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"So you're leaving again? Y ese muchacho" my mom interrogated me as we sat at the table.

"Yes mom, I'm doing this job, and I'll make sure to stay away from Georg in order for this tour goes well. I'm not gonna risk my job for a guy, who means nothing to me," I stated with such confidence, that made me wish I actually felt that way. The truth was that I wanted to be close to Georg and relive that moment in the kitchen. But my mom was right, I shouldn't be thinking about him, because odds are that he was probably with Diana again, and most likely hadn't even thought about me. I was a basic girl from Amelia City, there was nothing special about me so why would a band member even think about me.

"Be honest, te gusta el?" my mom placed a hand on my arm as she searched for the answer in my eyes.

"Mama, no I don't like him, I don't even know him," I answered honestly. I liked the attention he gave me and our chemistry really surprised me but that was about it. The way I felt when I was near him just drew me close to him. And it was crazy because I was basing all these thoughts just on one experience.

Suddenly I felt that maybe doing this tour was not such a good idea. If I was being honest with myself I was not going to be able to be around Georg without being tempted by his teases. The only way this would work out as if he ignored me but I had a feeling that he would not do so.

"¿Y cuando te vas?" my mother got up and turned the stove off.

"Alan found a flight for early tomorrow morning so we'll most likely leave by 4:30 in the morning," I told her as I set the table for us to eat. I looked up at her to see what she had to say. But she didn't have to say anything. The way her eyes stopped shining, upon hearing that I would leave so soon again. She tried her best to hide her reaction from me, as she turned her back to me. Taking a few steps forward, I hugged her from behind, placing my head on her shoulder.

"You just came back, Montana. And now you leaving, otra vez," she spoke softly turning to face me. I knew that it was hard on her to see me come and go.

"Mami, you know I would never leave you," I told her giving her a small smile. Even though she never admitted it, part of her was afraid that I'd leave her like the others. And although she knew I would never do something so cruel like that, the fear of being left alone haunted her. She nodded her head slightly and we continued to prepare dinner. I could tell that she still wasn't too ok with me leaving.

"How about when I get back we take a small vacation, wherever you want to go? You, Elijah, and me? How does that sound, we could go for a week or the weekend?" proposing a getaway. She let a small smile creep on her face and nodded as she placed plates on the table, and Elijah sat down to eat.


"So Bill asked what you wanted to do when we arrive?" Alan asked me as we stood looking to find our bags.

"Sleep. That flight was the worst," I joked, grabbing my bags waiting for Alan to find his. As soon as he did, we began walking to meet our driver. The boys were unable to pick us up personally so they just sent someone. My heart was beating really fast, I was nervous to see be with them again. Especially with Georg. And the fact that there was something with Tom going on. The best way to put was that I did not have the best first impression with this band. I can admit that I questioned numerous times why they even decided to hire me once again.

"Montana," Alan signaled towards one of the crew members. I recognized him from the last time, we walked in his direction as he stood up from his seat. He said a simple greeting and began to lead us through the exit.

I got into the car, silently praying that everything would go okay during this. I didn't want any drama, I just wanted to have fun and enjoy this task.


"Tanie, wakey wakey," I could hear Alan sing into my ear. Opening my eyes, I looked to see that we were in front of the hotel. He stretched his hand out, for me to get out of the car. Our stuff was already inside the hotel. I stood right in front of the door mentally preparing myself for this meet again. I drew out a deep breath as Alan opened the door for us. The first person I saw when I entered the lobby was a very smiley Tom standing near the front desk. He outstretched his arms, indicating for a hug. Slightly running towards I walked right into his hug. He wiggled our bodies like those air tube dancing things, as we both giggled at our reunion.

"It's good to see you again," he mentioned to me as he let go. I nodded likewise and looked towards Alan. They both greeted each other with the typical man-hug and began to discuss the rooms. My eye wandered through the lobby, wondering where the other boys might be. I didn't see them so I turned my attention to the two young men standing in front of me.

"So the crew already has there rooms set up, but we weren't sure if Montana would want her own room or if she was ok with sharing with someone?" Tom tried to see what we could come up with. I let him know that I didn't mind sharing, but I would prefer my own room seeing that I'm a girl, and I did enjoy my privacy.

"Ok so we can get the double room, there's a separate room inside the room, for the both of you," Tom suggested. Alan and I agreed as I turned to once again look for the boys.

If it's one thing that I can say is that I was best off not looking for the boys. You might be wondering why. Well, let's just say that when I turned around my eyes witnessed the moment Georg leaned towards a girl, meeting her lips. I stood there staring in their direction. Hearing their laughs echo through the room, as he looked up. His shining eyes meeting mine. The smile he wore faded quickly as my back greeted him.

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