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In my short but very busy years of being a photographer never had I ever felt like this. Whenever I thought I could take a seat, someone would come and tell me to do something. If I needed any more reason to regret agreeing to the tour, that was one. My feet hurt from so much running around to make sure I got the shot of the moment. Bill assured me that I found it hard due to the fact that it was my first tour, which may have been true.

"Great job, guys" Alan high fived each and every one of them. I stood on the side, hoping none of the four sweaty men would come near me. But that hope was shut down when Gustav came and engulfed me in a hug.

"Eww, get off me, you smell so bad," I begged, trying to get away from his grip. The more I fought, the tighter he hugged me. Within a few seconds, I felt someone else hug me from the side.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna die," I dramatized, holding my breath. The two men let go of me and I turned to see who was the second hugger. Georg. You may recall our previous encounter was, well quite scandalous. This whole time building up to the show I ignored him and kept my distance. Diana had left a few hours before the show so he was alone for the tour, but I wasn't planning on being involved in that so being distant was the best option. Only he didn't seem to think the same.

"Hey T, we're going to get some food, wanna come?" Tom asked, placing his arm around me, as I tried to maneuver my way around him. I wasn't planning on taking a shower today cause I was so tired but because of these men who didn't respect personal space I had to.

"Firstly, don't ever hug me when you guys are all sweaty and smelly, and second, no thanks I'm not hungry. I think I'm just gonna go back to the hotel and edit some pictures for you guys to post," I planned my night. I figured that it would be best to get editing done the night of the show so that way I wouldn't be drowning in it later in the tour.

"Want us to at least bring you something?" Bill asked as the boys departed from my side into their dressing rooms. I stood there thinking of what I could possibly want.

"If you guys go to a place where they sell shakes, could you bring me one?" I asked. Bill nodded his head as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. I walked down the hall with my camera in hand. It was painfully quiet. Opting to go to the office room that the boys had rented out from us to chill instead of my room, I walked back in the direction I had just come from. A silent ping came from my phone.

AL: The boys and I left to get food, we'll bring you that shake you wanted ok

For some reason, I felt extra lonely tonight. The feeling of having no one to talk to kill me. I wasn't the type to normally feel this way but I had my days. It didn't help that I didn't have many friends so there was no one I could really talk to.

Only one person came to mind. I reached to get my phone, scrolling through my contacts. Reaching the name of the person, I swiped right to dial, hoping that it was still their number.

"Hello," they answered. I recognized that voice anywhere. I sat there unsure of what to say.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" they asked kind of impatiently. I sighed before saying anything.

"Rivers?" I spoke softly. I heard a slight shuffling on the other end. I really hoped that she wouldn't hang up on me like the other times.

"Montana, hey," she answered calmly. Well, it was an improvement.

"I'm sorry, I know that you have made it clear that you don't want to know anything about us but um. Um, umm, I saw the set you made a few weeks ago for Tokio Hotel and I got curious. But I think this was a mistake, so I'm just gonna go," I said, ready to hang up on her.

"NO," she shouted. "Um, I don't think it was a mistake. I've been thinking about you lately, and I wanted to call you but about a month ago my phone got ruined and I lost all my contacts. Actually I'm relieved because I was scared you would reject me as I have. I'm glad you called," she admitted. Even though I couldn't see her, I knew that she meant it. I missed her so much and I just needed her.

"So you work with Tokio Hotel?" her curiosity peeking through the phone call. It didn't take much for me to begin to tell her everything that had happen in my first encounter with the band. For the first time in years I talked about myself. After all these years, I told someone how I felt. And it was liberating. Once I was done spilling out my heart, I wait for Rivers to say something. I knew it was a lot but I also knew only she could help me.

"Wow, um sorry I'm a bit in shock. You aren't like this, but try talking to him. Set your ground. Figure out where you stand. The more you avoid him, the harder it will be to keep your distance because you won't truly know his intentions, so you'll just be drawn to him," she advised, it was worth a try. At this point I would do anything, to keep him away.

"But, Tan, it's best if you stay away from him, especially if he has a girlfriend, things could get messy, and it'll make you look like the bad person, not him," she said truthfully. I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Thanks, R. How's-?" my question interrupted by the office door open. Standing in the doorway was Georg come in with a cup in his hand, I sat up straight, as the space filled with boys.

"Hey, um, I'm gonna call you later ok, the boys just got back," I said to Rivers, as she agreed to talk tomorrow.

"Who was that?" Alan asked, his face filled with curiosity. I wasn't ready to tell him about Rivers, and not when not too long ago we had a fight about me not wanting to talk to her. I would sound like a total hypocrite and I wasn't too sure that I could trust her.

"My mom," I lied to him as I reached for the shake in Georg's hand. The boys nodded and went to the back to their rooms, leaving me alone with Georg. I really wished they wouldn't do that.

"They only had vanilla but I thought that we could stop by a food market, and we did, so here's chocolate syrup, you can mix it in, and make it chocolate. I know it's your favorite," he said, handing me the Nesquik syrup.

"How'd you know that it's my favorite?" I asked him, as I did as he suggested. He took a seat next to me and let out a small giggle.

"Well, I may or may not have looked up some facts about you, there was this page about you on the Retro website and it mentioned it there," he admitted. I nodded and opened my mouth to talk but shut up soon after. I wasn't ready to be straightforward with him, I decided to wait until maybe tomorrow.

"Thanks, I really like chocolate," I joked as I took a sip of my shake, turning to offer him some.

He shook his head no and smiled at me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, sweet dreams," I said. I walked silently to the door when I heard Georg call my name out.

"Yeah?" I questioned him, as I enjoyed the shake in my hand.

"Would you mind if I hang out with you in the room?" he asked. I stood there silent. What should I say? Let's just say that Montana Gonzalez was not the best when it came to making a decision. Somehow I always managed to pick the wrong of all wrongs. What could go wrong?

"Sure," I already knew that I would regret this in the morning but there was no way I could feel any worse than what I already did.  

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