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"Yo, Gustav where are you guys?" Tom asked for the hundredth time. We had finished the set an hour ago, and the boys still weren't here with our food, and I was not ok. I overheard Tom sighed loudly, sitting next to me.

"What did they say this time?" I asked.

"They're on their way, which is what they said two minutes ago," he said with a straight face. I looked at him, and let out a laugh. He was calling then nonstop, complaining that he wanted his food.

"It probably Bill's fault, now when they get here my food is going to be cold," he continued his complaining.

"Sh-" I was cut off by the noise of the door opening.

"Fucking finally," Tom said jumping up and running to them. I followed closely behind, waiting for them to hand me my food. Once we got settled on whose orders was whose, we all sat on the sofas, digging in. It had been a long day, with no pauses, unless it was to change sets, costumes, or to retouch makeup, or interview times. There were two sets left for this shoot which meant Alan and I were two sets away from going home. I ate silently, as the boys laughed at some joke Tom made, I smiled to make him feel good. I kind of didn't want to leave. I mean yeah, I had gotten off to a bad start with Georg and finding out he had a girlfriend but I felt like we had passed that. And as for that, well the boys tried to maintain distance between us and I was happy for that. Amidst of all my thoughts about leaving the boys, Rivers came to mind. If it wasn't for this shoot, I wouldn't even had known what she was doing with her life. I remembered what Tom said, if only we had gotten here sooner, I might have seen her.

"You okay, Tana?" Bill muffled, covering his mouth since it was full of food.

"Yeah, I was just thinking how quick we did this photoshoot. I kinda don't want to leave, but there are only two left and after Alan and I have to go back, and it's just gonna be hard," I semi-lied, sighing.

"Aww, love. We're gonna miss you too," he responded, placing his hand on my knee, giving it a slight squeeze. I smiled at his gesture, and continued to eat.

"So, I say as soon as were all done eating we should start packing up and get back to the house, so we can take Alan and Tana out," Gustav suggested.

"Yeah, speaking of, where do you guys want to do? We could go shopping, the beach, movies, anywhere you guys want to go," Tom asked, looking at us for answers. I looked at Alan and shrugged, trying to think of something fun we could do.

"Honestly, anything would be good for us, whatever you guys plan we're ok with," Alan answered for us both. The boys nodded, and looked at each other trying to figure something out.

"Hey why don't we go to the county fair they have every year, it's all fun and games and it's a great distraction," Georg suggested.

"I think that a great idea, I'd really like going to that, if you guys don't mind," I said excitedly. The boys smiled in amusement, and nodded.

"Yeah, if that's what you want to do, then sure," Tom said, smiling at me. I nodded, yes.

"So, I have to ask Alan and Tana have you guys ever been you know more than friends," Bill asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I stifled out a laugh, and elbowed Alan.

"Me and Tana? No," he answered, honestly. "A lot of people have though that but we always keep it just friends, right Tan?" I nodded, yes, taking a spoonful, trying to avoid and conversation. "That and I'm talking to someone from school, a friend of Tana's."

"Well, that makes sense. As for you Tana I'm sure there are a line of boys," Bill joked.

"Yeah, I wish. It isn't as easy as it sounds. Guys don't really fall for the quiet ones," I joked.

"Well, your beautiful, and they should," Tom slightly whispered, just enough for us to hear him. I heard Georg clear his throat, in discomfort. I played with my hair, trying to hide my red blushing face. I had finished eating so I packed the leftovers in the bag and got up. I brushed off any crumbs that were on me, stretching slightly.

"I'm gonna go clean up, ok," I said, breaking the silence, walking away, exiting the room. I walked down the halls of the building, reaching the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, turning on the faucet, letting the water run. I wet my hands slightly, washing my face. I wasn't the best with compliments, especially not when it was from a musician, that I was working for. I tried to brush it off, and turned the water off, opening the door, to see Georg leaning on the wall.

"Hey," I said, closing the door behind me.

"Hey, at least this time we didn't bump into each other," he joked, giving me a smile.

"Yeah," I said, trying to avoid eye contact. I would've preferred we did, so I could've just walked away after, but having a conversation impeded me from doing so.

"You did a good job with the shoot today, it kind of makes me sad, you're leaving so soon," he said.

"Yeah I'm a bit sad to leave too but I was only here for the photo shoot. Well, I better get back to the boys," I said, trying to get away from there. Without waiting for a response, I pushed past him but before I could even get through he grabbed my arm. I looked up to meet his eyes, confused by his actions.

"To be honest, I wanted to spend more time with you," he said candidly. I looked away, once again trying to hide my red face, as we stood in the middle of the doorway. Not sure of what to say I just stood there breathless. Part of me scared that someone would catch us.

"Sit next to me on the Ferris wheel," he whispered, moving his grip on my arm to hold my hand. I watched him, silently, not knowing what to say. This guy had a girlfriend and I was not ok with that, but at the same time, I wanted to sit next to him.

"We'll see," I said, trying to remove my arm out of his hand, walking back on set.

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