Chapter 53 - W's?

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Carl's P.O.V

Me and Jessica haven't been outside the wall since Ethan was born. Well I have but she hasn't since well, a while. Eugene shuts the gate behind us and we head out. I had a pistol and my knife with a long blade. I gripped it in my hands tightly as we got farther into the woods. Jessica had her crossbow out and ready.

"So how long you want to be out here?" I whisper to her.

"As long as I need." She said. I nod and we keep walking. Suddenly I hear footsteps coming from close by. Me and Jessica both turn towards the noise. We take about three steps until she grabs my arm and pushes me on the ground. We fall behind these dead trees on the ground and she puts her finger to her mouth indicating me to be quite. I nod and she lays her crossbow on the ground and takes out her gun. I do the same and I lift my head slightly. I look up to see this group of about four guys messing with walkers. But they weren't ordinary. They had W's on their heads and were taunting the walkers. Me and Jessica both looked confused as hell and started quiet. We waited for them to leave. They messed with the four walkers and let em go. Until I saw one coming towards me. I had no choice because it was two inches to killing me. I shoot it and it gets their attention. Jessica's eyes widen in anger and frustration but she knew I had too. She shakes her head and suddenly we hear a voice.

"Stand up and show yourselves." They said. We stand up slowly and I grip the hand on my gun. They had their guns on us as we stood up.

"You following us?" One of them asked.

"No." Jessica spoke.

"Why did you hide from us?" He asked

"I don't play nice with strangers." She said

"Hhm. Interesting." He said

"Why y'all out here anyway? Not safe for some kids out here alone." He said

"Good thing we ain't kids." She said

"Oh really?" His eyes widen

"Yeah, now can you move along now we got shit to do." She gritted her teeth together.

"Oooo got a mouth don't you." He said

"Oh you have no idea." I spoke. He scanned us both.

"Hey what happened to your eye kid?" He said looking at my eye. Before I could answer Jessica spoke

"None of your god dam business." She spat at him. His eyes widen again

"You should be a little more polite to a man with a gun." He said

"And you should be a little more polite to a girl who could kick your ass." She smirked. I was baffled by her comment. I had no clue what her plan was and I was nervous. She must have a plan cause right now their isn't one.

"Oh really?" He smiled back showing his black teeth. The others also smiled with their ugly black teeth showing.

"Well before I kill you, y'all got a camp? Don't look like you've been out here too long." He said

"Longer than you know." I said

"Well to cut to the chase, put your guns down and turn around." He said pulling his gun back ready to fire. I turn my head to Jessica and she looks a me back. She nods and we put down the guns. Suddenly I see something sticking out from behind her. I forgot she had a gun before we left she always carried. It was behind her in her back pant pocket. We both slowly put down the gun we had. We raise our hands in the air slowly.

"Now turn around." He said. I stood their not moving knowing if she turned around he'd shoot her.

"You deaf or something? I said turn around." He said again. I stood their not moving as did Jessica.

"Why don't you?" She said and he looked confused. His men look around until the sound of gunshots go off. Me and Jessica duck and wait for the sound to die down. I stand up to see Daryl standing their with my dad.

"Jessica!" Daryl yelled and she shot up and breathed a sigh of relief. She ran to him hugging Daryl.

"Thanks." She said. I walk up to my dad and hug him as well.

"How'd you know we were here?" I asked

"Y'all only left 15 minutes ago. Ain't that hard to follow fresh tracks." Daryl said

"But why'd you follow us?" Jessica asked

"Cause you didn't tell me you were leavin and I was worried." He admitted

"Well even though I probably wouldn't be ok if you guys weren't here ya shouldn't have just followed us. We can take care of ourselves." She said

"By the looks of it it sure as hell don't look like it right now." He said back to her

"Shut up." She said playfully hitting his arm. We go back over to where we dropped our weapons. She puts her crossbow over her shoulder and holds her gun in her hand.

"Can y'all head back? I'm not done here." Jessica said

"What if theirs more if em? I don't want you out here alone." Daryl said

"I'm not alone. I have Carl. And my crossbow. And my gun. That's enough." She said

"Fine. But be back soon or I'll kick your ass." Daryl said. Jessica nodded and Daryl and my dad went back.

"Well that couldn't have been better." I said sarcastically

"At least we're still standing." She said. We walk for another 20 minutes and come across some walkers. A group of about eight. Me and Jess go behind a tree so they don't see us.

"We can take em." She said pulling out her knife.

"No Jessica. We haven't killed these things in forever and you wanna take on eight at a time? Your crazy." I said

"That's why you love me and you'll go with me." She smiled and I raised my eyebrow but before I could grab her hand and rebuttal she goes out in view of the walkers. I follow and we start stabbing the walkers. Me and Jessica both stabbed until they were gone. After she stabbed the last one it fell on top of her.

"Little help?" She called out. I walk over and yank off the dead walker body. I held my hand out for her to grab and pull her up. We are both still kinda breathing heavy from the kills.

"Haven't done that in years. It's like a sport." She said

"Next time please don't run out there like a dumb ass trying to get yourself killed." I said

"Whatever." She smiles. We kill about 10 more walkers and we both were ready to go back so we headed back to Alexandria.

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