Chapter 29 - Lost

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Maggie's P.O.V (right after she got lost from Glenn and Kirsten. I'm sorry I wrote the night scene for Jessica and Carl early. Same for Beth and Daryl. After the next scenes your about to read everyone will be on the same page.)

If you didn't just read that note go back and read it cause it's important ;)
I saw a huge crowd of walkers coming and I start to run. I ran because I didn't see Glenn or Kirsten so I figured they left me. I've been walking for hours now and it's getting late. I set up a small camp with traps incase walkers came. I laid on the ground trying to sleep. I suddenly jumped up to the sound of a women screaming. I ran to find these people fighting off about 12 or 13 walkers so I joined in to help. After we were done a large man carrying a women thanked me.
"Thank you." His deep voice said.
"Yeah we really appreciate it. Do you have a camp?" Another women asked holding a bloody shovel.
"Well, I did but we all got separated and after tonight I'm gonna look for my husband and group." I said sadly trying not to cry.
"Well we can help you. We have no where else to go." The man said.
"Ok, but what about her?" I asked pointing to the lady in his shoulder.
"She's bit, don't worry we'll take care of it. Could you give us a minute actually?" He's asked motioning to the other smaller man and what looked like his son.
"Sure." I said walking a little ways away. I stood behind a tree waiting to hear something. I heard smashing and crying and once they were done called me out.
"Thank you." The large man said and the other man was hugging the "kid"
"We sleep for the night then look tomorrow it's too late now." I said and they nod
"Ok that's fine." The girl said
"I'm Tyreese by the way, that's Sasha." The man Tyreese said
"Maggie." I replied stepping over my walker traps. We laid close together in my little camp set up and went to sleep.

Ok now everyone is at the same times. Glenn, Kirsten and Tara are on the road where they soon meet Abraham. Rick, Carl, Jessica, and Michonne are awake just sitting around the house. Daryl, Beth, and Judith got overrun at the place they were at and our now walking. And Maggie, Sasha, and Tyreese are walking as well. They're just walking not to Terminus yet but that's coming.

If you didn't just read that DO IT cause it's important...

Daryl's P.O.V
Me, Beth and Judith found a house to stay in after the other got overrun. We set this one of fire cause it reminded me of my house and Jessica. Me and Beth were walking and I was holding Judith while Beth made her a bottle with the little water we had left. Until I heard a noise and told her to run. Thankfully Judith wasn't crying and we ran away from the noise. I didn't want to waist an arrow or bullet. We stopped in this road catching our breaths. Beth started to walk a little bit ahead of me to grab something I guess she saw in the road. But I heard a noise and I turn my head to see these two people wearing police uniforms grabbing her putting her on a stretcher into their car. I held Judith tightly and ran to her but I was too late. They drove away with Beth. It was just me and Judith.


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