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"Alright guys, it's been real spending these past two days with you guys. I hope you'll like the pictures once they are edited. It was a pleasure, and as a memory of this moment we will take a selfie," lifting the camera up in the air, we all squeezed in. Small giggles filled my ears as we tried to figure who went where.

"One, two, three, smile" I shouted, as a the shutter went off. We all dispersed from our positions as I went back to look at the picture. Laughter was all that came out from upon seeing the
picture. The face that Tom pulled when Bill kissed his cheek, the way that Alan and Gustav clung to each other in an embrace. My eyes went to Georg and let out more laughs as he
pretended to be shocked to see Alan and Gustav. And then there was me smiling as if nothing was going on. A small portion of me was bummed to have to go but if it meant being away from the teaser that is called Georg then sure, let me leave.

"T, I'm gonna pack OK. So that way we'll be ready to go when the time comes," Alan shouted
from upstairs. I nodded even though he couldn't see me, and continued my focus on the other pictures I had taken. Above all the issues, working with Tokio Hotel was the easiest photo shoot I had done in my short time of being a photographer. They had a vision that met mine, and it
created a work environment that was fun. Deciding to turn my attention away from my camera, I stood up and walked to the kitchen in search of some fruit. Having found an apple, I walked outside to the back of the house, sitting near the pool. The day had this glow to it, that I couldn't
explain, it was perfect. Slipping off my shoes, I dipped my feet into the pool, upon doing so I could hear footsteps from behind me. I turned around and watched Bill as he sat next to me,
mirroring my current position.

"Hey," he spoke softly, swinging his legs back and forth in the water, creating small splashes
around us.

"What's up?" I asked before taking a bite out of the apple. He shook his head, nothing and we sat there splashing water around with our legs, as the sun shined down on us.

"Hey, I have a question actually," he broke the silence. I sat up straighter, and nodded my head for him to continue.

"Do you do work outside of Retro? You know, like your own solo photography, or are you like in
a contract where you aren't allowed to do that kind of stuff," he babbled on. Shaking my head, I finished the piece of apple I had in my mouth.

"No, Mark is aware that I do my own stuff on the side as an extra income, for my school bills,and family. Why, the question, though?" I questioned him.

"Oh, it's really nothing. It's just that Tom and I have an event that we are planning and we were trying to find a photographer, and well your work is amazing, so I was just curious. But I'll let you know if anything," he explained to me. He got up from the pool, creating a shadow over me, and
walked towards the house.

"Oh, we are going to go buy food, so we'll be gone for a few minutes, Alan is coming with as well, any requests?" he asked. I turned to answer him and shook my head.

"Alan knows what I like," I answered, biting the last piece of my apple. Bill nodded his headwalked inside the house, before coming to a stop again.
"Oh, and Georg is upstairs sleeping, soooo, you know," Bill wiggled his eyebrows in amischievous way, and smirked. Shaking my head, I throw what was leftover of the apple at him.We laughed loudly, as it hit his leg, and he pretended to wince in pain.

"You're picking that up," he joked as he bent down to get it. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to the pool view. I sat there watching the sky. Smiling like a crazy person at the way thatthe clouds moved, and shifted above me. It brought me to the memory of my dad, and how that
was our thing, before it all went downhill. I let out a small laugh at the thought that he would never get to be a part of my success as a photographer, when he was the only one that ever actually believed in me. Deep inside, I was glad that he wasn't present, I would've never persevered in this journey to make it. Although there were a few bumps, but here I was doing photo shoots for famous bands, and artists, and being invited to big events, and I was happy. I
looked down into the pool, trying to figure out where that "I'm happy" declaration had came from,
I let out a stretch before getting up and heading inside the house. The house was silent, which
meant the guys had left to buy food.

Since I had finished packing once we had gotten to the house, I was left with nothing to do but wait for food. I sat on the couch playing with my phone deciding on what to do. After wasting five minutes on Facebook, I opted to watch Jane the Virgin on Netflix. Making myself comfortable on the couch, I indulged into the show's plot. I did my best not to make loud noises keeping in mind that Georg was sleeping.

Having my earphones on made me unaware of any sounds that occurred around me, which could have been the reason why I didn't hear when Georg came downstairs. As I watched attentively, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Letting out a small scream and jumping up, dropping my phone onto the floor, I
turned to see Georg laughing his heart out. As much as I wanted to be mad at him, his laugh only made me want to laugh along with him. Loosening up a bit, I let a small muffled laugh, as he guffawed even louder. We stood there in middle of the room, laughing at, well I wasn't even sure what we were laughing at.

"Sorry, it's just that I thought that it was funny," he laughed out. I could tell that he was doing his best to calm down, shaking my head at him, I walked over to the kitchen for a drink.

"Oh, come on, are you mad, Tana?" he stopped laughing, actually concerned if I was mad.

Taking a sip from the cup of water I had poured myself, I shook my head no.

"Are you sure? I was just joking around," he explained to me, looking at me.

"Georg I'm fine, I was scared but it was funny. And you have, a uh, you have a great laugh by the
way," I joked with him. He stepped closer to me and looked at me in an observing.

"I know that we got off to a rough start, and I'll admit I was a bit unprofessional, and I'm sorry. I would like to begin again with you, with no mix ups," he explained to me, reaching for my hand. Taking his hand, and nodding, to my surprise he pulled me into a hug instead. My head snuggled perfectly into his neck, inhaling the smell of smoke and cologne, which he made work perfectly.

"But there's something about you, Montana Gonzalez, that drives me crazy," he whispered into
my ear, causing a goosebumps to rise.

He broke the hug, and place his hand on my lower back, taking steps forward. My back hit the counter, and did my best not to look into his eyes. I could feel gaze burning into face, as he removed his hand from his back and lifted me face to him. My
heart raced, as I tried to control myself, but I couldn't. This was wrong but in this position everything felt so right. He leaned down, and I felt his lips ghost mine. My mind begged for himto close the space between us. His fingertips grazed down my arms, earning a small moan from
me. As if he had read my previous thoughts, he pressed his lips on mine. The moment last briefly as we heard the front door open and the house be filled with noise. He broked apart from me and went to the other side of the room. Standing in the place he had left me, I watched the boys enter the kitchen with the food. If I were to be candid, I hadn't even registered what had just happened.

It got real. Hope you all enjoy. Kinda iffy on that kitchen scene but I'll get better. Love y'all

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