Chapter 18 - Somehow

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Rick's P.O.V
I decided to go back to the highway. Figure they might go their but I honestly have no clue. Carl was depressed as was I. I know it sounds bad but everyone we know could be dead. I didn't want to tell Carl or Hershel so I kept it to myself. We pulled up to the highway and saw no one.
"We stay here for a little bit, then move on. Their too many walkers out here, we can't hide from all of them."
"Not without Jessica and mom." Carl said
"No dad, don't try to comfort me when the two other people I love in this world could be dead." He snapped and I left him alone as he sat in the car.

Lori's P.O.V
"We're going east. Figure it'll be safe their. Shoulda done that from the jump." T-dog said
"No, go back to the highway that's where Rick would go." I said to T-dog.
"They could be dead for all we know. I hate to say it but it's true."
"My dad could still be ok! So could Maggie!" Beth yelled
"You either go to the highway or let us out." I said and he grunted turing the truck around
"Thank you."

Glenn's P.O.V
I started to head to the highway hoping someone from the group would be there. Maggie was crying and Jessica and Kirsten were sitting in he back seat not saying anything.
"We're gonna find them." I said but no one did anything. Until I heard a noise, like another car.
I saw Daryl and Carol on the bike and I waved slowing down letting them catch up. But before I could stop the car Jessica ran out throwing her crossbow on the ground and jumped into Daryl's arms.
"Your ok!" She cried into his shoulder.
"I thought I'd never see you again!" She was hysterically crying.
"I ain't going nowhere." He said hugging her back.
"Come on, let's go to the highway." Daryl said
"How did you know we were going there?" I ask
"Not important let's go!"
"Wait!" Jessica yelled running to grab her bow off the ground.
"You mind?" She asked Carol who got off the bike getting in the car letting Jess ride with Daryl.
"Let's go!" Daryl yelled and I started the car heading back to the highway. As we drove I saw T's truck and signaled Daryl to slow down as I waited for T to get side by side with me.
"We're heading to the highway!" I shout out the window
"We are too!" He yelled getting behind me again.

Jessica's P.O.V
After I found Daryl I switched places with Carol and we drove to the highway. I saw T behind us and I smiled a little bit.
"We'll find em." Daryl said and I just nodded
"I hope so." We were driving for another 5 minutes till we made it to the highway. Me and Daryl were in front of Glenn and T so I could see better. We pull up and I see Rick, Hershel, and Carl. As soon as Daryl stopped I jumped off and ran to Carl.
"CARL!" I yelled running into his arms and we both fell on the ground hugging. I hugged him so tight and he hugged back.
"Your ok!" He shouts and I just pull him in closer to me. I kiss him in front of everyone not even giving a dam.
"I missed you." I said breaking away and we got up then Carl ran to his mom hugging her.
"How did you find us?" Rick asked
"Well guys tail lights zig zagging all over the road figured he had to be asian driving like that." Daryl said and we all laughed
"Very funny." Glenn said back After we all hugged we were talking about where to go gathering around the car.
"Wait, where's Dale?" I noticed he wasn't there once we came together as a group.
"Didn't make it, I saw a walker get him." Daryl said and I sunk. Dale was like the grandpa of the group and now he's gone. Carl put his arm around my shoulder and I tilted my head on his.
"We need to set up camp for the night." Rick said and we all agreed
"Where is the question?" I said back
"Well, we're out of gas." Hershel said
"We basically are too." Glenn said
"I think theirs a waterfall up ahead. With some sort of wall thing. We could stay there." Glenn said and we all nod.
"Sounds good to me, but we need to do it fast. It's getting cold and we need to make a fire." I said slightly shivering.
"Here." Carl said handing me his jacket.
"No, you need it too Carl, I'll be fine." I pushed the jacket away making him put it back on. All he had was that jacket, a shirt, jeans, and boots. I have a light sweater, jeans, and boots. If he gave me that jacket he would have no protection on his arms and I already did.
"Here, and your taking it." Daryl said handing me a poncho.


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"Thanks." I said putting it on.
"What about you?" I asked because he only had a shirt and pants on as well.
"I'm fine." He said back and I shrugged. We walked to where Glenn said this place was and it was huge. Their was waterfall and stone bricks everywhere. We tried to stay close to the wall and not by the road. T-dog and Daryl made the fire and we all sat their. Daryl sat in the corner by himself and I was with Carl. I could see Daryl was cold so I got up.
"What's wrong?" Carl asked
"I'll be right back." I said and went over to Daryl.
"Come by the fire." I said sitting next to him
"Why? I'm fine over here." He was lying
"Haven't you realized your a terrible fucking liar?" I said sarcastically
"I can see your goosebumps from a mile away now get your ass by that fire or I'll drag your ass." I said smiling and he laughed
"You'll have to drag me." He said so I grabbed his crossbow and ran to the fire.
"Come over here or you don't get it back." I said smiling waving it over the fire.
"You wouldn't." He said back
"Wanna bet?" I said pretending to drop it.
"Fine." He said standing up joining everyone by the fire and I hand him back his crossbow making him sit next to Carol.
"Get em tiger!" I whispered in his ear laughing running back to Carl before he could playfully hit me. I sat back down next to him leaning on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and Daryl glared at him.
"Relax Daryl." I said quietly and everyone chuckled a little bit.
"Y'all are cute together." Beth said and I smiled dozing off to sleep. -----------
I woke up shaking and sweating. It was still dark outside so it must have been really early. I was breathing heavy and Carl was holding me as I jumped.
"Are you ok? You started shaking and sweating so I tried calming you down but obviously that didn't work." He said whispering letting me go.
"I just-just had a bad dream." I replied
"I figured. You ok?" He asked and I nodded laying my head down on his thigh. He was leaning against a wall and I laid on him. He stroked my hair as I tried to fall back asleep.

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