Dinner Pt.1

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"That hurt! Kise, watch where you're going!" Aomine shouted, "you almost killed me!" We arrived at the huge, elegant dining room were dinner was about to be served. Well, maybe not. Aomine and Kise were yelling at each other deciding, who kills who.

"Aomine-cchi, you're the one who's killing me!" Kise exclaimed, "look! The roses  are crooked!" I looked around the dinning room as it was filled with yellow roses on the curtains and on the table. These are certainly beautiful and I didn't know they were this color. I wonder if they decorate like this all the time or different flowers each night.

"The flowers are beautiful! Where did you find them?" I asked. "We grow them in our garden of course. No one has better flowers than us." Aomine said as he fixed the crooked flowers, "but for some reason we only grow multiple colors of roses only." Multiple colors? That must mean that they have a beautiful back yard. I have to go see it some time. "There! All done. Happy Kise, bastard?" Aomine asked sarcastically.

"Everything is fine Kise, Aomine." Midorima told them, "we don't want to over do it and besides who's hosting tomorrow?" "Daiki. So enjoy being first in line, Ryota." Akashi said as he looked at Kise. "Akashi-cchi, when are you hosting?" Kise asked. "I'll be last and besides.....I want to show our guest the best hospitality we can provide." Akashi turns to me, making me grow goosebumps up my arms. Something about that dream made me scared at first and about what I read from that book earlier.

"Everyone, dinner will be serve in a few moments by Murasakibara-kun and I." Kuroko announced. "And tell them what I chose for dinner, Kuroko-chi." Kise said proudly. 

"Sweet mango chicken covered with spicy curry and a squash salad on the side."

Mmmm. That sounds like something from a restaurant. Of course since they have splendid decor and fancy sounding food, etiquette needs to be used in this situation. My sister taught me that while she went to culinary school to be a chef. Now she barely calls me and won't answer her phone.

Aomine stuck his tongue out at Kise as he react with, "ew." "Is there a problem, Daiki?" Akashi asked. "No, it's just that it sounds too much." Aomine said, " I mean, curry? Squash?" "If you're going to complain then you may not participate in the dinner tonight, Aomine-cchi." Kise offered. "No, I'll participate. I'm just saying." Aomine mumbled.

"It's not about if you like it, it's about if the guest likes it. And soon we'll all get a chance, Aomine." Midorima said as he went through the kitchen doors."Tetsuya, go with (Name) to get her dressed up properly." Akashi tells Kuroko, "you too, Daiki." The two young men walked with me to the bedroom where they had to chose out my clothes.

While we walked, the two blues argued while I overheard them. "I can't wait until we get out of this place." Aomine mumbled. "Why is that, Aomine-kun?" Kuroko asked. "So I can get away from damn Akashi, so annoying." Aomine continue, "I seriously don't need a weaker person bossing me around." "He's not weak, Aomine-kun. Remember when he won the fight between us and him?" Kuroko reminded him, "as the servants of the household we have to obey him."

"I know that, Tetsu!" Aomine blurted out, "but what about her?" He pointed to me as I turned my head the other way with them not noticing. "We don't need to take about her out here." Kuroko said, "and besides she shall be a servant to all of us soon." Servant? What is he talking about? This makes no sense at all. Maybe I can gather my information starting with Kuroko. I mean, he seems to be the chatter mouth that can slip out secrets.

We arrive in the bedroom where I sat on the bed and the two men picked out the clothes. "Ooo, look Tetsu! This looks nice!" Aomine held out a long dress that looked about my size and dark blue. At the back, it had a long hole where skin exposure of my back is taken place from the next to the middle of my back, where my bra strap would be showing. "She can't wear that, it has to be yellow since Kise-kun is hosting dinner." Kuroko reminded Aomine. "Damn you, Kise!" Aomine pouted.

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