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"Good morning people," Mark announced as the meeting started. Each one of us still slowly settling into our seats waiting for the meeting to start.

"Now I want to start with a huge congratulations to all of you, you each have worked so hard this week. Alan, you did something that no other employee of Retro has done and that was to be invited to the Grammy's and interview people such as Cardi B, and Bruno Mars. Honestly, well done. Anna your article on "Why genre is dead" has been the most controversial thing right now" I began zoning out as I covered some blemishes on Melanie's face, there weren't many to fix, she had flawless skin. One of the smoothest faces I've seen in a while.

"Tana," I heard loudly, I looked up in worry that he had seen me not pay attention.

"You did a spectacular job on your Fall out Boy and Melanie Martinez photoshoots," he said smiling towards me. "You have shown your potential as a photographer, and I would like if we all gave her a round of applause for being the youngest out of all us and yet so talented." He continued as he began clapping his hands in proudness.

"Close one," Alan whispered in my ear, with a soft laugh under his breath. I glared at him and continued to edit my photos.

"So for this week, we all have to be on our A-game, no slacking or I will make sure each of the slacker's check does not make it to their hands," Mark threatened. "Each of us will be busy with our jobs this week compared to others."

He turned to the HP laptop connected to the projector, as he pulled up a presentation of this week's schedule. I secretly hoped that this week, they had chosen Taylor for the photoshoots, I had two essays due this week that I had to work on and I couldn't be bothered by needing to edit a thousand more photos.

"Monday, Anna and Amarie, I need new articles for this week's issue, so start brainstorming. Tuesday, Alan, and Tana you both will be co-interviewing a band in LA, get some information on the band and type up questions by tonight so I can review them-,"

"Wait for what?" I shouted. "I don't interview bands, that's why I work as a photographer. So why do I have to go with Alan, that's not part of my job description." I said with anger in my tone.

"You have a job description because of me, and I say that you are going with Alan to LA and you are going to interview that band. Do I make myself clear?" he answered with a strict tone, he faces red with anger. I nodded in surrender and looked down at my hands. The room was quiet and lonely, you could feel the anger radiating off of me. Mark tried to pick up where I interrupted and I did my best not to scream in angry.

"Tana, you have a photoshoot that will take place in LA and through the course of four days to a week, and Alan was to accompany you and the band to get more notes on the band and record some videos of the band. That's why Mark decided you would co-interview the band," Ashley stated looking up from her notes.

"Your flight tickets have been paid for by the band, they are very excited to meet both of you, after a few gap years they are trying their best to get recognized again. They even requested you, Tana, after seeing your work and Alan they wanted someone that was young and ready for anything and that understood German," Mark explained, his eyes shining in excitement. That either meant that the magazine was getting good money for this work or that he was a fan of this band, and that meant that we could no screw this up for him or our jobs would be on the line. Mark continued with his presentation of the week, as I tried to finished editing.

"Alright, any question, comments, or concerns?" Mark asked closing his laptop.

"Oh Mark, I don't think you told us the band's name," Alan questioned.

"Tokio Hotel," he answered. "Well guys that are all for today, meeting for tomorrow has been canceled, but I still need all articles and all photos edited by tomorrow morning. I will see most of you Monday morning at 7."

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