Chapter 3 - Wtf Merle

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After about a 15 minute drive we finally made it and ran up to the department store roof snapping the chain.
"MERLE!" Daryl yells as we run. As we got closer I saw Daryl fall on his knees so I run to him hugging him.
"NO! NO!" He was screaming over and over crying a little. It was Merles hand laying on the ground with a bloody saw next to it with hand cuffs dangling down form the pipe thing. Until he stood up running over to Rick aiming his crossbow at him but I ran in front of them.
"Stop Daryl!" I said as he finally lowered his bow after a minute. He was pacing back and forth thinking until he asked Glenn for a rag giving it to him. He took the rag grabbing Merles severed hand wrapping it up putting it back into Glenn's bag as he kind of gaged a little.
"Look, theirs a trail, maybe we'll find Merle passed out or somethin." I said trying to cheer him up a little. T grabbed Dales tools from the roof and we all ran back down following his blood and we ended up in the kitchen place thing. Two dead walkers laid on the ground.
"Asshole had just enough in him to take out these two sons a bitches. One handed." Their was a stove burning with pieces of burnt skin everywhere.
"Merle." I heard Daryl whisper quietly
"Any man can pass out from blood loss. No matter how tuff." Rick said but me and Daryl ignored him.
"Ugly skank." He said pointing at the walker coming near us shooting it.
"You think this was Merle?" Glenn asked. As Daryl reloaded his crossbow he said
"Toughest asshole I've ever met our brother." He said motioning to me.
"Feed him a hammer he'd crap out nails." I said and Daryl nodded,
"Yeah, he stopped the blood, there's no more trails." Daryl said.
"Must have used his belt." I said looking up at Daryl and he nodded cause his belt was next to the iron slate with skin on it.
"Told you he was tuff, nobody can kill Merle but Merle." Daryl said looking at Rick.
"He's still lost a lot of blood." We walked over to a shattered window
"Had enough in him to break out of this death trap." Daryl said pouting at the shattered window.
"Why the hell would he do that?" Glenn asked
"Why wouldn't he, he's out there alone as far as he knows." I said
"Doin what he's gotta do to survive."
"You call that surviving?" T asked Daryl
"No better than being handcuffed to a roof and left to rot by you sorry pricks!"
"You couldn't kill him, ain't so worried bout some dumb dead bastard." Daryl said to Rick as they were face to face.
"What about 1,000 dumb dead bastards? Different story?"
"Do what you want, I'm gonna go get him." He said about to move away from Rick but he pushed Daryl back
"Get your hands off me!" He yelled
"Shut up!" I yelled at him
"We're not alone here!" I scowled him
"I get he's family but you need to keep a leveled head, then we can look around a couple blocks for him." Rick said looking at me and Daryl.
"Not without those guns. I ain't strolling on the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions." T said looking at Rick. We walked into another room to discuss the plan to get the bag and find Merle. After Glenn finished me and Darrell were very surprised
"Hey kid what did you do before all this?" Daryl asked
"Deliver pizzas, why?" We all look around exchanging looks nodding at Glenn's plan. Me and Daryl were standing in the ally waiting with Glenn for the right moment so he could get the bag. T and Rick were two blocks down incase Glenn got cut by walkers. Glenn took off heading for the bag as I stood out just a little watching if walkers came near him. He looked fine so I walked back to Daryl closing the gate. About thirty seconds later Glenn came running back and me and Daryl both held up our crossbows
"Woah woah not dead not dead!" I open the gate with Daryl still holding his crossbow up just in case. Just as we close the gate this kid my age maybe a little older came running from the alley. Me and Daryl both hold our bows at him and he starts screaming something in Spanish I'm guessing.
"shut up!" Daryl yells at him until suddenly this car pulls up and two guys jump out trying to grab the bag of guns from Glenn. I sling my crossbow over my shoulder and run to get the guys off of Glenn. The bag ends up falling down with Glenn and one of the guys grabs me.
"Get off me asshole!" I yell trying to pull out my knife but he is like 10 times my size so my struggling didn't work. Until Daryl shot the other one is the ass before he could grab the bag and they dragged me in the car with them driving off dropping my bow.

