tea." I nodded my head in agreement as I relaxed my shoulders and took a nibble of a biscuit.

"First question: How do you like it here so far?" He asked. "I like it here. It's what I can get comfortable in." I answered quickly. Akashi smiled with pleasure, "Second Question: Who did you enjoy here?" Why would he ask a question like that? Is this like a popularity poll or something?

There's no favorite to me, I enjoyed all of them Akashi, Aomine, Kise, Midorima, Murasakibara, and Kuroko. Is he trying to make me show favoritism or something? "I enjoyed all of you." I gulped. Akashi raised an eyebrow and puts it down, "really? Good to hear." I got a little scared to hear that and sipped the tea.

Akashi got up from his chair and started to walk around the room, like a police officer in the interrogation room. "Third Question: Is there anything specific we should know about, Taiga Kagami?" Why would they want to know that? Are they planning to take him out or get rid of him?

I guess that the reason I'm here. So I could give Taiga away and they would keep me for eternity? Or whenever I die. Makes a lot of sense, but why would they keep me here? This is starting to turn put weird. But what should I say about him? I'm not sure that his height would help.

"His a pretty tall guy." I blurted, "I do believe that he's either tall as Aomine or Midorima." "I see, anything else?" Akashi asked. I shook my head as he walked over to me from the corner of the room. "Last Question: How would you like it if you could stay with us?" He grinned. I finished a biscuit and another sip of tea.

"I knew it." I mumbled, "that's why your asking me this." Akashi placed both hands on my shoulders and played with my (hair color) hair. "Not really." He giggled, "just in case, if he becomes a threat or causing trouble." "You won't hurt him, right?" I asked. Sure he's my ex, but the truth is that I don't want anyone getting hurt, even if they hurt me.

"Of course we won't." Akashi whispered as he lowers his head to mine, "as gentleman we don't commit to such violence." Yeah. I'm pretty sure he forgot about the conflict with Ryota and I. "And besides, your wish is our command, (Name)." Akashi nibbled my ear. I blushed as I said Akashi's name in pain.

"Sei-Seijuro, What are you doing?" I asked with a red ear. "Just imagining how happy we'll be." Akashi smiles, "once when you stay here." Stay here?!?! I knew there was a catch to his mess! "Think about it. You would be better off with us than that once you once had." Akashi pointed out, "Remember that kiss the other day?" I stood up from my chair and turned to Akashi with a shocked look on my face.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked. I thought he forgot about that. Well, I forgot about it too. But I panicked, what was I suppose to do? Kagami kissed a girl so I had to get him back! "Think about doing that kiss everyday. You would like that, would you?" Akashi grinned.

"What do you mean?" I freaked. Akashi grinned as he placed his fingers on his lips. "Eh? I've said too much." He shook his head, "naughty, naughty." I slowly walked backwards as I made my way to the door. "Seijuro, you know something." I said to him. "No. Not something you should know." He walked towards me, trying to catch me.

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