Chapter 23 - Prisoners?

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Rick's P.O.V (Back when he told Carl to come inside)
"He hasn't come back inside." I said to Lori
"Go get him." She said and I went outside not seeing Carl.
"Carl!" I yelled not getting a response.
"Dam it!" I said running inside to the group.
"There not here!" I said running inside to everyone
"He must have went to look for her!" Lori said
"We gotta go after em." Daryl said
"I know but where to start?" I said pacing back and forth
"Rick, Carl and Jessica are old enough to take care of themselves. I'm sure there ok." Hershel said but I didn't listen.
"I think we should wait till morning." Lori said and I was shocked
"Are you crazy?" I said
"Think about it, if their was really something wrong they wouldn't be back by morning. If there fine they would be back soon. I'm nervous myself but I'm sure if their together they can take care of themselves and each other." She said and I knew she was right
"Ok, but if they're not back in the morning were going out to look for them." I said walking up to my cell.
"Son of a bitch." Daryl said quietly walking to his "spot" where he stays in the head office.

-Present Time, back at Woodberry. It's morning-
Michonne's P.O.V
It was about 8:30 and Andrea was still asleep. I saw the governor and some guy talking. I decided to listen knowing he was probably up to no good.
"You make sure they don't go anywhere, got it? We're gonna use them to take the prison so keep an eye on em." He said and I was confused. Did he have someone captive here? I had to investigate, if he had someone here that isn't supposed to be I need to help them. He said something about a prison, so I'm going out to see if I can find them. I made up a lie to the governor about going out on a private run and he let me go. So I headed to this prison. I snuck a map and saw there was one only about 10 miles from here so I decided to walk. If these people know they have someone missing I might not be the best person to see.

Rick's P.O.V
They weren't back and we started to look around. Daryl went out with T-dog and I kept watch incase they came back. We made a deal to fire 1 gunshot if anything happens. I've been standing out here all day and it looks like it's around 2/3 by my guess. I saw a figure coming from the bushes, but it wasn't a walker. It was a person, she had walker guts covered on her and a sword behind her.
"Your gonna want to let me in." She said to me coming by the fence with my gun pointed at her.
"Because by my guess you have people missing from your group and I know where they are." She said and I was panicked. I let her in not taking my gun off her. I let her in and told her to cover her ears.
"Why?" She asked and I fired my 1 shot to signal T and Daryl. I explained to her what that was for and she nodded. We waited for them to come back and they pulled up with the truck.
"There back?" T asked
"Who the hells this?" Daryl asked pointing his crossbow at her.
"She knows where they are." I said and he almost jumped
"Well where are they?!" He yelled. I made all of us go inside with the girl and we sat in another part of the prison that was blocked from the cells.
"There's a town, Woodberry. Run by this guy who calls himself the governor, he was walking to another guy about this prison and how he was gonna use them to get it." She said and I started sweating
"They got Carl and Jessica!?!?" Daryl was freaking out pacing the room.
"SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled shoving these boxes on the ground.
"Can you take us to them?" I asked and she nodded
"But I don't know where their held, all I know I'd they have em." She said and I nodded.
"You know how to get in. That's what matters." I said and explained everything to the group. We made a plan and we all headed over to "Woodberry." Lori, Hershel, Beth, and Carol stayed behind.
"Anything else?" I asked driving over there with the woman T, Maggie, Glenn, and Kirsten. Daryl was behind on his motorcycle.
"I know they had weapons because he had a pink crossbow, two knifes, and two guns in his room."
"That's them." Glenn said and I nod
"They don't open the front gates, we can go around back. He's got someone who is like his person to take care of the dirty work, names Merle." She said and I almost chocked
"Did you just say Merle?" I asked stopping the car.
"Yes, why?"
"That's Daryl and one of the people he has brother!" I yelled at her jumping out of the car to tell Daryl.
"What! Your bullshitting me!" He yelled at me getting off the bike.
"Daryl why would I lie to you?" I said back
"There no way he would kidnapped his own sister! This is bullshit!" He yelled
"Well I need to know whatever happens your with us?" I asked and he nodded slowly
"For Jessica, that's the only reason." He said getting back in the bike.
"No we walk from here." The woman said and I agreed. We started walking and I realized it was getting dark out. It was pretty late as I was explaining the plan.
"On here it's blank but there's a building, they must be here." The woman who's name was Michonne we found out was pointing on this map of Woodberry she made for us.
"How do you know?" I asked
"Because he never lets anyone near there and the doors are locked. Everywhere else in Woodberry anyone could get to" she said and I nodded
"If their not their I don't know where they'd be." She said we made it sneaking around back. We jumped this fence running to the building realizing she left us.
"Where do that lady go?" Maggie whispered to me as we hid behind this wall.
"Who cares let's go!" I said and we ran to the building.
"Wait this is the guys place." Daryl said stopping."
"So what?" I asked
"Her stuff is in here I have to get it." He said and I nodded fine but be quick. I said and Daryl ran inside and only a minute late came back with her crossbow and Carl's gun.
"Didn't bother to get the knife or her gun." He said and I nodded putting it in my side while holding my gun. We made it to the building shooting the knob causing it to open because we knew it was locked. We run walk inside hearing people talking.
"Now, we're going to move you to a car trunk. Then drive you to the prison and you won't say a word got it?" I heard this guy say while what sounded like ripping tape.
"Fuck you." Someone else said and I knew it was Jessica.

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