Dinner Pt. 4

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I woke up on my bed as I turned my head to find where Kuroko And Murasakibara went. They weren't with me, and last time I was in Murasakibara's room. I rubbed my eyes as I yawned, "where did everyone go?"

"Tetsuya? Murasakibara? Where did you guys go?" I called, staying inside the warn bed, away from the cold air. For some reason, the air around here is alot more colder than it really needs to be.

"Everyone is out for now. It was about time you woke up. I thought I think had to had dinner by myself." Midorima's voice sighed, "anyway, get dressed. Dinner's ready." I turned to see the green-haired man, cleaning his glasses with a piece of cloth.

"Shintaro. Where did everyone go? Murasakibara and Kuroko, they were just here were they?" I asked.

"A few hours ago. Right now, they have far more important duties. I shall accompany you at dinner until they come back." Midorima sets a dress on the bed next to me, "I'm be waiting outside the door."

"Wait, I thought that you didn't want to host dinner, Shintaro?" I asked. He paused at his tracks, but without turning to look at me.

"I have no choice now. Since everyone is now busy, someone had to take care of our guest." Midorima nodded, "now get dressed, nanodayo." He closed to door behind him as looked over a the dress he placed on the bed.

Normally, I wouldn't agree to a green dress since I look terrible in it, but this one doesn't look that bad. It's not a disgust green, but more like a lighter green. And it's kinda cute.

So I got undressed and put it on. It was a little difficult because it was just a little long from my shoulders to the floor including with all the ruffles, but I manage. I could quite tell that this dress is a little bit different that than the others. Maybe it's just the fabric.

I walked out of the room to find Midorima waiting for me. He opened his eyes and looked at me. There was a little blush on his face, seeing me in this dress. It looks like he went into thought for a second, but why is this dress special? I've never seen him like this before.

"Uh, Shintaro. Are you okay?" I asked. He blinked a couple of times before he got back to Earth and looked back up to me.

"Oh, right, dinner. We need to make our way to the dinning room." Midorima led the way to the dinning room. It wasn't as big and all out as the others on the decorations. It was just a simple green table cloth with a vase of elegant green roses. I keep knew that roses can come in multiple color like green. At least the only colors I've seen on roses we red and pink in my part of town.

Midorima pulled put my chair for me to sit in. When I sat in it, he pushed me in, where dinner was already on the silver platter.

"Pesto Pasta with a side salad is tonight's dinner. It's been a long time since I've made this dish." Shintaro Midorima said, looking away from me, "If you could please, taste it and see how I did, nanodayo."

"Of course." I nodded, even though I only know what half is going on. I know this is a dinner and everything, but something is different about this picture. Midorima is being alot more open than the other times. Is there something going on that he or the guys don't want me knowing?

I took the fork and stir a small amount of the pasta. I placed it on my tongue. It tastes so smooth and earthy. I never thought of myself as the pesto type. Mostly because of the color.

"It's good, Shintaro. This is making me like green foods." I smiled. Midorima nodded as he fixed his eyes by pushing them up on the bridge of his nose.

"Thank you for being this open to me. You've never done that before. Is it because it's just us two here in the whole house?" I asked.

'W-What? That kind of thought is absurd! What exactly do you mean by that?" Midorima asked, avoiding my eyes looking at him as he makes his cheeks blush with an intense shade of red.

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