Research Pt. 2

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I woke up on Murasakibara's chest, blinking my eyes from that dream. What was that? How did I get to a graveyard back there? I looked over to the purple giant and saw that he was still sleeping, peacefully, hugging the pillows. I sat up and glance at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room to see how long I was sleeping.

Three hours?! I jumped out of the bed as I tried to wake Murasakibara up. "Atsushi! Atsushi, wake up." I shook his shoulders. "Mmmmm. Ha ha." He moaned in laughter. "Cutie pie. Cutie." He smiled. I took a look at his eyes, which they were shut so he wasn't paying any attention. "Atsushi? Wake up." I tried to tell him. "Mmmmmm. Yummy Cutie pie." He smiled in his sleep as he rolls over on his side, away from me.

You've got to be kidding me?! Does this guy always do this? And how long does he takes his naps? After I sighed, "come on, Murasakibara." I walked to the other side of the bed to wake him up until I heard a melody that was kinda familiar to me.

🎵Bro·ken hearts.......heal right away....🎵

🎵The poor unfort·unate soul can·not wait🎵

🎵Carry me to the cloud of dreams🎵

🎵But I, won't see ano·ther day🎵

What was that? Sounded like the song I heard from my dreams. I paused when I got to the other side of the bed and listen very carefully to figure out who was singing. It sounded like a male. I tip-toed over to the door and placed my ear against it.

It sounds like it's coming from the hallway. My heart starts beating faster and faster as I leaned on the door slowly, causing a little crevice allowing me to see the hall. It is getting louder, but I don't see a singer anywhere.

"Hello?" I called. Still didn't hear a reply. I snuck into the hallway, closing the door slowly so I wouldn't wake the giant up. Then, I hear the harmonized singing again, this time it was different lyrics.

🎵Go to, the house among the stones🎵

🎵There lies, the tears of our kind 🎵

🎵Find a key of past, deep in the waters🎵

🎵Store our mem·ories deep within your mind🎵

What? Is this some kind of message? I decided to follow the melody carefully and quietly so I don't end up interrupting the song. That would be rude. I walked into the hallway and followed the singing until I've reach the source of the sound.

It lead outside a door room, where it was getting loud every time I step close to it. Wait, isn't this one of the rooms Murasakibara showed me? This is the music room. Someone must be singing in there right now, but who?

I slowly turned the knob and opened the door to peek my head inside the room, where the singing got louder. I closed the door behind me once I've tip-toed into the music room. I looked around and saw a male figure standing in front of the window, with his mouth moving to the song. So he must be the one singing.

I walked closer to him so that way I could get a closer and better look at him. The singing male had green hair, green eyes, and wearing glasses. Wait, Midorima! My eyes widened as I identified the singer. I had no idea that he could sing like that.

Atsushi did tell me that Midorima plays the vocals. I had no idea that he could sing like that. I stood up and tip-toed to the man as his back was turned. I didn't want to startle him or anything. As he was finishing his song, I gently clapped my hands like I was the audience.

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