Chapter 39 - Jobs

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We all woke up the next morning and Dianne was at our door of course.

"I have found jobs for all of you. Rick and Michonne I would love it if you two would be the sheriffs around here." She said and Michonne looks at Rick.

"That's perfect for you office smart ass." I smirk at him and he just shakes his head.

"Long story." He said to a confused Dianne.

"Sure I used to be one." He said and she smiled.

"Of course you did." She said.

"If you don't mind me coming in to talk?" She asked and he nodded letting her inside. She stood in front of all of us sitting about to speak.

"Maggie, I want you to be my constable. Daryl, Aron said he has a job for you and since I can't think of one for you I'm ok with it. Abraham, Rosita, Sasha, and Kirsten will keep watch at the guard towers. Tara, you will help Denise the doctor here in the medical room. We have another doctor but he's not himself right now so I need you there to help her. Oh and Rick, do you want Carl to go to school or...?" She stops

"I would like so school but not a lot." Rick said

"You too Jess." Daryl spoke up.

"Ugh for real?" I asked looking at Daryl

"Yes for real." He said and I roll my eyes.

"Don't worry I have a job for you and Carl." She said looking at us.

"What?" I asked as Carl handed me Judith.

"I thought about what you said earlier. About how people need to protect themselves. Since you two clearly know what your doing I want you at least once a day to teach these people. Teach them how to survive out there." She said

"Ok sure." I said and Carl nodded as well.

"Great. Oh and Glenn you will be working with my boys handling runs and things like that." She said and he nodded as she left. Some girl named Jesse stopped by and she cut Ricks hair and dropped by some supplies for us from the pantry. We finally decided to split up in the houses since it was pretty tight. But before that Rick and Daryl walked around the houses for what? I don't know. They came back and they spilt us up in the houses. The house we were all in was me, Daryl, Rick, Michonne, Kirsten, Sasha, and Carol. The other house was Abraham, Rosita, Tara, Glenn, and Maggie.
Note: sorry if I forget someone just bare with me. They didn't exactly explain the rooms very well so just go with it....
We got settled and Dianne made us all get to work right away. I got Daryl to take a shower and he came out with the same clothes on.

"Daryl." I said eyeing his clothing

"You said I had to take a shower. Not change my clothes." He said back

"Whatever." I said just happy he showered. Me and Carl head over to Jesses house to meet her kids because apparently she had one our age and some other kids who are already over there is as well. Dianne said me and Carl don't start till next week because she wants to prepare the Alexandrian's for the change. Said something like
There not used to learning from kids
And how
They might take it as threatening or some shit like that. But anyway we go over their as Rick leaves with Michonne to "work." We had Judith in a stroller instead of carrying her which helped a lot. I pushed the stroller and Carl stood right next to me. We make it to her house and knock on the door.

"Oh hey guys, Ron, Jake, and Enid are upstairs. Go ahead up to their room, it's to the left by the way. Would you like me to take Judith so you can talk to them without her?" She asked me nicely as I take her out of the stroller leaving it on the porch since it doesn't fit inside.

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