It was at that time......

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As I was sleeping, it was not like any other before. It felt like as if I was floating in a river. No. An ocean. Woth no sign of land under me. Of course, there could have been since my eyes were closed.

I heard nothing but the ocean waves crashing against each other. It wasn't long before whispers started to flow towards me like the waves. I could make out what they were saying.

"Help us."

I opened my eyes only to find myself on some sort of island all of a sudden. This is a dream, but for some reason, it feels like it could be my reality. I was standing in the middle, surrounded by colorful flowers. They were so beautiful. I tried to pick one, but they had thorns. Of Course they did.

My pointer finger got pricked and bled for a second. A drop of blood fell and touched the ground, making a long bridge appear on the side of me. The red bridge was long and looked like it was about to take me for a long walk.

I couldn't see what was at the end because of the fog. I stepped onto it and walk along the way, curious about where this might take me. I walked on the bridge, at a normal pace, but that's not what this dream is making it seem.

I look back behind me, and the island is already gone. It was just a big group of fog, not letting me see where I came from.


"You are the one (Name)-san." Kuroko? I turned only to find Kuroko's back as he walks into the fog. I reached out my hand as I run towards him. But he disappears as a glowing light blue smoke.

"We've been waiting for you forever, (Name)-cchi." Kise? He takes off where Kuroko left off and walked into the further fog. I still followed him, really not knowing what's going on.

"We knew that you would come to us, (Name)-chin." Murasakibara  continued, changing the color to purple. I wanted to tell him to wait and explain, but this dream wouldn't let me.

"We've waited too long and now, we will do what must be done." Midorima's voice said.

"After this, leave all of your worries and fears behind, sexy." Aomine's voice took his turn.

"And forever you shall stay with us." Akashi's voice said. I was able to reach out and try to touch the man in front of me, but by the time I did that, Akashi's body disappeared. And I ended on a different island. The bridge was all gone, and there was nothing but a tree with such colorful flowers that complimented it's radiance.

Two man where standing in front of the tree and turned to me, holding a hand out. Haizaki and Nijimura. Soon, the rest of them were there as well behind them.

"At first glance" (Kise)

"At first entounter" (Aomine)

"At first words" (Kuroko)

"At first moments" (Murasakibaa)

"At first bite" (Midorima)

"At first kiss" (Akashi)

"We knew that you wouldn't be any other girl that we have seen." (Haizaki)

"Which makes you our only hope at true freedom from the no-world." (Nijimura)

"Your blood is special. So please, surrender it to us." (Everyone)

I opened my eyes before I could have the chance to finish the dream. I was back at my bed. I looked around the room, only to find nothing out of the ordinary. I sat up.

What just happened? It was just a dream, thank goodness. Today is the today where Kagami should be here. I still need to know why do they need Kagami. I'm making a smart guess and say that he was th same importance as me.

I hurried out of the bed to get my clothes. I showered before I got dressed. I came out of the shower and saw that my clothes were gone. What in the world? I know I put them right here! I looked into my room and the only thing that was on my bed was a white dress. It was a little puffy, but nothing like a wedding dress.

I guess this was the guys way of saying to put this on instead. Whatever. Now I have to find my phone and my clothes, but mostly my phone. I just put the white dress on and went out the door, peaking both ways and gently closing the door.

Making my way to Akashi's office, walking fast, passing doors, into hallways, and finally made it. I open the sliding doors to find the room empty. Akashi wasn't here to catch me. Not him or Haizaki. Good.

I check the drawers of the desk, only finding papers of some fancy writing. Nothing is helping so far. I can't even think like that guy in order to get ideas on where my phone could be. The last time I saw it, Akashi was making that call to Kagami.

"Come on, Come on! Where is that phone!" I say to myself. This is just great, now I can't even find where he put that thing.

"I see that you're up, (Name)." Akashi walks up to me as he whispers in my ear. I was frozen fear as my eyes switched to him.

"Sei-Seijuro. What are you doing here?" I asked. Stupid question to ask, it's his office of course!

"You know why I'm here, you're here of course. Now, we have to get to dinner before the time comes." Akashi  stood as he held out his hand to help me up. Wait, what does he mean by dinner?! What time is it?!

"Wait a second. Shouldn't it be breakfast? Why are we skipping to dinner? I just woke up you know." I told him. A look of confused and puzzled appeared on Akashi's face. He didn't know?

"You just woke up? It's already 6:30 in the night. The time has surely cane hasn't it?" Akashi smiled, "with that being said, I said we shouldn't waste anytime." Akashi picked me up bridal style to the dinning room. I still want to know what's going on.

"Wait, where's Kagami? What's going on? Why did I wake up so late? What are you guys up to?" I asked.

"Don't worry, You'll find out soon. In fact, it would be rude if we don't explain everything, wouldn't it?" Akashi asked, "I will explain everything over dinner dear. We certainly cannot waste anytime."

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