Chapter 40 - The Party

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Carl's P.O.V

I went back to my house about an hour and a half later. Jessica was in our room with Judith.

"Hey, you know about the party right?" I ask walking in.

"Yeah, and I gotta tell you something." She said

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing crazy don't worry." She said as I was sitting down.

"Ok soooo?" I asked

"Well while I was going back to the house I-I think Ron was hitting on me." She stuttered. I was pissed keeping after I got along with Ron so well and THOUGHT we were having fun he goes and hits on my girlfriend.

"He asked me if he could take me and I told him you would probably take me so I think he got the hint." She said.

"Ok good." I replied.

"So do we have to like dress up for this?" She asked

"Well I asked Carol the same thing when I saw her before coming in and she said to go see Dianne about it." I said

"I haven't worn a dress in like four hundred thousand years." Jessica said

"I'm sure you'll be fine." I said smiling.

>Time for the Party<

Me and Jessica got some clothes from Dianne to wear that were appropriate for the party. She had a mint green dress with a pattern at the top. I had a plain black and white flannel with jeans. She got dressed in the bathroom and I got dressed in the room. I finish up and right as I was about to knock of the door she opens it. She looked amazing. The green looked so beautiful on her with her hair down and wavy.

The dress is the one at the top because it wouldn't load in the story so I'll put it there.

"Wow." I said smiling at her.

"Thanks, you look good too." She said smiling.

"Ready to go?" I asked

"My dad took Judith with him so it's just us. Everyone is supposedly already there." I said

"Cool, then we can be party crashes." She said chuckling. I grab her hand and head down the stairs. As we get to the door she stops.

"Hold on." She said running over to Kirsten's room letting go of my hand. I waited for her as she went in. About 5 minutes later she came back out.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"She doesn't wanna go." She replied as we start walking.

"Well don't worry she's just not used to it yet." I said
"I'm not either but I sucked my ass up and out on this dress." She said and we both laughed.

"But you look beautiful." I said

"Thanks Carl." She replied kissing my cheek. We get to Dianne's house and she opens the door.

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