Chapter 58 - Im Back

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We drove most of the day and by my guess was it was around 2. I couldn't wait to get back and see Daryl, Carl, and Ethan. After all I haven't been away from my son for that long ever and it bugged me. The feeling inside you if they are ok. They were just always on my mind. Now being a mom I see why Lori was how she was. Even though I don't like it I understand now. I started to recognize the area we were in and I was getting excited. I pull my crossbow out and sling it over my shoulder ready to leave. About two minutes later Abraham honks the horn and the gate opens. We pull inside and I see Daryl talking to Denise. I run out of the RV and jump onto Daryl.

"Hey." He said as I hugged him and he put his arm around me.

"Good to see you back." Denise said as I pulled away from Daryl.

"Where's?" I start but he finished for me knowing what I was going to say.

"At your house." He said and with that I ran back to my house. My crossbow hitting my back as I ran but I didn't care. I ran up the few steps we had and I open the door.

"Carl! Ethan!" I yelled looking around the house.

"Jessica?" I heard a voice call back. I look up the stairs and see Carl and Ethan at the top.

"Your back!" He said and I smile running up the stairs to him. I throw my arms around both of them because he was holding Ethan. He held Ethan with one arm and put the other around me.

"I missed you." I said and kissed him on the lips. Every time I kissed him was like the first time I ever did kiss him, sparks. Im so glad I still do get sparks when we do kiss. After I pull away Ethan is starting at me with his beautiful blue eyes and smiling at me. I smile back at him and Carl hands him to me.

"Hey baby. I'm back." I say holding him. He lays his head on my chest and I rock him side to side slowly.

"He just woke up. Wide awake now." Carl said and I nod.

"Hey we need to talk." He said as we head down the stairs.

"About what?" I ask and we sit in the living room.

"About Maggie." He said not looking at me anymore.

"What's wrong with Maggie? She's not dead is she?" I ask frantic.

"No no no, she's fine. For now." He let out a sigh at the end.

"What do you mean for now?" I asked putting my crossbow on the coffee table we had and still holding my baby boy.

"Denise ran some tests, and well.... She um....... Sh-" he was stuttering

"Carl spit it out!"

"She has AIWS." He said

"Mind telling me what that is?" I asked

"Don't make fun of it." He said

"Why would I makes fun of something serious, just tell me."

"It's Alice in wonderland syndrome. Or microscopia. She has it." He finished

"Symptoms?" I asked

A/N: Guys this is a real thing I'm not making it up. I did research and everything just for you guys. But I'm gonna add some symptoms like head ache, chills, or something like that. I'll leave some information about it right after this note so if you don't believe that then I don't know what to tell you. ;)

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