The Store

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We got to the market, which took longer than I thought. Mostly cause we had to get out of the woods in order to find out where we are. Anyway, we got there it just twenty minutes by walking out on foot, and I got a good exercise too while I was talking to Kise. 

The market was the one where Kagami and I used to got to since, it was close to his place and we never felt like walking far away just to get some snacks, so we go here. Why does almost everything I do remind me of him? It would always bother me how good I saw him but right after, I saw how bad he really is, that broke my heart. Oh, well. There's no way I'm going to keep on dreaming about him after that night.

Kise and I walked into the store and saw that there weren't that much people. Has to be because it's a Thursday so some people don't here for some reason. Oh, crap! I forgot it was Thursday. And here I am thinking it was Saturday for crying out loud. Kise takes the list of items that we need to get out of his pocket and review them. "How long is the list?" I asked. "I don't know you tell me." Kise showed my the super long list that went down to his belt buckle. "And at the end is where Murasakibara-cchi wants his snacks!" He whined. He ripped the list in half and gave the bottom to me.

"Are you sure we can't do it together?" I asked. I really get nervous when it comes to doing things by myself, especially not knowing who would try to get you. Kise smiled as he saw my fearful face and kissed my cheek. "It'll be fine, I'll make sure I check on you, (Name)-chi." He smiled as he left me alone and went to the produce. I looked at the list and saw what I had to get first. 

Milk.           Eggs.           Bread

Sugar.        Turkey.       Cranberry Sauce.

Flour.          Vanilla Extract.   Walnuts

Cheese.       Potatoes.       Yeast.

Are you kidding me? These are just randomly listed on wrote on a piece of paper! And what's with the stuff? I'm pretty sure that it's not Thanksgiving, I mean, Turkey, cranberry sauce, and potatoes? I'll be all over the store just for a package of yeast. Where do they even keep the yeast? Baking aisle? And look at what Murasakibara wrote.

Five boxes of maiubo.  Potato Chips.   Pocky.

That's it. I bet I'll do this last because I know exactly where the aisle is with the snacks. But I had no idea he loved that kind of stuff. Well, the first time I saw him, he had a maiubo in his mouth. Back to the main topic, groceries. I hurried down the cold aisle and got the Milk and eggs. Then, I got the the baking aisle and got what I need. Oh, look. Yeast. Then I got the sugar, flour, vanilla extract and walnuts.


Finally I got done with the first list, now I've got to go to the snack aisle and get Murasakibara his snacks. It was a rough trip. I mean, there weren't any people as far as I know but so much looking and finding stuff almost made me sleepy. But I managed to keep up the energy for I was almost done. I went the snacks and see what I could get. I saw the mauibo fist so I took many as I can into my arms and walked them over to the cart.

As I grabbed the fifth box of Maiubo and backed up, someone bumped their back into mine while they were backing up, causing me to drop the boxes on the floor. I froze so that person didn't see me but that was really stupid of me. It was like I was trying to be a chameleon and blend in with my surroundings.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am." A manly voice apologize. "Oh no, I'm sorry I......" I paused as I looked up at the man. I knew that voice anywhere, I was too familiar with it. But why? Why did he have to got here too?

"(Name)?" He said. "Kagami" I mumbled hoping he would go away. He got down on his knees with me and tried to help me pick up the boxes. "(Name), I-It's been a-a long t-time, hasn't it?" He smiled. I got all the boxes and I raised back up to put them in the cart.

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