Daryl's P.O.V
"Son of a bitch! I'm gonna kick your nuts up in your throat!" I yelled punching this Mexican kid in the face. But before I could pick him back up and do it again Rick grabbed me pulling me of of him.
"Woah woah woah STOP!" He yelled breathing sort of heavy.
"This bastard and his bastard homie friend took Jessica! I'm gonna stomp on your ass!" I yelled at the kid as Rick pulled me away and T was holding the kid on the wall. Walkers were pulling up on the fence door thing.
"We're blocked off, we need to move!" T-dog shouts
"Back to the kitchen go!" Rick yells and we drag this kid with us as I run behind them grabbing Jessica's bow as Rick grabs the guns. We ran back into the kitchen office place and put the kid on the floor.
"Those men you were with, we need to know where they went." Rick said talking to this kid who looked about Jessica's age but he looked a little bit older.
"I ain't telling you nothing." The kid said
"Jesus what the hell happened back their?" T asked
"I told you this little prick and his douche bag friends came out of nowhere and tried to jump us." I said pacing still watching the kid.
"Your the one that jumped me, puto. Screaming about finding your brother." He said and I was pissed
"Well you took my sister, could have taken Merle too!"
"Merle? What kinda hick name is Merle? I wouldn't name my dog Merle." He said and I jumped at him but Rick stopped me. Then after I relaxed for a second I had an idea. I went over to Glenn's bag and took out the rag with Merles hand throwing it on the kid as he jumped in discuss throwing it on the ground.
"That's what happened to the last guy that pissed me off!" He was on the ground and I pulled him up a little
"Start with the feet this time!" I screamed at him but office smart ass again pulled me off of this kid.
"Listen your men took his sister, and we want her back we just want to talk to them. work something out." Rick said motions towards me showing the kid the sister was mine. He gave in and showed us the place and we loaded up some guns before going.
"One wrong move you get an arrow in the ass." I said scowling at the kid sitting on the ground.
"G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours just so you know." He said back to me and I look at him with confusion of this "G" guy.
"G?" Rick asked
"Guillermo. He the man here." The kid said
"Ok then, let's go see Guillermo." Rick said clocking his gun back ready to fire. T goes up on the roof, me, Glenn and Rick walk forward to this building thing with the kid in front. I had Jessica's bow across my shoulder and mine ready to fire and Rick with his gun ready as well with Glenn. We walked up to these big metal doors finally opening up. One guys stepped out with others behind him inside.
"You ok little man?" He asked the kid
"Their gonna cut off my feet." He tilts his head in confusion
"Cops do that?" He said looking at Rick.
"Not him, this redneck puto here!" The kid saids to "G"
"Cut off some dudes handed showed it to me." Then some guys walk out
"Hey that's that prick right there homes!" He said pointing to me with his gun and my bow up.
"The one who shot me in the ass!"
"Chill, dude chill." G said to this guy
"This true? He wants his feet? Pretty sick man."
"We were hoping more for a calm discussion." Rick saids to G.
"That hillbilly jumps Felipe's little cousin, beats on him, threatens to cut off his feet, he gets and arrow in the ass and you wanna have a calm discussion? You fascinate me."
"Heat of the moment" Rick saids with his gun still up at this kid.
"Mistakes were made on both sides."
"Who's that dude to you anyway you don't look related?" He said motioning to me and Rick
"A friend, and the one you took is in fact related to him."
"You got my brother in there too?"
"Sorry fresh out of white boys. But I got a white girl, you might be interested in." He said and I knew it was Jessica.
"I have one of yours you have one of mine, sounds like a fair trade." Rick said to G.
"Don't sound even to me." He said
"G?" The kid said
"Where's my bag of guns?"
"I think you're mistaken." Rick said
"I don't think so." Rick cut him off
"About it being yours, that's my bag of guns."
"Anyone can go around saying it was theirs. What's stopping me from making my people unload on you right here, right now?"
"You could do that." Rick said but motions to T-dog on the roof.
"Show em." G yelled and then two guys on the roof came out with someone tied up and a bag over their heads, pulling it off. It was Jessica. She had tape over her mouth and was being held by the men on the very high roof.
"You come back with him and my bag of guns, or come back locked and loaded. We'll see which side spills more blood." He said turning around going back inside.
"Dam it" I whispered to myself going back the way we came. We went back to the kitchen place and loaded up our guns as we all explain the plan.
'Here goes nothin.'

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